Months Quotes

Text Quotes
Who gave you the ability to contemplate the beauty of the skies, the course of the sun, the round moon, the millions of stars, the harmony and rhythm that issue from the world as from a lyre, the return of the seasons, the alternation of the months, the demarcation of day and night, the fruits of the earth, the vastness of the air, the ceaseless motion of the waves, the sound of the wind? (Months Quotes)
I actually think I left 10 to 20 pounds on the stage, because it went up pretty easily. Seven hundred has been an accomplishment I’ve wanted for a while, but the last few months, as my training has gotten better, I knew this was going to be a reality. That’s when I knew I was getting close and this could really happen (Months Quotes)
Data are pointing to very strong growth in the fourth quarter. The pessimistic viewpoint, which has seen its grip on reality slip to the last knuckle in the past few months, is now holding on by its fingernails (Months Quotes)
Grandparenthood is a unique moment in anyone’s life, as countless kind people have told me in recent months, so I am enormously proud and happy to be a grandfather for the first time and we are eagerly looking forward to seeing the baby in the near future (Months Quotes)
I do what most women do. I meet someone and some of it’s right, maybe he looks right, or has the right job, or the right background, and, instead of sitting back and waiting for him to reveal his other bits, I make them up. I decide how he thinks, how he’s going to treat me, and, sure enough, every time I conclude that this time he’s definitely my perfect man, and all of a sudden, well, not so suddenly perhaps, usually around six months after we’ve split up, I see that he wasn’t the person I thought he was at all (Months Quotes)
I remember I was a scared rookie, hitting.220 after the first three months of my baseball season, and doubting my ability (Months Quotes)
How I envy those clerks who go by to their offices in the morning! There’s the day’s work cut out for them; no question of mood and feeling; they have just to work at something, and when the evening comes, they have earned their wages, and they are free to rest and enjoy themselves. What an insane thing it is to make literature one’s only means of support! When the most trivial accident may at any time prove fatal to one’s power of work for weeks or months. No, that is the unpardonable sin! To make a trade of an art! I am rightly served for attempting such a brutal folly (Months Quotes)
Books are like your children. They take nine months to write; the manuscript weighs six pounds and... you send them out into the world and hope that some day they’ll send back money (Months Quotes)
What does it mean when a man falls in love with a radiant face across the room? It may mean that he has some soul work to do. His soul is the issue. Instead of pursuing the woman and trying to get her alone, away from her husband, he needs to go alone himself, perhaps to a mountain cabin, for three months, write poetry, canoe down a river, and dream. That would save some women a lot of trouble (Months Quotes)
Months of preparation, one of those few opportunities, and the judgment of a split second are what makes some pilot an ace, while others think back on what they could have done (Months Quotes)
The first two months were painful and they really tested my manhood because there were times I didn’t want to get up because I was in pain. That willpower has to kick in (Months Quotes)
A couple of months in the laboratory can frequently save a couple of hours in the library (Months Quotes)
I look at my yesterdays for months past, and find them as good a lot of yesterdays as anybody might want. I sit there in the firelight and see them all. The hours that made them were good, and so were the moments that made the hours. I have had responsibilities and work, dangers and pleasure, good friends, and a world without walls to live in (Months Quotes)
Its build quality is superb, given that I am a novice to it 6 months ago and being heavy handed it stands up very well. I have trouble thinking of something I enjoy more than setting off and popping the kite and screaming downwind! (Months Quotes)
You’re going to feel good. But no matter how much you rehab you do, you can’t speed up the healing process. I would rather see a guy come back in 14 months and pitch seven, eight or nine more years then come back in 10 months and get hurt again. You cannot mess with mother nature and father time. Nature will heal it if you give it time (Months Quotes)
We get stuck in old thought and behavior patterns that may have been effective when we were twelve months or twelve years old, but now only serve to hold us back. And, while those around us may have no problem correcting our minor flaws, they let the big ones slide, because it would mean attacking who we are (Months Quotes)
I’m not going to entertain something that took place not three months, not six months, not a year but two years ago. I’m not going to sit up here and say anything about it, whether I did or did not do it, because I don’t want to beat a dead horse talking about it. It’s not going to affect me any way, shape or fashion (Months Quotes)
One changes, as a writer, fairly quickly; what you wrote six months or a year ago might not sound right anymore (Months Quotes)
The online shopping paradigm is finally changing. Indeed, I think we’ve seen more innovation in the last 10 months than in the last 10 years. We’ve seen an explosion of interesting technologies and opportunities that seek to change online shopping (Months Quotes)
Perhaps I could best describe my experience of doing mathematics in terms of entering a dark mansion. You go into the first room and it’s dark, completely dark. You stumble around, bumping into the furniture. Gradually, you learn where each piece of furniture is. And finally, after six months or so, you find the light switch and turn it on. Suddenly, it’s all illuminated and you can see exactly where you were. Then you enter the next dark room (Months Quotes)
Investigation may be likened to the long months of pregnancy, and solving a problem to the day of birth. To investigate a problem is, indeed, to solve it (Months Quotes)
Changes that used to take place in 50 years now happen in a handful of years... or even months. And how we deal with that changing technology explains almost everything (Months Quotes)
So setting up automatic savings plans, and buying insurance as opposed to buying a new thing. The newness effect of a new thing wears off in nine months to a year, but financial security can last a lifetime (Months Quotes)
Do we really need school? I don’t mean education, just forced schooling: six classes a day, five days a week, nine months a year, for twelve years. Is this deadly routine really necessary? And if so, for what? Don’t hide behind reading, writing, and arithmetic as a rationale, because 2 million happy homeschoolers have surely put that banal justification to rest (Months Quotes)
A friendship will be young after the lapse of half a century; a passion is old at the end of three months (Months Quotes)
A citizen of an advanced industrialized nation consumes in six months the energy and raw materials that have to last the citizen of a developing country his entire lifetime (Months Quotes)
I might be collecting wheely bins in 12 months time but at least they’ll be wheely bins outside back gates that I know, in a part of the country that I love. There’s no place like home! (Months Quotes)
In 2005, a man diagnosed with multiple myeloma asked me if he would be alive to watch his daughter graduate from high school in a few months. In 2009, bound to a wheelchair, he watched his daughter graduate from college. The wheelchair had nothing to do with his cancer. The man had fallen down while coaching his youngest son’s baseball team (Months Quotes)
It’s been really slow obviously, but I’m not worried about that. I feel like from where I was a couple months ago, things are a lot better. Just being able to skate and stuff was encouraging. Hopefully the next step doesn’t have any hurdles (Months Quotes)
In 1978, in the space of 10 months, 28 leukemia patients came to me and they could all work after six days. It is a portal vein circulation disease, not cancer of the blood. So far 150 leukemia patients have come to me and I could help all of them. Do not fear this disease any more (Months Quotes)