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Months Quotes

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Things are going very smoothly. As expected, there are some minor glitches, and the eight minutes that it took us to get to orbit, we trained months and months for, and didn’t have to use any of that preparation, other than being aware and ready.  (Months Quotes) I don’t like the dislocation of being away for months at a time. It’s not conducive to having a life.  (Months Quotes) I’ve got a pretty wide range of stuff that I’m interested in in life. But producing... it gives me a lot more time at home to spend with my family as opposed to being away on location shooting nights for months at a time.  (Months Quotes) I transitioned to being a vegan slowly. I took out beef and chicken first and did research on alternative forms of protein. Then after a few months, I gave up something else but added in new things. You need to bring in new food when you take away the old food you are giving up. Learn about what foods you should be eating.  (Months Quotes) I’m born and raised in Mexico. I only spent eight months in the States, but definitely English is a really big part of my life, and I love it. Thank God my mom put me in American school because I’m able to be working in the States, and it opens a lot more doors being half and not being only one. It’s cool because I get to turn it on and off.  (Months Quotes) The Stand’ came out in May of 94 and was seen by 60 million people a night for four nights, and then two months later, ‘Forrest Gump’ opened. So within a very short time, I went from being depressed about not getting any work to being in two of the most popular shows of the year.  (Months Quotes) Composing is just another exciting thing. It’s as exciting as being in a band. It’s kind of like joining a new band for three months.  (Months Quotes) Being in a person’s head for five months, where they’re so hateful, is kind of exhausting  (Months Quotes) I’ve been accustomed to being famous and having a certain level of attention for 14 years, but in the last few months, it’s changed. It’s like on the arcade game, I’ve gone up to the next level.  (Months Quotes) I never dwell on what happened. You can’t change it. Move forward. Don’t waste your energy on being angry at something that somebody did six months ago or a year ago. It’s over. Done. Move forward.  (Months Quotes) The frustrating part of being a movie actor is waiting in your trailer to do two takes of a scene you’ve prepared for two months.  (Months Quotes) Acting is a very important thing for me, and I love doing it. But when I’m acting, I spend 14 hours a day and months a time being someone else. When I’m singing, I just get to be me.  (Months Quotes) I enjoy the collaboration. I always envied people in bands who got to have that interaction. I’ve done so many albums where I’ve been in the studio for 14 hours a day for six months just trying to come up with things on my own. It’s a nice change helping other people with their music and not being all about what I’m trying to do myself.  (Months Quotes) I did a lot of work with myself over the course of being pregnant and the first few months of being pregnant. It’s nice, the pace of being pregnant; it gives you a long time to not just germinate a baby but germinate the mother that you’re gonna be.  (Months Quotes) The Nazz survived for 18 months - that was my first taste of fame on some level and of the overall experience of being in a band. There are good and bad aspects, and I got to taste some of both, and, well, it’s not as much fun as what you see in ‘A Hard Day’s Night,’ let me just say that.  (Months Quotes) There’s not one food that causes diabetes. What causes Type II diabetes is being overweight... I’ve just come to grips, over the past four or five months, with my diabetes.  (Months Quotes) If there’s a pregnancy rumor, people will find out it’s not true when you wind up not being pregnant, like nine months from now, and if there’s a house rumor, they’ll find out it’s not true when you are actively not ever spotted at that house.  (Months Quotes) For many women, going back to work a few months after having a baby is overwhelming and unmanageable. As strange as it may seem, things get even more difficult for a working mom after the second and third baby arrive. By that time, the romance of being a modern ‘superwoman’ wears off and reality sets in.  (Months Quotes) I’m destiny’s child. I wasn’t meant to be born: my mother bled for four months when she was pregnant, and then she fell down the stairs in her eighth month of pregnancy. She nearly died; I believe I came into this world for a reason.  (Months Quotes) This is a year and a few months after the transplant. Before I had it my doctors told me that it would be the biggest thing that I ever had to face and believe me, when they take your liver out of ya and put another one in it’s like replacing a football in your stomach.  (Months Quotes) I just didn’t want to get bored playing a character, and that’s kind of the benefit of doing films; you’ve lived with a character for four or five months and that’s it, and you walk away from that character and you feel like you told a story.  (Months Quotes) Eat better or work out more, and youll see the benefits weeks, months or years down the road. Sleep more, and youll see the benefits tomorrow.  (Months Quotes) Learning ballroom dancing is great for your brain. But it only works for three to six months. After that, you’ve got all the benefit you can get, and so you have to move on to yoga, and then Tai Chi, and then bridge, always keeping on the steep part of the learning curve.  (Months Quotes) I’m a grafter, I like working, but like for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, the film company only paid me for the shooting schedule, which was supposed to last six months. But it lasted 11 months and you don’t get paid for extra shooting.  (Months Quotes) I’m so proud of myself. I thought, ‘I’ve got to learn about American history.’ I literally took two months off and watched every documentary known to man. I really didn’t know Benjamin Franklin was so cool.  (Months Quotes) I travel all over the world, usually 10 months out of the year. I stay at a lot of hotels, and the ones I like best are clean and not complicated. You go to bed and say, ‘Wow, I feel comfortable.’  (Months Quotes) I say this about everything: when I was on ‘Neighbours,’ I said, ‘These are the best years of my life!’ When I was filming ‘The Wolf Of Wall Street,’ I said, ‘These are the best months of my life!’ I always think I’m having the best time ever, and that I’ll never have so much fun again.  (Months Quotes) Getting a chance to practice six months against my own teammates, who I consider the best soccer players in the world, there’s no way I couldn’t improve.  (Months Quotes) Chemotherapy can be a long, tough haul - for me, it went on for six months - and the best doctors and nurses become, if only for that period of time, as essential in your life as friends or spouses.  (Months Quotes) I tell my students, if you are going to spend days and months and years with someone, you had better like that person!  (Months Quotes)
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