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Mixers Quotes

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Every step closer to my soul excites the scornful laughter of my devils, those cowardly ear - whisperers and poison mixers  (Mixers Quotes) I went to these mixers, you know, where you’re supposed to meet people. and sure enough, some guy asked me for my phone number. But at the end of the evening he gave it back  (Mixers Quotes) I approach mastering a little differently than some of my peers: I spend a lot of time creating a dialogue with the artist and the producers and mixers to try and get what they really are looking for  (Mixers Quotes) Bathrooms are, on a square foot basis, the most expensive room in the house to renovate. If you want to test your heart’s fitness, try shopping for simple bathroom faucets. Add in the cost of the required valves, mixers and trims, and you may need reviving when you see the tally!  (Mixers Quotes) Working with devices and guitar pedals and mixers and synthesizers is what I do, and I prefer people not focus on that because it’s kind of distracting from what the point should be. At least for me, it’s to have the primacy of aurality in the experience of that evening.  (Mixers Quotes)