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Modern Quotes

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My mom decorated with lots of antiques. I never liked it when I was a little girl - I wanted to live in a modern house. But now I love it  (Modern Quotes) My mother was a modern woman with a limited interest in religion. When the sun set and the fast of the Day of Atonement ended, she shot from the synagogue like a rocket to dance the Charleston  (Modern Quotes) Our modern society - especially in the West, and especially now - reveres youth  (Modern Quotes) People on death row, the treatment of animals, women’s right to choose. So much in America is based on religious fundamentalist Christianity. Grow up! This is the modern world!  (Modern Quotes) The great thing about university is that they incline you to get up and do it, from the Classics to modern plays, to the humor that Monty Pythons made popular  (Modern Quotes) The modern assault on the environment began about 50 years ago, during and immediately after World War II  (Modern Quotes) The position of modern science, as far as an ignorant man of letters can understand it, seems not a step in advance of that held by Huxley and Romanes in the last century  (Modern Quotes) To attempt this would be like seeing without eyes or directing the gaze of knowledge behind one’s own eye. Modern science can acknowledge no other than this epistemological stand - point  (Modern Quotes) Unlike any other leader in modern American history, we are led today by a president that has decided to pit Americans against each other  (Modern Quotes) Yet for my part, deeply as I am moved by the religious architecture of the Middle Ages, I cannot honestly say that I ever felt the slightest emotion in any modern Gothic church  (Modern Quotes) The modern Little Red Riding Hood, reared on singing commercials, has no objection to being eaten by the wolf  (Modern Quotes) I think the idea of mixing luxury and mass-market fashion is very modern, very now - no one wears head-to-toe designer anymore  (Modern Quotes) Violence and irrationality were so long and thoroughly cultivated among the Irish, and so perfectly ingrained into their nature, that modern civilization has as yet been unable to extract the virus  (Modern Quotes) I’m a modern woman in the sense of I take care of myself, I’m fiercely independent, and I’m really ambitious. Yet I have these old-school thoughts in my mind  (Modern Quotes) The 2004 Election marks the first time in modern political history that Republican voter turnout matched Democratic turnout in a presidential election year  (Modern Quotes) The nearest the modern general or admiral comes to a small - arms encounter of any sort is at a duck hunt in the company of corporation executives at the retreat of Continental Motors, inc  (Modern Quotes) The rise of the Dutch Republic must ever be regarded as one of the leading events of modern times  (Modern Quotes) The fact is that much misunderstanding is often caused by our modern attempts to limit too strictly the meaning of a Greek word  (Modern Quotes) It is a Modern day, and these times need Modern solutions to Modern problems  (Modern Quotes) If you say a modern celebrity is an adulterer, a pervert and a drug addict, all it means is that you’ve read his autobiography  (Modern Quotes) The way Japan had tried to build up a modern state modelled on the West was cataclysmic  (Modern Quotes) The modern artist... is working and expressing an inner world - in other words - expressing the energy, the motion, and other inner forces  (Modern Quotes) To the old saying that man built the house but woman made of it a ‘home’ might be added the modern supplement that woman accepted cooking as a chore but man has made of it a recreation  (Modern Quotes) What makes a book great, a so-called classic, it its quality of always being modern, of its author, though he be long dead, continuing to speak to each new generation  (Modern Quotes) All the modern christian churches have no more authority to preach, baptize, or administer any other ordinance of the gospel than the idolatrous Hindoos have  (Modern Quotes) Modern American cinema seems to me superficial. The intention is to understand a certain reality, and the result is nothing but a photographing of that reality  (Modern Quotes) Europeans know the importance of the Resistance; it has been the shining example of the modern conscience  (Modern Quotes) I also read modern novels - I have just had to read 60 as I am one of the judges for the Orange Fiction Prize  (Modern Quotes) Perhaps more than any other disease before or since, syphilis in early modern Europe provoked the kind of widespread moral panic that AIDS revived when it struck America in the 1980s  (Modern Quotes) The sovereignty of scriptures of all religions must come to an end if we want to have a united integrated modern India  (Modern Quotes)
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