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My education began in the public schools of Wilmington. During most of these years, from about age 10, I also worked at some job or other after school, on weekends, and in the summer months  (Months Quotes) I’m rather pleased with the new manuals. I see Inform now as a gauche young adult, having got past the stage of growing out of his shoes every few months  (Months Quotes) I lived in LA for a few months. It seemed like no one there had parents. Or if they did have parents, they would deny it  (Months Quotes) Griffin, my brother, 11 months younger, was sometimes the victim of my father’s fury - once Ryan famously knocked out his teeth  (Months Quotes) We were in the Arabian Desert for nine months. And I was having the time of my life. It could have been an archeological expedition, a military expedition  (Months Quotes) Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go  (Months Quotes) Now that it’s officially summer, here’s my advice to parents who want to continue teaching their kids during the next two months and learn something themselves: visit Civil War battlefields  (Months Quotes) We need to make it clear that we will withdraw from Iraq within 6 to 9 months - so that the Iraqis will know that they must stand up and defend the opportunity given to them  (Months Quotes) I did a play I think my first six months on the show, called Bullpen. Then I got involved with theater Forty and did this play called Plastic which is about two male models coming to a casting call  (Months Quotes) The M - 1 is the best tank in the world, if you can get it to the war in time, if you have a Saddam Hussein who’ll give you seven months to move your forces in  (Months Quotes) I think the days of putting your feet up when you’re pregnant are long gone. Women who are nine months pregnant now have to work till the bitter end - they don’t get to be on TV  (Months Quotes) So that between the Cape of St. Maria and Japan we were four months and twenty-two days; at which time there were no more than six besides myself that could stand upon his feet  (Months Quotes) Eight months later, having left Columbia, I was studying physics in a summer program and working in Colorado when I decided to enroll as a graduate student in biophysics  (Months Quotes) I spent eighteen months as a graduate student in physics at Columbia University, waiting unhappily for an opportunity to work in a laboratory and wondering if I should continue in physics  (Months Quotes) We just bought a new house, so my wife’s been doing all the moving and other stuff, so I would like to go home and just sit and enjoy all that for a couple months before I gotta start playing again  (Months Quotes) I just got Kill Bill: Vol. 2. I’ve watched it like eight times in the past two months. I just love the scene at the end between David Carradine and Uma Thurman  (Months Quotes) Grinch had so many people in make up - virtually everybody. We had about 100 people a day for five months. And every day we would use 100 sets of appliances  (Months Quotes) ‘Batman’ took 10 months to film, and by the time I stopped working on it, it took a long time before my English accent came out again. I was actually having to try for it  (Months Quotes) There have been many times when you spend a number of months and the finished product is not what you wanted to see. And ‘Batman Begins’ was what I wanted to see  (Months Quotes) And one of the things I’ve tried to do in my first months in office is to give more Georgians - reporters and members of the general public alike - a closer look at how their government works  (Months Quotes) If I could create one job in the private sector by helping to grow a business, that would be one more than Congress has created in the last six months  (Months Quotes) According to Teenage Research Unlimited, 51 percent of 13-15 year olds say they will be faced with making a decision regarding alcohol in the next three months  (Months Quotes) One has this image of the Soviet state and the Red Army as being extremely disciplined but in the first four months of 1945 their soldiers were completely out of control  (Months Quotes) Again, President Reagan was sort of an amiable presence out at the ranch by the last 6 months of his presidency. He had no effect on national policy at all  (Months Quotes) But I did have two months off between Loser and the start of Prozac Nation. So, it was supposed to be Jason time, right? My time to enjoy myself away from movies  (Months Quotes) I went to work with a guy named Matt Fuller, who was a Mothers fan, and low and behold, arthur was working for him also. We worked together for about six months and decided to strike out on our own  (Months Quotes) On the contrary, it might even be a projection of what the truth is of the Bush Administration’s complacency and ineptitude on the terrorism in its first 9 months in office  (Months Quotes) Life in LA is not lying in the sun for months. It is having a 4pm meeting and leaving at noon to sit in traffic for four hours. Its not glam  (Months Quotes) We have a beautiful little boy who is 18 months old and another little boy to be born in October. We are very excited about that  (Months Quotes) Four months is a lot of living with that little life in you-thinking about it, eating right for it, nurturing it and all of a sudden, it dies  (Months Quotes)
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