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Months Quotes

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I went to school at the San Francisco Art Institute, thinking I was going to become an art teacher. Within the first six months I was there, I was told that I couldn’t be an art teacher unless I became an artist first.  (Months Quotes) For months, I slept at work, even though I had an apartment. I’d fall asleep on the floor at 4:30 A.M. By 7 A.M., I was up and ready to start teaching every class.  (Months Quotes) You will find this hard to believe, but I’ve never laughed as much as I did when I was a corporate lawyer. When you’re working 16 hours a day for months at a time, you get punchy. Everything and everyone seems hilarious.  (Months Quotes) I joined the Madras Christian College but dropped out after three months. Telugu music director Ramesh Naidu asked me to assist him, and I did so for over a year. I did think of rejoining college, but by then, I was discovering the musician in me. I worked with Illaya Raja and Raj Koti and soon shifted to commercials. This led to movie offers.  (Months Quotes) People ask me why I don’t paint oils. It takes too long. Cleaning brushes in linseed oil, and it takes six months to really dry, and all this. I don’t have that kind of time. I work with acrylic. It’s water based. You can clean it under water. If you spill it on yourself, you just throw it in the washing machine.  (Months Quotes) I would say that it’s a lot easier, especially if you have a bit of an attention deficit disorder, to be on a movie because you can give it your all, and kill yourself for however many months, and then let it go.  (Months Quotes) Show business can be an addiction. ... An audience would laugh at me one night, and I would chase that high for another three months.  (Months Quotes) I’ve gotten very good at detaching whenever I have to go away for three months, which I realize is hard on friends and kind of selfish.  (Months Quotes) I’ve realized as well after five years of being on the road that if I’m going to four or five months of my life to something even if I’m overpaid, it’s four or five months of my life away from home, away from my son, away from family and friends. I better believe in it on some level even if it’s a big movie.  (Months Quotes) Back in early 1983, my dad was tasked with keeping unions from organizing in his company’s distribution centers. His work pulled him away from home for months on end.  (Months Quotes) Babe Ruth didn’t become her father until 18 months after he married her mother, Claire, on April 17, 1929, Opening Day of the baseball season. Julia was 12 years old.  (Months Quotes) How come life is so important in the nine months before birth, but then we sort of forget about the importance, we’re not worried about whether that baby lives in poverty once he or she is born.  (Months Quotes) I was adopted when I was a baby. My mother carried me for nine months and she held me for one hour, and didn’t see me again.  (Months Quotes) I loved my second trimester! I didn’t feel sick anymore and had more energy. My bloated belly turned into a baby bump, and I definitely looked pregnant. That was a relief because when I was around 4.5 months, you could see people having this inner monologue with themselves, wondering if I ate too much pizza or if I was pregnant.  (Months Quotes) For the first few months, I was a comically inept parent. The first night home from the hospital, I held her bare body against my bare chest until a friend who was a doctor came by and asked what I was doing, and told me to put some clothes on that baby.  (Months Quotes) For months, my parents had been trying to prepare me for the arrival of a real sibling. They had given me a doll to play with and encouraged me to take care of her. And when the baby, a little boy they named Rahm, finally arrived, they encouraged me to help take care of him, too.  (Months Quotes) I’m going to keep it real gully with you; the first two months, I wanted to give him back. I expected someone to come and save me because after you have the baby, nobody cares about you anymore. Nobody cares if you sleep, nobody cares if you eat. It’s just you and this all-consuming thingy!  (Months Quotes) Running just makes me happy. I love the freedom of running. I ran until I was seven and a half months pregnant with each of my babies. When I gave birth to my first son, my doctor said I couldn’t run for six weeks. I was sneaking back out after eight days.  (Months Quotes) He’s probably the only player who doesn’t play for 10 months and, if he scores a hat trick in his first game back, no one would be surprised.  (Months Quotes) I had a disc giving me a lot of trouble, and I had four surgeries. Then I had a staph infection, so they had to open me up five times in four months... It was in the bottom of my back, the same incision. They should have put a zipper on it.  (Months Quotes) I talked about 12 to 18 months, and that’s about reaffirming our foundation for sustained growth: getting the discipline back, getting the basics right, getting the customer focus back... so by the end of next year, I hope most of that’s in place.  (Months Quotes) If you get through the primary and you work very hard for three months and you’re not successful, you go back to being normal. The only thing that changes your life forever is if you win.  (Months Quotes) There’s nothing more romantic after not seeing your husband for four months than to have our first night back together, on a Broadway stage, with 12 million people watching.  (Months Quotes) When I was in the running for the role of Elphaba, I knew it was important to research and study as much background information as I could, so I got my head stuck into ‘Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West’ by Gregory Maguire, and I believe I lost many days, weeks, and months reading it - I was captivated!  (Months Quotes) When working on your own, you can make a choice and find out six months later that you made a bad choice. But when you work with people you trust, who understand your obsessions, you can take risks.  (Months Quotes) I got to dress up in funny clothes and run around New Zealand with a bow and arrow for 18 months, how bad could that be?  (Months Quotes) I have lots of clothes that I don’t wear because I’m bad for impulse buying. They sit in my cupboard looking forlorn, but if I haven’t worn something for a couple of months, I usually realise that it would be much better off in one of my friends’ wardrobes.  (Months Quotes) It’s not that bad things never happen. But there’s a pattern in which most people are calm, resourceful, altruistic, and they improvise emergency systems that work really well - whether it’s getting the babies out of a collapsed hospital or putting together a community kitchen to feed everybody for the next few months.  (Months Quotes) My son Beau got very ill when he was just four months old in Majorca. He contracted a really bad case of gastroenteritis. Everything feels so much worse when you don’t speak the language, and you need that reassuring conversation as a mum, but you can’t have it.  (Months Quotes) It’s amazing that no matter how much money you have, you can make some bad decisions, and in five months you’re on the street, begging.  (Months Quotes)
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