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Months Quotes

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In a baby’s first months, the earliest patterns of intimacy or distrust are forever grooved into his soul  (Months Quotes) Out of the ­10,000 news stories you may have read in the last 12 months, did even one allow you to make a better decision about a serious matter in your life?  (Months Quotes) The greatest victory anyone can taste is the daily challenge to outrun those fears that you vanquished... days, weeks, months past  (Months Quotes) That was the way with grief: it left you alone for months together until you thought that you were cured, and then without warning it blotted out the sunlight  (Months Quotes) Even when I cannot write, I know I am still a writer, just the way I know I am still sexual even if I have not had a lover for many months  (Months Quotes) There are too many unpredictable things that can happen within two months. To me, the ideal trade lasts ten days, but I approach every trade as if I’m only going to hold it two or three days  (Months Quotes) Most television shows are going to require an actor sign up from four to six years, but an anthology show really amounts to five or six months at the most. I thought serious actors might be attracted to that  (Months Quotes) Imagine yourself acclaimed, a decorated national hero, an idol to millions of desperate people, then within six months, condemned to death by hanging  (Months Quotes) There are no minor decisions in movie making. Each decision will either contribute to a good piece of work or bring the whole movie crashing down around my head many months later  (Months Quotes) It can take a few months to get a new 10 minutes. Usually it takes like 10 times of repeatedly trying different variations of a joke until I land on one I think is really good  (Months Quotes) You can’t know if someone’s really your best friend. I think the measure of that is you could not see each other for six months and then when you see each other you laugh the same way you did when you were a little kid  (Months Quotes) In the past few months, I’ve become convinced of one thing: If I were a man, I’d be paid more  (Months Quotes) I do a lot better if I sit around and think about a character for a couple of months  (Months Quotes) I’ve got a pretty wide range of stuff that I’m interested in in life. But producing it gives me a lot more time at home to spend with my family as opposed to being away on location shooting nights for months at a time  (Months Quotes) I feel like the ideal length is three months. I go short and sweet on the engagement. I did have a longish engagement, but I think short and sweet is best  (Months Quotes) Doing a movie is a stressful thing. You spend months of you life focusing into that one project, and I want to make sure I do something I really like or I’m really passionate about  (Months Quotes) When I do a play, it’s like agreeing to be ill for a couple of months  (Months Quotes) You know how some people are unlucky in love? I was always unlucky in exercise. I’d get into a relationship with a workout program or guru, we’d go steady for a few intense months, and then we’d have a really ugly breakup  (Months Quotes) When you’re the lead actor in a drama, you have 2 1/2 months at the end of a season to do other projects, and everything has to get done in that time  (Months Quotes) I’ve given up reading the papers. Since the world’s so obviously bent on killing itself, I decided months ago to sit back and let it  (Months Quotes) There were songs I would write about breaking up with somebody before I broke up with them, months and months before I broke up with them  (Months Quotes) I’m the guy that gets up at three in the morning to jot down an entire sheet of lyrics for something that won’t be recorded for six months. You have to get it down when you can, because thoughts are fluid  (Months Quotes) Theres a fraudulent root element of comedy in that we say things night after night as though they are rolling effortlessly from the brain and off the tongue, when in fact they are crafted over weeks and months and years  (Months Quotes) Most of the time is with the family. Most of the time, is all the time. When we work it’s a very intensive chunk of time. We work for 12 hours a day, 14 hours a day is common. And we’ll do that for a few months and then we get to relax a little bit  (Months Quotes) It took 10 months for me to learn to tie a lace; I must have howled with rage and frustration. But one day I could tie my laces. That no one can take from you. I profoundly distrust the pedagogy of ease  (Months Quotes) I think sometimes you get given a good pile of goodwill, and it’s whether you use it up in the first six months or spread it out over a career  (Months Quotes) ... when there is a war the years are longer that is to say the days are longer the months are longer the years are much longer but the weeks are shorter that is what makes a war  (Months Quotes) There can be as much value in the blink of an eye as in months of rational analysis  (Months Quotes) In summary, all great work is the fruit of patience and perseverance, combined with tenacious concentration on a subject over a period of months or years  (Months Quotes) I have stopped smoking now and then, for a few months at a time, but it was not on principle, it was only to show off; it was to pulverize those critics who said I was a slave to my habits and couldn’t break my bonds  (Months Quotes)
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