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You want to sing this song. And so it goes on until eventually, after - well, however long it can take - sometimes a few days, sometimes months - you piece the whole thing together  (Months Quotes) What a lot of people don’t understand is that the music that they’re hearing is usually months, and in some cases, years old. So I’m a lot better than whatever material people have been hearing  (Months Quotes) Even when I did Ryan Gosling’s movie (Lost River), we had a very 80s kind of vibe and I would say for two or three months after that, I was dressing in a very sort of 80s way  (Months Quotes) I had that perfect deadpan ... for these commercials. Within the first eight months I had eight national TV commercials. I’m a true Hollywood success story - knew no one, had no connections  (Months Quotes) I found out a few months after we started [True Detective] that I was pregnant  (Months Quotes) If everything stops functioning our level will be able to ensure our trade turnover using its gold and foreign currency reserves for at least six months or more, which is more than enough  (Months Quotes) My aim over the next few months is that I have a lot of points to defend in Miami and Hamburg, after that I can set my sights on No. 1  (Months Quotes) One month, two months, I am ready to accept any accord on this point that has the approval of the inspectors  (Months Quotes) I just keep changing, growing, evolving. I’m not the same person I was a year ago. I’m not even the same person I was two months ago  (Months Quotes) Getting a chance to practice six months against my own teammates, who I consider the best soccer players in the world, there’s no way I couldn’t improve  (Months Quotes) No creaking gates, no gothic towers, no shuttered windows. Yet for the past ten months this house has been the focus of an astonishing barrage of supernatural activity  (Months Quotes) I can go days without talking to you, months without seeing you, but not a second goes by that I don’t think about you  (Months Quotes) I’m glowing in the dark with my studio tan. I’ve been in a cave of music for months and months and months  (Months Quotes) I try not to tune in to politics until it’s two or three months before the election. Till then, it’s like watching preseason football  (Months Quotes) Even if it was in haste, I’m glad your parents had unprotected sex around nine months prior to your birth date  (Months Quotes) You remind me of a presidential candidate in that you’re not at all who you seemed to be a few months ago  (Months Quotes) So awkward going back to school and saying hi to everyone you avoided for 3 months  (Months Quotes) These chicks be 9 months and on they due date still clubbing and lookin for their baby daddy  (Months Quotes) A true friend is the one you can go months without talking to and when you reconnect nothing has changed  (Months Quotes) Its amazing that I’m not the same person I was yesterday, or the same person I was a couple months ago. I constantly keep trying to improve!  (Months Quotes) Based on psychologic study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds, you are already in love  (Months Quotes) Take as long as u need to overcome something. Whether it takes u six months, or six years, that is ur time. Take as long as is necessary  (Months Quotes) Take as long as you need to overcome something. Whether it takes you six weeks, six months, or six years, that is your time. Take as long  (Months Quotes) You get to know more of the character of a man in a round of golf than in six months of political experience  (Months Quotes) There are 12 months a year, 30 days a month, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour, but only 1 like you in a lifetime  (Months Quotes) The coverage of Central America in recent months points up one of the ugly truths about the American press: the better the news, the less of it you get. As the war began to turn against the Communist guerillas in El Salvador, there was a palpable dip in the attention paid to it  (Months Quotes) The second episode of any new show can be tough. You have about a week to top the well-crafted and polished pilot episode that was written over six months  (Months Quotes) Sports teaches you there is always a second innings in life. If you fail today, theres a second innings maybe two days later. Maybe theres another opportunity coming up three or six months later. If you look at mistake as learnings and commit never to make a same mistake again, then you actually get better with every mistake that you make  (Months Quotes) My first job was in a nursing home - a terrible place in retrospect. It was in an old house, and the residents were so lonely. People rarely visited them. I only stayed there a couple of months, but it made a strong impression on me  (Months Quotes) It’s nine months before the election and Bush’s poll numbers have fallen to the exact level that his father’s poll numbers were nine months before he lost to Bill Clinton. Today front runner John Kerry said he’s not superstitious, but just to be on the safe side, he’s going to start f---ing everything that moves  (Months Quotes)
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