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Modern Quotes

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Air pollution is not merely a nuisance and a threat to health. It is a reminder that our most celebrated technological achievements-the automobile, the jet plane, the power plant, industry in general, and indeed the modern city itself-are, in the environment, failures  (Modern Quotes) Thanks to modern technology, we now can deliver every text in every research library to every citizen in our country, and to everyone in the world. If we fail to do so, we are not living up to our civic duty  (Modern Quotes) I always choose to look, as much as one can, at the supernatural not being something that exists outside of nature, but a deeper, fundamental heart of nature that perhaps humans... have lost touch with. It’s a more primal thing than perhaps we are attuned to in our modern, self-aware way of life  (Modern Quotes) I want to know what changed in fully modern humans, compared with Neanderthals, that made a difference. What made it possible for us to build up these enormous societies, and spread around the globe, and develop the technology that I think no one can doubt is unique to humans  (Modern Quotes) Modern technology has taken the angst out of achieving the perfect shot. For me, the only thing that counts is the idea behind the image: what you want to see and what you’re trying to say. The idea is crucial. You have to think of something you want to say and expand upon it  (Modern Quotes) Our first challenge is to ensure safety of pilgrims, and we will use modern technology for that. We will strengthen our telecom network and will provide special mobile apps to the pilgrims at the time of registration  (Modern Quotes) The Indians may have in their religion and culture a reverence for the land. But then they get into the pressures created by modern society. Unless they are reasonably well-educated, they can’t deal with them  (Modern Quotes) I guess, for me, what started me getting real excited about music was the New York punk and new-wave scene. All those bands looked back to the Velvet Underground and the Stooges and the Modern Lovers as well. But that was back when Television were punk, and the Talking Heads were punk  (Modern Quotes) Messrs. Washington and Lincoln would be appalled and saddened by what their successor, President Obama, and the modern Democratic Party are doing to the nation they dedicated their lives to keep alive  (Modern Quotes) President Obama is one of the great political knife-fighters in modern history. He is a failed president - his economy is bleak, his foreign policy bleaker, his vision for American even bleaker still. But he wins  (Modern Quotes) The way that we are going after ageing, I think, is a problem. The modern medical model is basically designed to attack one disease at a time. Independent of all other diseases and independent of the basic process of ageing itself  (Modern Quotes) I am truly honoured to become ambassadress for Yves Saint Laurent. The brand’s modern vision of beauty is very inspiring, and I am particularly proud to represent such an audacious archetype of woman  (Modern Quotes) I’m a science fiction author at heart, and what I like about the Cthulhu Mythos setting is that, at its core, it is horror science fiction. I can take ideas from modern theoretical science, manipulate them in truly bizarre and weird ways, and remain true to the Cthulhu Mythos vision  (Modern Quotes) As someone who spends a lot of her time on the road, you have to look stylish but comfortable as I’m always in motion. Either traveling for my job, for pleasure, or managing the hectic pace of the modern day  (Modern Quotes) I think one of the reasons movies are the quintessential modern art form is that it is partially a business. The director needs a crew - the writer, the producer, etcetera - and to have that, he needs money  (Modern Quotes) I love movies to death. I spent my entire youth in front of a TV watching old movies and as soon as I was able to get a subway pass when I was 14 I joined the Museum of Modern Art and was there all weekend watching old movies  (Modern Quotes) The scientific and societal achievements of the modern age are undisputable. But after the French Revolution, modernity increasingly emancipated itself from Christian roots, thereby becoming rootless itself  (Modern Quotes) I can pick out people in this city to follow. I can be in a show at the Museum of Modern Art, my space in the Museum of Modern Art is my mailbox, my mail is delivered there. Whenever I want mail, I have to go through this city to get my mail  (Modern Quotes) Monetary reform, if it is to be genuine and successful, must sever money and banking from politics. That’s why a modern gold standard must have: no central bank; no fixed rations between gold and silver; no bail-outs; no suspension of gold payments or other bank frauds; no monetization of debt; and no inflation of the money supply, all of which have proved so disastrous in the past  (Modern Quotes) I think back to the Modern Family pilot when we didn’t know that Julie Bowen had a spotty party girl past, but that’s something that we layered in, throughout the first season. That’s just part of the fun of series television. You get to discover these things  (Modern Quotes) I like doing whatever interests me. It’s a challenge for me to try to make good comics out of any genre I tackle. I trust my instincts in getting me through the more difficult genres for modern readers, like violent crime or horror stories  (Modern Quotes) [Louis Armstrong is] the father of us all, regardless of style or how modern we get. His influence is inescapable. Some of the things he was doing in the 20’s and 30’s, people still haven’t dealt with  (Modern Quotes) Lighting was very primitive. And still it was really the way to learn because sometimes some of the modern technology is so extreme and so compartmentalized that we lose sight of exactly what we’re doing  (Modern Quotes) The novelist loses, every time. Politics is insidious, the modern conduct of war (from shoulder-launched rockets to drone strikes) is insidious. Someone presses a button in California and twenty people are incinerated at a wedding in Pakistan. The killer is spared the sight of the corpses  (Modern Quotes) The characteristic feature of modern capitalism is mass production of goods destined for consumption by the masses. The result is a tendency towards a continuous improvement in the average standard of living, a progressing enrichment of the many  (Modern Quotes) Every modern woman shops everywhere for beauty, but for me it’s mostly the airport or the drugstore.  (Modern Quotes) I have a responsibility to the woman of today - to make her feel confident, modern and above all else beautiful  (Modern Quotes) In the conditions of modern life the rule is absolute, the race which does not value trained intelligence is doomed  (Modern Quotes) The contribution of Islam to history and modern civilization is the product of the efforts of peoples of many races and tongues which came to accept its way of life  (Modern Quotes) If your kid doesn’t have broadband access, that’s a real disadvantage for participating in modern education  (Modern Quotes)
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