Moliere Quotes

Text Quotes
I want to be distinguished from the rest; to tell the truth, a friend to all mankind is not a friend for me (Moliere Quotes)
It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do (Moliere Quotes)
It is the public scandal that offends; to sin in secret is no sin at all (Moliere Quotes)
Of all follies there is none greater than wanting to make the world a better place (Moliere Quotes)
The more we love our friends, the less we flatter them; it is by excusing nothing that pure love shows itself (Moliere Quotes)
There’s nothing quite like tobacco: it’s the passion of decent folk, and whoever lives without tobacco doesn’t deserve to live (Moliere Quotes)
Birth is nothing without virtue, and we have no claim to share in the glory of our ancestors unless we endeavor to resemble them (Moliere Quotes)
There is no fate more distressing for an artist than to have to show himself off before fools, to see his work exposed to the criticism of the vulgar and ignorant (Moliere Quotes)
There is no reward so delightful, no pleasure so exquisite, as having one’s work known and acclaimed by those whose applause confers honor (Moliere Quotes)
There’s a sort of decency among the dead, a remarkable discretion: you never find them making any complaint against the doctor who killed them! (Moliere Quotes)
Once you have the cap and gown all you need do is open your mouth. Whatever nonsense you talk becomes wisdom and all the rubbish good sense (Moliere Quotes)
The defects of human nature afford us opportunities of exercising our philosophy, the best employment of our virtues. If all men were righteous, all hearts true and frank and loyal, what use would our virtues be? (Moliere Quotes)
One cannot but mistrust a prospect of felicity: one must enjoy it before one can believe in it (Moliere Quotes)
There is something inexpressibly charming in falling in love and, surely, the whole pleasure lies in the fact that love isn’t lasting (Moliere Quotes)
Gold is the key, whatever else we try; and that sweet metal aids the conqueror in every case, in love as well as war (Moliere Quotes)
Esteem must be founded on some sort of preference. Bestow it on everybody and it ceases to have any meaning at all (Moliere Quotes)
There’s nothing people can’t contrive to praise or condemn and find justification for doing so, according to their age and their inclinations (Moliere Quotes)
The most effective way of attacking vice is to expose it to public ridicule. People can put up with rebukes but they cannot bear being laughed at: they are prepared to be wicked but they dislike appearing ridiculous (Moliere Quotes)
Everything that’s prose isn’t verse and everything that isn’t verse is prose. Now you see what it is to be a scholar! (Moliere Quotes)
The public scandal is what constitutes the offence: sins sinned in secret are no sins at all (Moliere Quotes)
The only people who can be excused for letting a bad book loose on the world are the poor devils who have to write for a living (Moliere Quotes)
When we are understood, we always speak well, and then all your fine diction serves no purpose (Moliere Quotes)
Grammar, which knows how to lord it over kings, and with high hands makes them obey its laws (Moliere Quotes)
I would like to be like my father and all the rest of my ancestors who never married (Moliere Quotes)
The scandal of the world is what makes the offence; it is not sinful to sin in silence (Moliere Quotes)
Each day my reason tells me so; But reason doesn’t rule in love, you know (Moliere Quotes)
I might, by chance, write something just as shoddy; But then I wouldn’t show it to everybody (Moliere Quotes)
People are all alike in their promises. It is only in their deeds that they differ (Moliere Quotes)
To inspire love is a woman’s greatest ambition, believe me. It’s the one thing woman care about and there’s no woman so proud that she does not rejoice at heart in her conquests (Moliere Quotes)
You have but to hold forth in cap and gown, and any gibberish becomes learning, all nonsense passes for sense (Moliere Quotes)