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Months Quotes

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I’m sorry, but when you’re 12, you don’t need a new mobile phone every few months just because a new one comes out  (Months Quotes) I seem to find different material every four to six months and I frequently forget it which is a shame because it would be nice to have a bigger library  (Months Quotes) If something is good, it doesn’t go out of style every six months. The fashion wheel of today doesn’t have to go as quickly as it was pushed in the 80’s  (Months Quotes) I was working straight for nine months and I’m exhausted. I’m ready to relax for a little while and read. I don’t want to work for work sake; I have to be excited about it  (Months Quotes) I’m not trying to be coy here; we’re just not prepared to give a lot of detail about our thinking, but we will be making some announcements in the coming months  (Months Quotes) There is nothing better than playing a bad girl for two months, then turning around and playing someone sweet. Films give you this opportunity  (Months Quotes) Given six months to live and being the fighter that I am, I set high goals for myself  (Months Quotes) We began a series of court battles for nine months, while I was attending classes by telephone  (Months Quotes) Rosemary was a little nervous about going onstage, but she went on with us. I saw her at a party, and a couple of months later they called me about doing the act  (Months Quotes) I can go days without talking to you, months without seeing you, but not a second goes by that I don't think about you  (Months Quotes) Oil prices have fallen lately. We include this news for the benefit of gas stations, which otherwise wouldn’t learn of it for six months  (Months Quotes) I think we were probably playing live for about 12 months before we got a recording deal  (Months Quotes) I’m getting ready to write a piece now, and it’s been six months thinking about it, changing the instrumentation, changing the name, doing more reading  (Months Quotes) What we’re gonna find out, bob, in the next six to nine months is whether we have liberated a country or uncorked a civil war  (Months Quotes) She is out on bail after spending six months in jail. If everyone is united in their heartfelt welcome, everyone will be happy  (Months Quotes) A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die  (Months Quotes) If a law were passed giving six months to every writer of a first book, only the good ones would do it  (Months Quotes) When asked what he would do if he only had six months to live: Type faster  (Months Quotes) I really don’t care that I don’t have what’s current because whatever is at the moment, it will be infinitely better in a few months and even better months later  (Months Quotes) None of us knows what the next change is going to be, what unexpected opportunity is just around the corner, waiting a few months or a few years to change all the tenor of our lives  (Months Quotes) The early months of marriage often are times of critical tumult, whether that of a shrimp pool or of deeper water, which afterwards subside into cheerful peace  (Months Quotes) I’ve been campaigning for 17 of the last 24 months. I’m ready to legislate and not campaign  (Months Quotes) For the next eight and a half months, you’re going to be mine. Every. Night  (Months Quotes) At the age of 15 months my daughter was diagnosed with very bad asthma, and essentially I put my career on hold for a good eight years  (Months Quotes) The penalty for laughing in a courtroom is six months in jail; if it were not for this penalty, the jury would never hear the evidence  (Months Quotes) The band’s never taken a year off. Last August we decided to take one, and three months in I was bored to tears  (Months Quotes) When you’re unemployed for six months or a year, it is hard to qualify for a lease, so even the option of relocating to find a job is often off the table  (Months Quotes) In England, one without a trace of Royalty will master. Twenty months he will rule; twenty months he will bleed the lands, then his end comes quickly  (Months Quotes) I have lost a little bit of flexibility, but the doctors say with any kind of torn ligament it is not uncommon for the injury to take 16 months to be 100 percent healed  (Months Quotes) You know, my dad was a lieutenant colonel at Ft. Lewis on the 3rd of March, 1941. Fifteen months later, he was commanding a theater of war  (Months Quotes)
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