Mode Quotes

Text Quotes
Working through experience is best for me, just being there and trying to get into the mode (Mode Quotes)
I appreciate the sentiment that I am a popular woman in computer gaming circles; but I prefer being thought of as a computer game designer rather than a woman computer game designer. I don’t put myself into gender mode when designing a game. (Mode Quotes)
Writing a novel is an incredibly free experience. One puts one’s self in a narrative mode. You can go off in any direction - the past, the future, or go laterally, or include one’s own beliefs. It’s total freedom. (Mode Quotes)
There’s no one else I would rather have as my manager than my mom because I know that she has our best interests at heart. Sometimes, it’s hard to separate manager mode from mom mode. I think as our manager, my mom will get more emotional about situations than she would if she was just our manager. (Mode Quotes)
Search is now more than a web destination and a few words plugged into a box. Search is a mode, a method of interaction with the physical and virtual worlds. What is Siri but search? What are apps like Yelp or Foursquare, but structured search machines? Search has become embedded into everything and has reached well beyond its web-based roots. (Mode Quotes)
I’m a big believer in pairing classics with contemporary literature, so students have the opportunity to see that literature is not a cold, dead thing that happened once but instead a vibrant mode of storytelling that’s been with us a long time - and will be with us, I hope, for a long time to come. (Mode Quotes)
I tend to listen to the artists that originally inspired me to start playing music in the first place, because there is a multitude of wisdom that can be gained by bands like Black Sabbath, Depeche Mode, Pink Floyd and the Cure. I think if we were to pay close attention to what’s on the radio right now then we’d lose our identity entirely. (Mode Quotes)
In the interweave of mind and body, dance is a mode that allows people to work through difficulties, anticipate the future, recollect the past, and confront the present. (Mode Quotes)
I try to do a lot of asymmetrical, triangular compositions - I find those work really well for comic book covers in that portrait mode, and I don’t always see that in other artists. (Mode Quotes)
It’s the way the human brain works: when enough events occur in a pattern, we stop thinking and go into macro mode. (Mode Quotes)
To Catholic, Orthodox, and some Protestant Christians, communion involves partaking of the physical real presence of God in the bread and wine of the Eucharist. By contrast, the Torah draws the Jew into engagement with God’s infinite mind. Torah learning is the definitive Jewish mode of communion with God. (Mode Quotes)
The typical workday, particularly in startup mode, is from nine to six or nine to seven, then you take a two-hour break to work out and eat dinner. By that time, you’re relaxed, and then you work until midnight or one A.M. If there was no break with physical activity, you’d be more tired and less alert. (Mode Quotes)
The brilliant thing about swimming is that, while you’re doing it, there’s nothing else you could be getting on with, like the ironing or sorting out the children. My mind goes into free-float mode; some of the best ideas for plots come into my head while I’m ploughing up and down the pool. (Mode Quotes)
One of the characteristics of New Labour - and Miliband is irredeemably of that species - is that, in the guise of a new liberal language, it has adopted the age-old default mode of British foreign policy, namely military intervention. (Mode Quotes)
My life has two modes. One is sitting around writing and contemplating or building things. The other is execution mode. It takes a while to switch from one to the other. (Mode Quotes)
I was 13 when my parents moved to Israel, and I was put in a Scottish mission school. Ninety-nine percent of the children were Israeli... Suddenly, I found myself speaking the wrong language, dressed in the wrong clothes, picked up by the wrong mode of transportation - an embassy car instead of a bus. (Mode Quotes)
If you think about Cisco’s offerings like TelePresence, where it’s an immersive way to communicate for businesses to connect and have conversations in a real-time immersive mode, how that will change health care, how that’ll change retail business, how that’ll change actually travel. There’s lots of changes that we will see going forward. (Mode Quotes)
I know this will blow your mind, but most people would probably never ever get it, but I listen to classical music when nobody else is around. It calms me down and I can get into this, like, deep thinking mode, you know, because there’s really no lyrics to it, so you’re not following something that - that you’re listening to a story. (Mode Quotes)
All handling by IPCC of the Sea Level questions have been done in a way that cannot be accepted and that certainly not concur with modern knowledge of the mode and mechanism of sea level changes. (Mode Quotes)
Being no bigot myself to any mode of worship, I am disposed to endulge the professors of Christianity in the church, that road to heaven which to them shall seem the most direct plainest easiest and least liable to exception. (Mode Quotes)
Around the time I began starving, in the early eighties, the visual image had begun to supplant text as culture’s primary mode of communication, a radical change because images work so differently than words: They’re immediate, they hit you at levels way beneath intellect, they come fast and furious. (Mode Quotes)
I go to dinner with my friends, and we’re like, ‘Let’s put our phones on airplane mode so we can really enjoy each other’s company.’ (Mode Quotes)
Creating the characters is the most creative part of the novel except for the language itself. There I am, sitting in front of my computer in right-brain mode, typing the things that come to mind - which become the seeds of plot. It’s scary, though, because I always wonder: Is it going to be there this time? (Mode Quotes)
Life is entirely unthinkable without any of the creative arts, and they’re all a continuum - the force in question is creativity, not its mode of expression. (Mode Quotes)
Family dinner in the Norman Rockwell mode had taken hold by the 1950s: Mom cooked, Dad carved, son cleared, daughter did the dishes. (Mode Quotes)
I have the utmost respect for synthesizers - Soft Cell, early Depeche Mode. But that’s become a cliche for the 80s. (Mode Quotes)
Depeche Mode have never got over their teenage awkwardness with each other. We’re still like that. Mates but not mates. That awkwardness is there, only now we have families and kids. (Mode Quotes)
A band like Depeche Mode would go out and record them hitting a trash can with a steel rod or something and recording it. And that would be one of their sounds of the drums. I love the creativeness of that kind of really raw sampling. (Mode Quotes)
I wanted to be a rock star. I dreamed of it, and that’s all I dreamed of. To be more accurate, I wanted to be a pop star. This was in the late 80s. And mostly, I wanted to be the fifth member of Depeche Mode or Duran Duran. (Mode Quotes)
I really believe that the more distractions and fixes I remove from my life, the better I’ll feel about myself. The biggest of those is Depeche Mode. It’s the one marriage that survived, but I’m not sure it works - for me, anyway. Jumping on a plane to go somewhere else and be told how wonderful I am doesn’t feel good any more. (Mode Quotes)