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Modern Quotes

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Iran’s most formidable modern leader, Reza Shah Pahlavi, was obsessed with the idea of building a steel mill, but in 1941, soon after he assembled all the components, Allied armies invaded Iran, and the project had to be abandoned.  (Modern Quotes) In the increasingly mechanized, automated, cybernated environment of the modern world a cold, bodiless world of wheels, smooth plastic surfaces, tubes, pushbuttons, transistors, computers, jet propulsion, rockets to the moon, atomic energy man’s need for affirmation of his biology has become that much more intense.  (Modern Quotes) Modern physics has... revealed that every sub-atomic particle not only performs an energy dance, but also is an energy dance; a pulsating process of creation and destruction.  (Modern Quotes) Attention-deficit disorders seem to abound in modern society, and we don’t know the cause  (Modern Quotes) The average attention span of the modern human being is about half as long as whatever you’re trying to tell them.  (Modern Quotes) My writing is called exotic or avant-garde because I write about rural places. Has it really come to this, that if you write about the country you are avant-garde? How did this happen? Modern agriculture and spaces are still so relevant.  (Modern Quotes) I had no idea of the historical evolution of the civilized world’s music and had not realized that all modern music owes everything to Bach.  (Modern Quotes) Put me in a costume, and I’m your man. I must have one of those faces which seems to suit period drama more than modern films and TV programmes. But I’m not complaining, I love going back in time. I feel quite lucky because nobody knows who I am. I can walk about and have ordinary conversations with people.  (Modern Quotes) You have to really dive deep back into yourself and get rid of so much modern analytical categorization. It’s one of the great things poetry does.  (Modern Quotes) Ronald Reagan was long thought to be the most conservative of Republicans. And by any standard today he is the most popular Republican in modern history. Yet he raised taxes 11 times, supported a ban on assault rifles and the Brady Bill, which mandated background checks, and established amnesty for 3 million undocumented workers.  (Modern Quotes) We are increasingly likely to find ourselves in places with background music. No composers have thought to write for these modern spaces, which represent 30% of our musical experience.  (Modern Quotes) There’s no way I’m going to stand up for bad ingredients. We love seasonal ingredients. It’s a false dichotomy to say that modern cooking is at odds with that, but some people want to have a great ingredient and no technique.  (Modern Quotes) The Toothbrush mustache was first introduced in Germany by Americans, who turned up with it at the end of the 19th century the way Americans would turn up with ducktails in the 1950s. It was a bit of modern efficiency, an answer to the ornate mustaches of Europe - pop effluvia that fell into the grip of a bad, bad man.  (Modern Quotes) Investment banking has, in recent years, resembled a casino, and the massive scale of gambling losses has dragged down traditional business and retail lending activities as banks try to rebuild their balance sheets. This was one aspect of modern financial liberalisation that had dire consequences.  (Modern Quotes) I look for the hotels that have figured out the comfortable balance - a modern room that is well designed, and really clean sheets.  (Modern Quotes) No one in the modern history of this country, no president, has done more to move toward a balanced budget than has President Bill Clinton.  (Modern Quotes) Modern women like to think we invented the idea of balancing work and family but women have always done it.  (Modern Quotes) I’m not against banking. Banking allowed our modern society to happen, it is essential. It connects the work through finance, so banking is good.  (Modern Quotes) In the modern world, it may be that a living father can only be half a father to a boy - the dead father is the other vital half: the half that grows the boy up once and for all.  (Modern Quotes) ... If Islam is to be reconciled with modernity, these voices must be encouraged until they swell into a roar. Many of them speak of another Islam, their personal, private faith. The restoration of religion to the sphere of the personal, its depoliticization, is the nettle that all Muslim societies must grasp in order to become modern.  (Modern Quotes) Classical tragedy was the war between good and evil. We wanted evil to be defeated and good to be victorious. But the battle in modern tragedy is between good and good. And no matter which side wins, we’ll still be heartbroken.  (Modern Quotes) The modern sympathy with invalids is morbid. Illness of any kind is hardly a thing to be encouraged in others.  (Modern Quotes) In retrospect, I think a lot of 80s fashion shoots are the ones that look the most modern. The fitness-based ones that are really minimal. It’s clean, healthy, t-shirt, beach hair... it’s athleisure.  (Modern Quotes) What art was to the ancient world, Science is to the modern; the distinctive faculty. In the minds of men, the useful has succeeded to the beautiful.  (Modern Quotes) It’s great to design a beautiful, modern, sleek home like you’d see in a magazine. But if it doesn’t suit your lifestyle, it’s really wasted.  (Modern Quotes) I love my Force Fins, which are the kind of fins Special Forces use and really are adapted from the fins of fish. They’re very efficient. They are so beautiful, a pair is in the Museum of Modern Art. The set I have are ruby red. I call them my ruby flippers.  (Modern Quotes) The violin is very beautiful. Some people relate it as the shape of a lady, but, whether you like it or not, it’s been so for more than 400 years, unlike modern stuff that easily looks dated. But I think it’s very personal and unique that, although each violin looks pretty similar, that no two violins sound the same.  (Modern Quotes) The beauty of science and the nature of scientific revelations constitute part of the modern theologian’s perspective and toolbox.  (Modern Quotes) Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: But a woman who fears the Lord,She shall be praised.(Proverbs 31:30 Modern King James Version)  (Modern Quotes) The loss of courtship in modern days - like, people don’t court anybody anymore. There’s no beauty about it.  (Modern Quotes)
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