Morning Quotes

Text Quotes
I began to know that each morning reasserted the problems of night before, that sleep suspended all but changed nothing, that you couldn't make yourself over between dawn and dusk (Morning Quotes)
Norton was supremely gifted as an awakener, and no thoughtful mind can recall without a thrill the notes of the first voice which has called it out of its morning dream (Morning Quotes)
I like to wake up each morning and not know what I think, that I may reinvent myself in some way (Morning Quotes)
If you think I'm one of those people who try to be funny at breakfast you're wrong. I'm invariably ill-tempered in the early morning (Morning Quotes)
I have a very great fear of love. It is so personal. Let each bird fly with its own wings, and each fish swim its own course. Morning brings more than love. And I want to be true to the morning (Morning Quotes)
For my part, life is so many things I don't care what it is. It's not my affair to sum it up. Just now it's a cup of tea. This morning it was wormwood and gall. Hand me the sugar (Morning Quotes)
But she would wake in the morning one day and feel her blood running, feel herself lying open like a flower unsheathed in the sun, insistent and potent with demand (Morning Quotes)
Do not, I beseech you, be troubled about the increase of forces already in dissolution. You have mistaken the hour of the night; it is already morning (Morning Quotes)
It was as if a morning glory had bloomed in her throat, and all that blue and small pollen ate into my heart, violent and religious (Morning Quotes)
I find myself daydreaming about him when I wake up in the morning, in school when something reminds me of him, and when I fall asleep at night (Morning Quotes)
Yes, I answered you last night; No, this morning, sir, I say. Colours seen by candlelight, Will not look the same by day (Morning Quotes)
Yes, I answered you last night; No, this morning, sir, I say: Colors seen by candle - light Will not look the same by day (Morning Quotes)
The worst moment of any campaign is waiting for the sun to rise on the morning of the battle (Morning Quotes)
A man once told me that you step out of your door in the morning, and you are already in trouble. The only question is are you on top of that trouble or not? (Morning Quotes)
If you want to be a writer, you have to write every day... You don't go to a well once but daily. You don't skip a child's breakfast or forget to wake up in the morning (Morning Quotes)
Wearily she went to bed, wearily she arose in four or five hours' time. But with the morning came hope, and a brighter view of things (Morning Quotes)
Merrily, merrily goes the bark on a breeze from the northward free, so shoots through the morning sky the lark, or the swan through the summer sea (Morning Quotes)
If you live each day as if it were your last, someday you'll be right. Every morning I looked in the mirror and asked myself: If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I do today? (Morning Quotes)
My father moved through dooms of love through sames of am through haves of give singing each morning out of each night my father moved through depths of height (Morning Quotes)
This morning on Dartford station a guy I knew at primary school came up to me. He's got every record Chuck Berry made. He is called Mick Jagger (Morning Quotes)
What is life, when wanting love? Night without a morning; love's the cloudless summer sun, nature gay adorning (Morning Quotes)
Old men's lives are lengthened shadows; their evening sun falls coldly on the Earth, but the shadows all point to the morning (Morning Quotes)
Because I think I saw you, yesterday morning when I woke up. I think my eyes worked again, just for a moment, and you were the light I saw (Morning Quotes)
On Sunday morning I went out for a while in the neighbourhood; I bought some raisin bread. The day was warm but a little sad, as Sundays often are in Paris, especially when one doesn't believe in God (Morning Quotes)
To my collaborator who buys the ink and paper laughs and, in fact, does all the really difficult part of the business this book is gratefully dedicated in memory of a winter's morning in switzerland (Morning Quotes)
When late morning rolls around and you're feeling a bit out of sorts, don't worry; you're probably just a little eleven o'clockish (Morning Quotes)
I am fighting when I'm sleeping. In my dreams, I must slay the dragon of European heterosexual male society, then I wake up in the morning and be an activist (Morning Quotes)
That is the remarkable thing about drinking: it brings people together so quickly, but between night and morning it sets an interval again of years (Morning Quotes)
And I will find some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow, dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings (Morning Quotes)
My mind is heaven my eyes are the sun and the moon my awareness shines like the morning star (Morning Quotes)