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The average movie-goer in this country sees six films in a year. That’s one every two months. What the studios are trying to do is make sure it’s their movie  (Months Quotes) I would rather make feature movies because, let’s face it, you take more time. You take seven days to do a show, and you take three or four months to do a movie  (Months Quotes) Fashion is OK for five days, one minute, six months, but style is for the rest of the life  (Months Quotes) I’m quite compulsive about exercise. For two months, I’ll exercise every day, then for three months I’ll do nothing. I love food, so exercise is important for me  (Months Quotes) I was completely unhealthy, obese, so I committed to running three miles every morning for six months and following a strict diet, and 100 pounds came off  (Months Quotes) I am telling you, if you ever wanted an ego boost, leave your job and then, six months later, come back for a day. People will treat you like you’re a princess  (Months Quotes) My wife gave me a year to start making money out of writing, and after six months, I’d made not a bean. Suddenly, the books took off, and the beans started coming in!  (Months Quotes) To write it, it took three months; to conceive it three minutes; to collect the data in it all my life  (Months Quotes) As an actress, there were so many months, years even, when I didn’t get work, when I wanted to quit  (Months Quotes) Right now we have a closure rate between discovery and exploitation of four to six months. We need to be more in the realm of seven to 10 days. That is an enormous challenge  (Months Quotes) He was the kind of man with whom one would have hesitated to pass a lonely evening, but with whom one might cheerfully have looked forward to spending six months  (Months Quotes) I think the act of condensing months or years of work down to a couple hours of entertainment is pretty wild and extremely rewarding  (Months Quotes) An author spends months writing a book, and maybe puts his heart’s blood into it, and then it lies about unread till the reader has nothing else in the world to do  (Months Quotes) An incompetent attorney can delay a trial for months or years. A competent attorney can delay one even longer  (Months Quotes) Television won’t be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night  (Months Quotes) Death by hanging... I deserved it and I expected it, as I’ve always told you. I am glad that I have had the chance to defend myself and to think things over in the last few months  (Months Quotes) Within the first few months I discovered that being president is like riding a tiger. A man has to keep riding or be swallowed  (Months Quotes) I had had some months of depression. Not serious enough to keep me from work. So, I guess you’d call that a mild depression  (Months Quotes) The truth was that for some months he had been going through that partitioning of the things of youth wherein it is decided whether or not to die for what one no longer believes  (Months Quotes) You can’t say, I won’t write today because that excuse will extend into several days, then several months, then... you are not a writer anymore, just someone who dreams about being a writer  (Months Quotes) An incompetent lawyer can delay a trial for months or years. A competent lawyer can delay one even longer  (Months Quotes) A human lifespan is less than a thousand months long. You need to make some time to think how to live it  (Months Quotes) It sometimes takes days, even weeks, before a dog’s nerves tire. In the case of terriers it can run into months  (Months Quotes) You don’t think ahead in years or months: you think about this hour, and maybe the next. Anything else is speculation  (Months Quotes) But it there’s anything I’ve learned in the past few months, it’s that the only thing that’s certain in life is that nothing in life is certain  (Months Quotes) The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few months later, you may be able to go on to victories you never dreamed of  (Months Quotes) I will be dead in a few months. But it hasn’t given me the slightest anxiety or worry. I always knew I was going to die  (Months Quotes) A few months after graduation I was working in films. It took off pretty quick  (Months Quotes) Films are really cool because, every couple months, or however many times you can get a job because there’s a lot of luck involved in that, you’re playing a different character  (Months Quotes) Having a studio tell you when to jump and how high eight months of the year for six years is not a relationship I want to get into again  (Months Quotes)
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