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Months Quotes

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Batman’ took 10 months to film, and by the time I stopped working on it, it took a long time before my English accent came out again. I was actually having to try for it.  (Months Quotes) The person I always enjoy having a meal with is Cilla Black. I might not see her for months, but then I’ll pick her up at her flat, and we’ll go to a restaurant, and it’s like I’ve seen her that morning.  (Months Quotes) I don’t enjoy good food. I don’t enjoy flashy cars. I don’t care if I live in a dump. I don’t enjoy good clothes. This is the best I’ve dressed in months.  (Months Quotes) If someone said I had enough money and I could take six months off, I would run in an instant  (Months Quotes) There’s so much of a desire in the entertainment industry for newness, a desire to build somebody up and then treat them as old news within six months. I think you’d be naive if you didn’t try to hold on to your own way of doing things.  (Months Quotes) Every two months, I would get an email, ‘Skeleton Twins update: still don’t have the money!’  (Months Quotes) I advocate that every woman be a part of a circle, and a circle that meets at least once a month, or if you can’t do that, once every two months or every four months.  (Months Quotes) When you do a play, you have the kind of nightly feeling of accomplishment. But you also have the daily dread of the doing it every night. And because you’re doing the whole thing every day, it’s like climbing up the mountain every single night. With a movie it’s like climbing the mountain very slowly, over months of filming.  (Months Quotes) I was completely unhealthy, obese, so I committed to running three miles every morning for six months and following a strict diet, and 100 pounds came off.  (Months Quotes) When I first came into parliament, there was, on average, a by-election every three months - due not to MPs bailing out, but because of the death rate.  (Months Quotes) You live these three months in this reality, in this dark reality. You don’t want to do those films every year because they’re taxing. I started smoking a lot of cigarettes.  (Months Quotes) I never liked the bar scene. I tried to like it. I would give it a try every three or four months. I’d think, tonight I’m going out. But I never met anybody in that circumstance.  (Months Quotes) A live action movie is work, and an animated movie is you showing up in your pajamas once every three months, or in my case, just a splash of baby powder. It’s not any kind of heavy lifting.  (Months Quotes) When I was very young in London, I had a bank account, which didn’t have a great deal in it. I should think at least every three months the bank manager would call me up and threaten to strangle me because I had no money, and I was writing checks.  (Months Quotes) I go scuba diving. I ski. Watch movies. I take a week of silence every three months in the wilderness. And, besides, I have fun all the time anyway.  (Months Quotes) Every year, hundreds of thousands of people try their hand at this demanding profession (humor columnist). After a few months, almost all of them have given up and gone back to the ninth grade.  (Months Quotes) When I became director of CIA, it was just clear to me intuitively, without a whole lot of science behind it, that we had expanded rapidly and inefficiently. So I arbitrarily picked a number, 10 percent, and I said over the next 12 months, we are going to reduce our reliance on contractors by 10 percent.  (Months Quotes) Over a period of 11 months, I was constantly afraid that Youth Care would lock me up. It was all a frightening and traumatic experience. So often, these terrible memories come to me. I can’t ignore them.  (Months Quotes) I went to England for five months when I was in high school, by myself, so I did experience a bit of being the fish out of water.  (Months Quotes) Novels, in my experience, are slow in coming, and once I’ve begun them I know I have years rather than months of work ahead of me.  (Months Quotes) The reviewers tear me apart. I bleed. I’m a favorite target. They go along for six months looking at movies, praying for rain, and then a new Sandra Dee movie comes out, and their eyes open, and they lick their lips. Before they’ve ever seen it.  (Months Quotes) Like, every couple of months you read, they rewrite, you come back in, they’ve animated more stuff - they usually videotape you while you’re reading it - so they’ll incorporate some gestures and some facial expressions into it.  (Months Quotes) If D-Day - the greatest amphibious operation ever undertaken - failed, there would be no going back to the drawing board for the Allies. Regrouping and attempting another massive invasion of German-occupied France even a few months later in 1944 wasn’t an option.  (Months Quotes) A Fair Maiden’ existed in notes and sketches for perhaps a year. When I traveled, I would take along with me my folder of notes - ‘ideas for stories.’ Eventually, I began to write it and wrote it fairly swiftly - in perhaps two months of fairly intense writing and rewriting. Most of my time writing is really re-writing.  (Months Quotes) You don’t lock into a ten-year family budget. You take it a year at a time - maybe even six months at a time. And then if the income really comes in the way you hope it does, then you can make some of those expenditures that you’ve been waiting to make. We think that same principle should apply to the national family we call America.  (Months Quotes) There’s nothing glorious about war. There’s nothing glorious about holding your friends in your arms and watching them die. There’s nothing glorious about having to leave your home for 6 to 8 months while your family’s back here and you’re away.  (Months Quotes) I would definitely not rule out doing television in the future because I think it’s a great medium for telling stories. And it can also be practically very nice for a family man to have 9 months out of the year where you’re in the city, where you’re close to your home.  (Months Quotes) It was sad leaving ‘All Saints’ because I was leaving a family that had nurtured me and looked after me for a couple of years, and at the same time that particular storyline wasn’t a surprise to me. I knew I was going. It had been worked out very carefully over many months.  (Months Quotes) I act here and there but you have to commit so far out in advance when you’re directing that you - I’m kind of booked six months out, so it’s hard.  (Months Quotes) As for a fashion designer, you have those very precise deadlines to keep so you have to renew yourself constantly every three or six months. When you think about it, it’s so intense.  (Months Quotes)
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