Moral Quotes

Text Quotes
It was easy to be moral when that was the way you felt anyway. The hard bit about morality was making yourself feel the opposite of what you really felt (Moral Quotes)
Corruption is a cancer that steals from the poor, eats away at governance and moral fibre and destroys trust (Moral Quotes)
The little individualist, recognizing his individual impotence, realizing that he did not possess within himself even the basis of a moral judgement against his big brother, began to change his point of view. He no longer hoped to right all things by his individual efforts. He turned to the law, to the government, to the state (Moral Quotes)
I’ve argued that many of what philosophers call moral sentiments can be seen in other species. In chimpanzees and other animals, you see examples of sympathy, empathy, reciprocity, a willingness to follow social rules. Dogs are a good example of a species that have and obey social rules; that’s why we like them so much, even though they’re large carnivores (Moral Quotes)
If you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have a moral obligation to do something about it (Moral Quotes)
Scientific theories never dictate human values, but they can often cast new light on ethical issues. From a sexual selection viewpoint, moral philosophy and political theory have mostly been attempts to shift male human sexual competitiveness from physical violence to the peaceful accumulation of wealth and status. The rights to life, liberty, and property are cultural inventions that function, in part, to keep males from killing and stealing from one another while they compete to attract sexual partners (Moral Quotes)
A society whose moral ideas, inhibit their own defense will always suffer defeat by the very predators they deem immoral. In any conflict the boundaries of behavior are defined by the party that cares the least about morality (Moral Quotes)
To be moral involves taking a position towards that matrix, thinking critically about what is taken for granted (Moral Quotes)
There is a kinship, a kind of freemasonry, between all persons of intelligence, however antagonistic their moral outlook (Moral Quotes)
There is a desperate tendency to try to legislate artists, to try to lay down rules for their obligations to society. Just leave artists alone. If you are a true artist, you will have a very finely tuned moral mechanism (Moral Quotes)
You do design because you feel it inside; you have a moral issue to spread quality in our environment (Moral Quotes)
To avert disaster, we have not only to teach men to make things but to teach them to have complete moral control over what they make (Moral Quotes)
There’s a great deal of difference between thinking reflectively about moral issues and achieving higher standards of ethical behavior (Moral Quotes)
Intelligence, like fire, is a power that is neither good nor bad in itself but rather takes its virtue, its moral coloring, from its application (Moral Quotes)
Why should the search for happiness be only or essentially material and mental? Aren’t there untold riches too in the moral, the sentimental and the spiritual realms? (Moral Quotes)
Although our moral conscience is a part of our consciousness, we do not feel ourselves on an equality with it. In this voice which makes itself heard only to give us orders and establish prohibitions, we cannot recognize our own voices; the very tone in which it speaks to us warns us that it expresses something within us that is not of ourselves (Moral Quotes)
What we are doing to the future of our children, and the other species on the planet, is a clear moral issue (Moral Quotes)
Enhanced interrogation is not to be considered lightly, but the use of enhanced interrogation techniques does not require moral people to abandon their beliefs. Rather, it is precisely during these difficult times that one’s beliefs about life, justice and mercy become indispensible (Moral Quotes)
It makes me upset, if not angry, when people assume that there can be no morality without a religious framework. If there’s a moral framework without all that religious stuff, it’s more valuable (Moral Quotes)
I got a story, ain’t no moral, I let the bad guy win every now and then (Moral Quotes)
Surrealism, n. Pure psychic automatism, by which it is intended to express, whether verbally or in writing, or in any other way, the real process of thought. Thought’s dictation, free from any control by the reason, independent of any aesthetic or moral preoccupation (Moral Quotes)
It indicates a person who has not only good manners but who possesses a sense of balance, a sure mastery of himself, a moral discipline that permits him to subordinate voluntarily his own selfish interest to the wider interests of the society in which he lives. The gentleman, therefore is a cultural person in the noblest sense of the word, if by culture we mean not simply wealth of intellectual knowledge but also the ability to fulfil one’s duty and understand one’s fellow man by respecting / every principle, every opinion, every faith that is sincerely professed (Moral Quotes)
One must speak for a struggle for a new culture, that is, for a new moral life that cannot but be intimately connected to a new intuition of life, until it becomes a new way of feeling and seeing reality (Moral Quotes)
There’s another kind of poverty that only rich men know, a moral malnutrition that starves their very souls (Moral Quotes)
Our moral sense really evolved to bind groups together into teams that can cooperate in order to compete with other teams (Moral Quotes)
Frankly, right is right and wrong is wrong, particularly when a parent is talking to a child. A bright line around moral responsibility is very important (Moral Quotes)
There’s obviously a correlation between an economically empowered woman and the investments she makes. That leads to her social and moral conscience for bettering her community (Moral Quotes)
I like moral judgment to emerge from the reader. We are being sold a very simplistic morality by our leaders at a time when nuance and understanding are at a premium (Moral Quotes)
The voices of moral authority in the theatre demanded only punctuality and physical performance. In the light of continuing pressure and stress, the occasional lip service paid to moderation was meaningless. Starvation and poisoning were not excesses, but measures taken to stay within the norm (Moral Quotes)
My moral compass swings far to the left, but when it comes to gratuitous violence, I have trouble (Moral Quotes)