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Modern Quotes

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The Dalai Lama says Tibet and the modern world can engage in a conversation; perhaps Tibet has something to share with the rest of us based on its researches into mind, and we have a lot that we can share with Tibet.  (Modern Quotes) Librarians are wonderful people, partly because they are, on the whole, unaware of how dangerous knowledge is. Karl Marx upended the political landscape of the twentieth century sitting at a library table. Still, modern librarians are more afraid of ingnorance than they are of the potential devastation that knowledge can bring. (p. 192)  (Modern Quotes) Modern man’s difficulties, dangerous beliefs and feelings of loneliness, spiritual emptiness,and personal weakness are caused by his illusions about, and separation from, the natural world.  (Modern Quotes) Now, some of the most dangerous places for women to be in the world are modern, Western, rich European countries. Why? One reason. Islamic immigration - it’s got to stop.  (Modern Quotes) We have a history in country music of writing about the darker side of things - maybe not as much in modern times, but there’s a lot of cheating and self-deprecation. We sort it out in song, in country music, as a genre.  (Modern Quotes) What Darwinian theory shows us is that all human races are extremely close to each other. None of them is in any sense ancestral to any other; none of them is more primitive than any other. We are all modern races of exactly equal status, evolutionarily speaking.  (Modern Quotes) New applications will have to deal with big data. We have to analyze it on the fly, so we have to have a system that is transactional and analytical at the same time. We cannot have a multi-stage system. This is too slow for modern applications.  (Modern Quotes) All couples have been told to schedule regular one-on-one time. ‘Date night’ is the default answer to most problems in modern marriages. And research backs this up.  (Modern Quotes) Being a club pro and all, a guy trying to keep up with golf’s modern technology, I hadn’t found much time for Internet dating, but then one day I knew I’d met the girl of my dreams when she replied to a comment I’d made on You-and-Me.com. She said, ‘I love it when you talk equipment to me.’  (Modern Quotes) I’ve always had a massive fascination with the modern day cowboys. Modern day outlaws or going against the system, and that’s always been very intriguing to me.  (Modern Quotes) When I look at the people who are the guiding figures in modern dance, I think, ‘This does not look to me like the way I want to spend my days.’  (Modern Quotes) The activity of modern poets stands under the decree of necessity, as though they were building a pyramid, the monstruos residence of a dead King or an unborn God.  (Modern Quotes) I am not good at dealing with the modern media. I have not felt I have been as effective as I should be.  (Modern Quotes) Intruding upon a dimension rightfully ours, modern medicine robs us of the dignity of what people in the past regarded as most precious: that final moment of death.  (Modern Quotes) Death Race was a very modern action movie and it used all of those modern action techniques with lots of hand-held camera, lots of punchy zooms, and lots of quick movements and quick cuts. In 3D, I didn’t want to do that anymore.  (Modern Quotes) What decent philosopher was ever an appeaser? The former is a rare catch among the multitudes of modern opinionists. His role is to be one who loves truth. That is a place where his love for humanity is more powerful than his love for hot air about empowering humanity.  (Modern Quotes) If you want to be a modern citizen of the world, you have to be minimally capable in technology. It’s a new literacy test. Technology rules your outcome in life. And software is making a lot of decisions in our lives.  (Modern Quotes) You don’t have to paint your walls lime green just to try to have your home feel decorated. If you’re a classic dresser or preppy dresser or a modern dresser, you wear a lot of black - whatever it is - your home should reflect that as well.  (Modern Quotes) Because the soul has such deep roots in personal and social life and its values run so contrary to modern concerns, caring for the soul may well turn out to be a radical act, a challenge to accepted norms.  (Modern Quotes) I think that one possible definition of our modern culture is that it is one in which nine-tenths of our intellectuals can’t read any poetry.  (Modern Quotes) I think that one possible definition of our modern culture is that it is one in which nine- tenths of our intellectuals can’t read any poetry  (Modern Quotes) By no definition of any modern scientist is intelligent design science, and it’s a waste of our students’ time to subject them to it.  (Modern Quotes) The rivalry between the Montague and the Capulet kids seems very modern to me. Juliet is a free spirit, full of untapped love and passion. I think a lot of girls can relate to her. And it’s very relevant in terms of kids defying their parents.  (Modern Quotes) Defeatism about the feasibility of plans for disarmament and ordered peace has been the most calamitious of all the errors made by democratic governments in modern times.  (Modern Quotes) But we don’t have an example of a democratic society existing in a socialist economy - which is the only real alternative to capitalism in the modern world.  (Modern Quotes) In a modern world where a majority of women say, ‘I don’t need you, I’ve got my money, I’ve got my stuff,’ I say, ‘I desperately need men.’ My whole album is a tribute to men. It takes a man in me to tell you that I’m on my knees for men.  (Modern Quotes) To be modern is to find ourselves in an environment that promises us adventure, power, joy, growth, transformation of ourselves and the world - and at the same time that threatens to destroy everything we have, everything we know, everything we are.  (Modern Quotes) Exposure is about, among other things, the ferocity of the press and the way - in an echo of some of Shakespeare’s plays - the modern media creates heroes to destroy them.  (Modern Quotes) If women had equal access to fertilizer and modern farm machinery, developing countries would produce between 2.5-percent and 4-percent more food.  (Modern Quotes) In 2005 we have a once in a generation opportunity to deliver a modern Marshall plan for the developing world.  (Modern Quotes)
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