Moral Quotes

Text Quotes
A photographer is a witness. He has a moral duty. Every picture must be true and honest. I believe a photographer’s strength is his ability to accurately record reality. There are photographers who think they are lucky if they find unusual or special subject. But it is never the subject that is so marvelous. It is how alive and real the photographer can make it (Moral Quotes)
There’s no theme, no moral to be learned, except for the knowledge that lightning can strike from a clear blue sky one morning and take away everything you’ve built, everything you’ve counted on, leaving wreckage and no meaning behind. It can happen to anyone, it can happen to you (Moral Quotes)
I believe it’s a cook’s moral obligation to add more butter given the chance (Moral Quotes)
It’s so dangerous to idealize anything, or anyone, or any place, because it gives that thing or person or place a kind of permission to not have to change, and not have to evolve. It encourages us to bury our heads in the sand, or in values that are really morally neutral but that we pretend are moral goods: tradition, community and family for example (Moral Quotes)
Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible (Moral Quotes)
The most important thing in life is to dare. The most complicated thing in life is to be afraid. The smartest thing in the world is to try to be a moral person (Moral Quotes)
Characters tend to be either for or against the quest. If they assist it, they are idealized as simply gallant or pure; if they obstruct it, they are characterized as simply villainous or cowardly. Hence every typical character... tends to have his moral opposite confronting him, like black and white pieces in a chess game (Moral Quotes)
The people who, during the election, were so wise, so moral, so perfect, now have no tendencies whatever; or if they have any, they are tendencies that lead downward to degradation... If people are as incapable, as immoral, and as ignorant as the politicians indicate, then why is the right of these same people to vote defended with such passionate insistence? (Moral Quotes)
There’s harmony and inner peace to be found in following a moral compass that points in the same direction regardless of fashion or trend (Moral Quotes)
If we cannot have moral feelings against homosexuality, can we have it against murder? Can we have it against other things? (Moral Quotes)
And dead an epoch of our existence, which in a world destined to humiliate us was moral light and resistance (Moral Quotes)
Neither a pathology nor an index as such of moral default, stupidity is nonetheless linked to the most dangerous failures of human endeavor (Moral Quotes)
There must appear a spiritual and moral leadership rising above economic and political situations. Governments in both their domestic and foreign policies appeal for popular support by promises of material gain. We cannot make peace by mere appeal to greed. We must give the peoples of the world something to live for as well as something to live on (Moral Quotes)
Many people are horrified at the idea of birth control... It is simply the keynote of a new moral program (Moral Quotes)
Politicians who wish to succeed must be prepared to dissemble, at times to lie. All deceit is bad. In politics some deceit or moral dishonesty is the oil without which the machinery would not work (Moral Quotes)
A bit ridiculous, but true. The moral of this story is to separate men and women when analyzing number of sexual organs (Moral Quotes)
There is nothing more influential in a child’s life than the moral power of quiet example. For children to take morality seriously they must see adults take morality seriously (Moral Quotes)
Relieved of moral pretense and stripped of folk costumes, the raw masculinity that all men know in their gut has to do with being good at being a man within a small, embattled gang of men struggling to survive (Moral Quotes)
Jesus wants to give you five things: extravagant compassion, moral clarity, sacrificial courage, persevering hope, and refreshing joy (Moral Quotes)
There’s no moral issue for me. I did the best science I could. I was struggling to survive and didn’t have the luxury of being a moral creature (Moral Quotes)
The moral of the story is this: sometimes, to do nothing, to do nothing at all, is the sorriest thing ever (Moral Quotes)
We each have all the time there is; our mental and moral status is determined by what we do with it (Moral Quotes)
One is apt to think of moral failure as due to weakness of character: more often it is due to an inadequate ideal (Moral Quotes)
Fear is an acid which is pumped into one’s atmosphere. It causes mental, moral and spiritual asphyxiation, and sometimes death; death to energy and all growth (Moral Quotes)
Politics are always a struggle for power, disguised and modified by prudence, reason and moral pretext (Moral Quotes)
To be free one needs constant and unrelenting vigilance over one’s weaknesses. A vigilance which requires a moral energy most of us are incapable of manufacturing. We relax back into the moulds of habit. They are secure, they bind us and keep us contained at the expense of freedom. To break the moulds, to be heedless of the seductions of security is an impossible struggle, but one of the few that count. To be free is to learn, to test yourself constantly, to gamble (Moral Quotes)
Liberal gardeners are people who feel that, through gardening, we can alleviate our sense of alienation from nature; and that, through good gardening, we can repair some of the damage we have done to our environment. The most extreme liberals believe that there is an original or a natural state in which the environment would be if we hadn’t shown up on the scene, and that we have not only the ability but also a moral imperative to help nature return to this state (Moral Quotes)
Whoever would not remain in complete ignorance of the resources which cause him to act; whoever would seize, at a single philosophical glance, the nature of man and animals, and their relations to external objects; whoever would establish, on the intellectual and moral functions, a solid doctrine of mental diseases, of the general and governing influence of the brain in the states of health and disease, should know, that it is indispensable, that the study of the organization of the brain should march side by side with that of its functions (Moral Quotes)
Moral of the story: try to get things right, figure out what’s going wrong with the scenario, and don’t give up (Moral Quotes)
The social intuitionist model offers an explanation of why moral and political arguments are so frustrating: because moral reasons are the tail wagged by the intuitive dog. A dog’s tail wags to communicate. You can’t make a dog happy by forcibly wagging its tail. And you can’t change people’s minds by utterly refuting their arguments (Moral Quotes)