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So here we are, just two months away from the election, with more and more examples that modern day Jim Crowe laws are alive and well in the state of Florida  (Months Quotes) My family never missed a visit in eight months, ever. I cried coming out. I didn’t cry coming in. There’s a big difference. I believe that God put me there for a reason, Incarceration is serious  (Months Quotes) Towards the end it got really rough. I take my hat of to Alice, he’s still doing it. This is probably more work than going on the road for 2-3 months. I wish I was 25 again!  (Months Quotes) And at no point did making ‘Brothers McMullen’ feel like work or hardship. It was really just a matter of 11 days of fun over the course of 8 months  (Months Quotes) In the days and months I spent walking through the various communities of this city, I found that Chicago did not work for everyone, however  (Months Quotes) It took us 50 months in Germany, post World War II to go from the end of the war to a national election  (Months Quotes) We’ve had some fairly intensive discussions leading up to these meetings between NATO and Russia, preparing for them, and it’s going to be a very important six months for NATO  (Months Quotes) Hospice means end-of-life care. The admission ticket is a diagnosis from a doctor that you have six months or less to live  (Months Quotes) If your house has been on the market for more than four months, take it off the market and re-list it in two months as ‘new  (Months Quotes) Six months after that, I left Taiwan, first for Hong Kong and then for mainland China, where I spent another three months studying still more Chinese and generally kicking around the country  (Months Quotes) The crucial people to get your product started for the first 6 months are not who will be using it 3 years later  (Months Quotes) The transitional period was tough, I won’t kid you. You go from a certain family dynamic to adjusting to a completely new one. It took a few months for us all to fi nd our feet  (Months Quotes) I can do movies maybe that have already been written, but I can’t do anything for months at a time  (Months Quotes) I had been practicing guitar about six months beforehand; I concentrated mostly on the songs I had to play. I got those down pretty well so they could use me actually playing  (Months Quotes) I’ve never been good at accepting jobs six months down the line. I can’t do it. If I’m thinking about this, I can’t think about that. So I always seem to fly by the seat of my pants  (Months Quotes) Filmmaking is about moments. In real life, things might take six months, a year, but [in filmmaking] you have to create the moment where it happened  (Months Quotes) If I worked 8 months on a deal and it didn’t go through - I’d punch a wall, get depressed and change careers  (Months Quotes) Songwriting is never one thing. I’ve spent as long as three months writing a song. Other times I’ve done it in twenty minutes  (Months Quotes) Husband: a man who buys his football tickets four months in advance and waits until the day before his anniversary to buy his wife a gift  (Months Quotes) With novels, you’re sitting at a desk, alone, going slightly crazy, for anywhere from six months to a year with zero feedback  (Months Quotes) Cartoons, often, that you do for the New Yorker don’t appear for months afterwards, and the record for that is a cartoon that was bought by James Stevenson in 1987 and didn’t appear until 2000  (Months Quotes) The Paris attack was highly sophisticated, well-planned, very clever, took months in the making, very much like 9/11. And there is a 9/11-style attack coming to America  (Months Quotes) The cumulative effects of the economic and financial sanctions might well bring the rebellion to an end within a matter of weeks rather than months  (Months Quotes) When I was 19 I went to art school. I had six months of teaching myself to play baritone ukulele under my belt, so was sort of a novice folkie. ... I was singing folk songs at that time  (Months Quotes) I was born at six months, and I weighed 900 grams [less than two pounds]. I have a very heroic birth story  (Months Quotes) I’ve written books that have taken me fifteen years, from first sentence to last, and some that only take three or four months  (Months Quotes) I remember the first sale I made was a hundred and fifty dollars for a radio script, and, as poor as I was, I didn’t cash the check for three months. I kept showing it to people  (Months Quotes) After a few months you stop noticing every incarnation of radicalism and violence. It is so saturated into your reality that it practically fades into the scenery  (Months Quotes) It was not until months after going vegetarian that I started really learning about all of the health benefits  (Months Quotes) Few years ago I did a movie, Good Kill, about drone pilots and for four or five months I’m obsessed with the Air Force  (Months Quotes)
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