Moment Quotes

Text Quotes
Un momento con una donna capricciosa vale undici anni di vita noiosa. A single moment with a fiery female is worth eleven years of a boring life (Moment Quotes)
In this life, no matter what anyone promises you, what allegiances of love or fealty they swear or what gods they pray to, you will never have more than what you have at this moment (Moment Quotes)
For a split second they stared at each other. A fleeting, lasting moment. One person noticing another person out of a whole crowd of strangers (Moment Quotes)
Life was precious. Life was fragile. Here one moment, gone the next. Every second should be milked for all it’s worth because you never know when the bottom was going to drop out (Moment Quotes)
I was blinded by stupidity for a brief moment in our life, for a flicker in the eternity in which you and I live, and I stumbled (Moment Quotes)
A mother is a mother from the moment her baby is first placed in her arms until eternity. It didn’t matter if her child were three, thirteen, or thirty (Moment Quotes)
She had always lived her best life in dreams. She knew no greater pleasure than that moment of passage into the other place, when her limbs grew warm and heavy and the sparkling darkness behind her lids became ordered and doors opened; when conscious thought grew owl’s wings and talons and became other than conscious (Moment Quotes)
Pain is not wrong. Reacting to pain as wrong initiates the trance of unworthiness. The moment we believe something is wrong, our world shrinks and we lose ourselves in the effort to combat the pain (Moment Quotes)
He was making her feel small and absurdly petulant and, worse yet, she suspected he was right. She always suspected he was right. For a brief irrational moment, she wished she could walk away from him. Then she wished, more rationally, that she could love him without needing him. Need gave him power without his trying; need was the choicelessness she often felt around him (Moment Quotes)
I stare at her for a long moment. I want to kiss her. I want to kiss her more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life (Moment Quotes)
In the presence of their love I sensed my lonliness, and I understood for a moment, clearly, that deep and basic human desire for companionship at depth (Moment Quotes)
I learnt too late that what is most important to us is always most precious at the moment it occurs, and it is precious in its absolute immediacy and not as some vague confirmation of future directions; since the only certain fact, aside from death, is the flimsiness of everything (Moment Quotes)
In the unceasing ebb and flow of justice and oppression we must all dig channels as best we may, that at the propitious moment somewhat of the swelling tide may be conducted to the barren places of life (Moment Quotes)
I learned you pay for your happiness. That’s why I don’t expect to be happy all the time. I’d rather be surprised by one moment every so often to remind me that joy is possible, even if I have to pay for it later (Moment Quotes)
She looked at me as if for a moment she would seek someone who would understand the dreadful predicament of a woman, in this world ruled by men (Moment Quotes)
Beauty consists of its own passing, just as we reach for it. It’s the ephemeral configuration of things in the moment, when you see both their beauty and their death... Does this mean that this is how we must live our lives? Constantly poised between beauty and death, between movement and its disappearance? Maybe that’s what being alive is all about: so we can track down those moments that are dying (Moment Quotes)
Every atom in your body is the same quark in different places at the same moment in time (Moment Quotes)
If it is true that there is no greater sorrow than to remember a happy time in a state of misery, it is just as true that calling up a moment of anguish in a tranquil mood, seated quietly at one’s desk, is a source of profound satisfaction (Moment Quotes)
People claim that love is the deepest feeling, but don’t you believe it. Loneliness is the most affecting of human emotions. Nothing makes life more vivid. If you wish to live in the moment, I recommend intense loneliness (Moment Quotes)
Here was a silence between them for a moment, and she wondered if all women, when in love, were torn between two impulses, a longing to throw modesty and reserve to the winds and confess everything, and an equal determination to conceal the love forever, to be cool, aloof, utterly detached, to die rather than admit a thing so personal, so intimate (Moment Quotes)
Perhaps she saw before her a lifetime of walking on the ruined earth and chose instead a single moment in the air (Moment Quotes)
Perhaps the most important thing we bring to another person is the silence in us, not the sort of silence that is filled with unspoken criticism or hard withdrawal. The sort of silence that is a place of refuge, of rest, of acceptance of someone as they are. We are all hungry for this other silence. It is hard to find. In its presence we can remember something beyond the moment, a strength on which to build a life (Moment Quotes)
And in this curious state I had the realization, at the moment of seeing that stranger there, that I was a person like everybody else. That I was known by my actions and words, that my internal universe was unavailable for inspection by others. They didn’t know. They didn’t know, because I never told them (Moment Quotes)
Anna, falling in love with you was like coming home to a place I didn’t realize I’d been missing all my life. You’re the only person I’ve ever known who accepts me for who I am, right in this moment, faults and all, and isn’t waiting for me to become someone else (Moment Quotes)
Maybe reading was just a way to make her feel less alone, to keep her company. When you read something you are stopped, the moment is stayed, you can sometimes be there more fully than you can in your real life (Moment Quotes)
... it is not for the illusion of a moment to govern the choice of a lifetime (Moment Quotes)
There is no getting around the fact that the moment you are at your very best is the moment you begin to become worse and worse. Others will come along who can run faster, jump higher, hit harder, and you will be forgotten. Your winning moment is dated to die (Moment Quotes)
The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the beauty of life lies (Moment Quotes)
The eighteen years he has lived seem but a moment, a breathing space in the long march of humanity. Already he hears death calling. With all his heart he wants to come close to some other human, touch someone with his hands, be touched by the hand of another (Moment Quotes)
People weren’t firecrackers who burst into the night sky with brilliance and glory, and a moment later faded away to nothing. Our souls had to be more lasting than that (Moment Quotes)