Modesty is the only sure bait when you angle for praise

Modesty is the only sure bait when you angle for praise
Modesty is a virtue that is often overlooked in today's society. In a world where self-promotion and boasting are encouraged, it can be difficult to remember the importance of humility and modesty. However, as the saying goes, "modesty is the only sure bait when you angle for praise."When we think of modesty, we often think of someone who is humble and unassuming. A modest person does not seek attention or praise for their accomplishments, but instead lets their actions speak for themselves. This can be a difficult trait to cultivate in a world that values self-promotion and individualism, but it is a quality that is truly admirable.
In the context of seeking praise, modesty can be a powerful tool. When we are modest about our achievements and abilities, it can actually make others more likely to praise us. People are naturally drawn to those who are humble and unassuming, and they are more likely to recognize and appreciate our accomplishments when we do not boast about them.
On the other hand, when we are constantly seeking praise and attention, it can actually have the opposite effect. People may see us as arrogant or self-centered, and they may be less inclined to praise us for our accomplishments. In this way, modesty truly is the only sure bait when angling for praise.
Modesty is not about downplaying our achievements or pretending to be less capable than we are. It is simply about recognizing that we are not the center of the universe and that there are others who are just as deserving of praise and recognition. By being modest in our actions and words, we can actually attract more praise and admiration from others.