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Months Quotes

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When you see a fashion show, you see those seven minutes of what was six months of tedious work of, you know, going up an inch and down an inch, changing it from one shade of red to another shade of red. So it’s the same as any creative process. The result is what we see, but the process is really labor intensive and work.  (Months Quotes) We’re living in a world where the response is really instantaneous, even though it’s delayed by a few months. It comes at you pretty fast.  (Months Quotes) It’s always been too slow for me. Playing. The pace of things. I’m a fast sprinter. The trouble was, after playing in the group for a few months, I couldn’t reach that point.  (Months Quotes) I did an episode on the TV show ‘Awake,’ and I thought, ‘Wow, that’s really hard.’ To do that so fast and to do that, if it’s very successful, for nine months out of the year, for a bunch of good years, that’s challenging. But, it was interesting. It’s a good show. You’d have to have a very good character, I guess.  (Months Quotes) I’m a lone wolf. I run by myself on most things. I’ve got lots of really great friends, but the thought of being in a long-lasting relationship? Psh, I couldn’t last more than six months with somebody, let alone have a father figure around for a kid. I mean, if I could give a kid a father figure, that would be amazing.  (Months Quotes) I hate cosmetics companies. They get you addicted to the perfect lipstick or nail polish and then, six months later, they discontinue it. You have to buy your favorite colors like you’re storing up for the Apocalypse.  (Months Quotes) The trick is, when you try a good pair of jeans on, you may not think they’re that great, but you wear them two months, and they become your favorite jeans. They’re tricky. You gotta let them live.  (Months Quotes) You listen to your favorite song just until you’re almost getting sick of it, and then it’s so fun to rediscover it after a couple of months.  (Months Quotes) Instant success are seldom instant and if you talk to the people behind these successes, you’ll find out that they came after months of fear, uncertainty and confusion along with a flagrant lack of adoption.  (Months Quotes) The story of the Alamo has touched many more people than one would think. So, I would like to pay my respects to those men on both sides of the walls in those months of February and March 1836.  (Months Quotes) And then finally, I’m the commander, so I am fundamentally responsible for the lives of the other people on board and the health and longevity of the space station. I need to bring six people back happy, healthy and feeling like they’ve had the best six months of their life.  (Months Quotes) Psychologists maintain that the dizzying feeling of intense romantic love lasts only about 18 months to - at best - three years.  (Months Quotes) On ‘Paranormal Activity,’ it worked to my advantage not to have much of a crew, but on a bigger movie, where you have to work with a larger group of people who basically become your second family for a few months, it can be a great experience. Even though all of my projects are small scale compared to most Hollywood productions.  (Months Quotes) Yeah, I think we did the term Muppets before we got the show Sam and Friends - a few months after I started working.  (Months Quotes) I’ve written books that have taken me fifteen years, from first sentence to last, and some that only take three or four months.  (Months Quotes) When I’m not painting, I’m Oujia-boarding with my photos. I’ll sort through my pictures, put them in different folders, and come back months later to one in particular and try to figure out why I took it.  (Months Quotes) Art doesn’t feed me or fill the void when I am not working. If I haven’t worked for six months, I can’t paint.  (Months Quotes) This January, Kevin Costner will be honored by the Palm Springs International Film Festival for his contribution to film. This gives Costner just two months to make a contribution to film.  (Months Quotes) I stopped making videos and commercials for a few months before I started films just to reset my clock because so much narrative filmmaking is a sense of tempo and rhythm.  (Months Quotes) Making a series can sometimes feel like you’re keeping a secret for months until it comes out; so when it finalizes in front of you, if you like the final product, it can be very exciting.  (Months Quotes) The newness effect of a new thing wears off in nine months to a year, but financial security can last a lifetime.  (Months Quotes) It’s only when the settlement work has gone on for months that one realizes how bad things are. As our secretary said to me, your finger-nails never seem dirty until you wash your hands.  (Months Quotes) When you’re doing a movie, you’re in and out of there in three months. If you hated the experience, it’s all good because you can take the paycheck and leave. But, on a television show, you have to love your character and you have to love the experience because you could be there for awhile, fingers crossed.  (Months Quotes) Research is a lifelong occupation so it’s hard to factor it in, but I reckon most books take 5 months from start to finish.  (Months Quotes) There have been many times when you spend a number of months and the finished product is not what you wanted to see. And ‘Batman Begins’ was what I wanted to see.  (Months Quotes) Movies are great fun and wonderful when they’re good. But you never get to see them till six months after they’re finished. So you never get a sense of whether they’re really well liked or how good they are. And you don’t really know what the finished product is going to be like, because it’s a director’s medium.  (Months Quotes) In a baby’s first months, the earliest patterns of intimacy or distrust are forever grooved into his soul.  (Months Quotes) Except during the nine months before he draws his first breath, no man manages his affairs as well as a tree. We are inclined to believe those whom we do not know because they have never deceived us.  (Months Quotes) I’d never been a teacher before, and here I was starting my first day with these eager students. There was a shortage of teachers, and they had been without a math teacher for six months. They were so excited to learn math.  (Months Quotes) I used to run ten miles every other day and eat very little. I was living in London on my own for the first time and no one was checking on me. I wasn’t anorexic but lost three stone. I weighed around seven. It lasted six months until I ran out of willpower.  (Months Quotes)
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