Model Quotes

Text Quotes
The American model was celebrated by Thatcherites and New Labour alike, California worshipped as the model of the future, ‘Anglo-Saxon’ embalmed as the fitting metaphor for the shared Anglo-American legacy, Europe denigrated and the rest of the world ignored. (Model Quotes)
Art owes its origin to Nature herself... this beautiful creation, the world, supplied the first model, while the original teacher was that divine intelligence which has not only made us superior to the other animals, but like God Himself, if I may venture to say it. (Model Quotes)
I used to read science fiction a lot, and I still like science fiction when it is a model of how we really are and to see ourselves from another perspective. (Model Quotes)
I think I am a good role model, and a lot of mothers come up to me and they’re really happy, and I think if any girl follows their dreams then anything can happen to them. (Model Quotes)
Well, clearly Apple is a role model of the American innovation whereby it produced all these products - iPod, iPhone, iPad - that are really now dominating all the technology arena in the world. (Model Quotes)
My father... very generous, very philanthropic, very charitable man. My siblings and I and my mother continue with always appreciating and always giving back. It’s something I hope that I’ve become a role model for my children. (Model Quotes)
When you have to do all the more crappy jobs before, you appreciate all the good work that comes out of that. There are many girls who immediately have a top model career, and there are lots of models who are doing things that aren’t as exciting as doing big campaigns and beautiful magazines. (Model Quotes)
I reject the insurance model. I think we should have a free-market approach to healthcare. (Model Quotes)
My father has been my role model. And I always looked up to him - be it his management philosophy or his approach towards life. (Model Quotes)
When the Islamic revolution began in 1979 under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini, it aroused considerable admiration in the Arab street. It presented a model of organised popular action that deposed one of the region’s most tyrannical regimes. The people of the region discerned in this revolution new hope for freedom and change. (Model Quotes)
The Arab Spring has heightened the ideological tension between Ankara and Tehran, and Turkey’s model seems to be winning. (Model Quotes)
What’s interesting about architects is, we always have tried to justify beauty by looking to nature, and arguably, beautiful architecture has always been looking at a model of nature. (Model Quotes)
I modeled a little bit in Georgia growing up. I did catalogs and different things, but then when I came to L.A., I became a professional model. It sounds kind of crazy, but in L.A. was when I was able to start making a living from modeling. (Model Quotes)
Great numbers of Asian Americans do not fit the model minority or ‘tiger family’ stereotypes, living instead in multigenerational poverty far from the mainstream. (Model Quotes)
When I was a model, I started with an opinion, but was encouraged to lose it. It began as play-acting, but then I lost sight of myself a bit: so when I did the audition for ‘Popworld’ and they asked my opinion, I felt like crying with happiness. (Model Quotes)
Always be prepared if someone asks you what you want for Christmas. Give brand names, the store that sells the merchandise, and, if possible, exact model numbers so they can’t go wrong. Be the type who’s impossible to buy for, so they have to get what you want. (Model Quotes)
Legg Mason’s structure is misunderstood by the market. Legg Mason has an affiliate model. They own 100% of their affiliates, which are investment managers such as Permal, Western Asset Management, and Royce. (Model Quotes)
Last time I was starstruck was when I met Roger Federer. He is one of the few athletes that I really look up to - incredibly talented both on and off the track and a great role model for tennis. (Model Quotes)
My waist used to be tiny. I just saw a picture of Miley Cyrus with a little crop top and low pants, and I’m like, ‘That was me growing up in Brazil!’ I had the typical model body, but after babies, it changed. I look more like a woman. (Model Quotes)
I’d like to be more of a bad influence than a role model. I’m getting lots of boys to wear eye-liner again which is good. (Model Quotes)
The reason why it is so difficult for existing firms to capitalize on disruptive innovations is that their processes and their business model that make them good at the existing business actually make them bad at competing for the disruption. (Model Quotes)
Today’s business model is bad for people, bad for the economy and bad for stability and democracy, (Model Quotes)
The factory model of education is a gargantuan bureaucracy. Some kids are good fits - I wasn’t. The system gives you bad grades and tells you you’re stupid. You don’t think, ‘If this kid’s not a good fit, it could be the system’s fault.’ (Model Quotes)
When girls feel bad about their looks, 60 percent avoid normal daily activities like raising their hand in class or even going to the doctor. That means that girls do not show up for life when they don’t feel good enough or pretty enough. A role model can help girls see beauty as a source of confidence, not anxiety. (Model Quotes)
Me and Kylie are sisters, but not everything we can always do together. She’s not trying to be a model. She’s trying to be more like a personality. We’re trying to kind of separate ourselves - not in a bad way! (Model Quotes)
Culture changes because of musicians and actors and actresses. There’s a responsibility there. You may ignore the responsibility. You may choose to be a bad role model. But, you are a role model nonetheless. (Model Quotes)
I didn’t have a role model. My role model was Michael Jordan. Bad role model for an Indian dude... I didn’t have anyone who looked like me. And by the time I was old enough to have what could have been a role model, they were my peers. Aziz Ansari is my peer. Kal Penn is my peer. (Model Quotes)
I’m never going to look like a Nordic model, so I play with what I’ve got. Instead of going gray, I dye my hair bright colors; I have bad vision, so I wear sparkly glasses. I embrace that I look like a crazy lady. (Model Quotes)
Hopefully I’m a role model for positive change for everyone - not just women. It’s very important to find balance between men and women. (Model Quotes)
One-third of all professional baseball players come from Latin America, and Sosa is following role models such as the late Roberto Clemente, a Puerto Rican, from whom he adopted the No. 21. Now he is a model for others. (Model Quotes)