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Months Quotes

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Things are going very smoothly. As expected, there are some minor glitches, and the eight minutes that it took us to get to orbit, we trained months and months for, and didn’t have to use any of that preparation, other than being aware and ready  (Months Quotes) You promised to take care of me and not to turn your back on me. How is it possible that you never wrote to me even once and you never came back to see me? Do you think that it is fun for me to spend months, even years, without any news, without any hope!  (Months Quotes) We were number one most added at radio, when the single came out and that’s much different. It took like eight months for any radio to happen on the first record, so a lot more support has happened right out of the box  (Months Quotes) My first tour I was on the road for 18 months. You’re just out there promoting  (Months Quotes) All the papers contained nothing but fantastic stories about the war. However, for several months we had been accustomed to war talk. We had so often packed our service trunks that the whole thing had become tedious  (Months Quotes) I’d gone through periods where I didn’t work live performances for probably seven or eight months at a time  (Months Quotes) I’d rather go to a place and spend a couple of months, get to know it, get to know the people  (Months Quotes) I’m sorry I didn’t go to jail for six months, then I know you could come to see me anytime you wanted to  (Months Quotes) We all laughed. It was more like that whole thing that I was talking about earlier. You go to training camp and after the season is over, you might not see the guys for six months until you go back to training camp  (Months Quotes) I’ll look back and I’d be better to answer that in about three months from now. Or when the movie comes out and I see it. I don’t even know what it is yet. I’ve still been in the middle of it  (Months Quotes) These people are headstrong and if they feel the curb loosed but one link they will with bit in the teeth in one month run further out of the career of good order than they will be brought back in three months  (Months Quotes) We genuinely believe to this day that it was an honest genuine mistake and we never imagined the punishment would be eight months. The precedent dictated that it was unlikely to be that. We don’t regret he played for that period  (Months Quotes) I have this desire to just while away weeks, months and years. It took me two years to make this record but that was with me trying to condense my process and not disappear down the rabbit hole with all the cool things I’ve collected. I could take 10 years and not explore everything I want to with these instruments  (Months Quotes) I had a lot of different thoughts and ideas and always to transform, but I’m trying certain things that I feel my heart is really going for and that was one of the things that I initiated a few months ago  (Months Quotes) We have the crime of the century every six months. So for people like me who enjoy, you know, taking these stories and writing about them, the material is endless  (Months Quotes) After I’ve sent my revised draft to my agent and editor, they suggest more improvement sand again, this revision phase can take anywhere from a few hours to a few months  (Months Quotes) It’s a job and we’re going to work together for six months, so let’s have a good time  (Months Quotes) I had been, you know, held in the closet for two months and, you know, abused in all manner of ways. I was very good at doing what I was told  (Months Quotes) Well, by the end of the millennium, five, six months from now, we hope to somehow manage to move into a new location where we have the whole building, so we can devote space to all our activities  (Months Quotes) I’d met a woman and I got married, but the money ran out right away. I hadn’t had a job for seven months, and it just came over me that I was never going to work again. It hit me  (Months Quotes) Even six months later, they have not figured out how do we help the people from the area get housing  (Months Quotes) Like anywhere, we had to make people understand that we were there with good intentions, and that we were there with respect. We started making contacts with the people in the neighborhood three months before shooting began, so that everyone involved was comfortable  (Months Quotes) Three months. I was playing the organ for three months. It was a challenge for me in the beginning  (Months Quotes) We had to depend on other institutions to do research on our behalf. We had to use the information that already existed to craft the best practices to distribute throughout the country. And we had to do all of that in ten months  (Months Quotes) You know, that’s kind of the thing, I can’t freestyle and I used to always wonder why I couldn’t, and when I would try once out of every six months, but I was always a great writer!  (Months Quotes) I spent two months on the first draft, working 8 hours a day, five days a week  (Months Quotes) It was exactly what was released two months later with the exception of a couple of reaction shots which we went back in to get. I liked the movie very much and asked him what the studio’s problem was. I felt that he was at a point where they might have worn him down  (Months Quotes) The picture has made its million back in four months; I have been overwhelmed by letters, hundreds of them, literally, begging me in my next production not to swing over the shallow trash of mother love, father love, sister love, brother love  (Months Quotes) I think we’re really getting it right the last few months and hopefully we’ll get better and better at it  (Months Quotes) Maybe in a few months I can start to daydream if we are still top of the league. That is the main one for us  (Months Quotes)
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