Most People Quotes

Text Quotes
Most people ended up, after only a couple of months, so far away from where they’d intended to go, stuck in some barbed underbrush of a quagmire when they’d meant to head straight to the ocean (Most People Quotes)
She told me her father taught her to live life way beyond the cusp of it, way out in the outer reaches where most people never had the guts to go, where you got hurt. Where there was unimaginable beauty and pain... They were always reminding themselves to stop measuring life in coffee spoons, mornings and afternoons, to keep swimming way, way down to the bottom of the ocean to find where the mermaids sang, each to each. Where there was danger and beauty and light. Only the now (Most People Quotes)
You shouldn’t focus on why you can’t do something, which is what most people do. You should focus on why perhaps you can, and be one of the exceptions (Most People Quotes)
Success in the marketplace increasingly depends on learning. Yet most people don’t know how to learn (Most People Quotes)
Most people have forgotten how to live with living creatures, with living systems and that, in turn, is the reason why man, whenever he comes into contact with nature, threatens to kill the natural system in which and from which he live (Most People Quotes)
Most people assume that meditation is all about stopping thoughts, getting rid of emotions, somehow controlling the mind. But actually it’s... about stepping back, seeing the thought clearly, witnessing it coming and going (Most People Quotes)
Polls show that most people in the world favor humbler, more compassionate solutions to our common problems. Not only favor them but, resolving to love in a more complete and final way, try to put them into action. A society based on universal compassion is not just our only hope; it is an evolutionary imperative (Most People Quotes)
Most people don’t know there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don’t get too comfortable and fall asleep and miss your life (Most People Quotes)
I realized early on that success was tied to not giving up. Most people in this business gave up and went on to other things. If you simply didn’t give up, you would outlast the people who came in on the bus with you (Most People Quotes)
If it seems like you can see farther than most people, it is because you’re standing on shoulders of giants (Most People Quotes)
Most people do not know themselves. The real you is not that person you are when times are great, the real you shows when everything goes wrong. Can you hold on, can you keep pushing or do you quit? (Most People Quotes)
Most people, in committing a suicidal act, are just as muddled as when they do anything important under emotional stress. Carefully planned acts of suicide are as rare as carefully planned acts of homicide (Most People Quotes)
Trust is a fragile thing. Once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom. But once trust is lost, it can be impossible to recover. Of course the truth is, we never know who we can trust. Those we’re closest to can betray us, and total strangers can come to our rescue. In the end, most people decide to trust only themselves. It really is the simplest way to keep from getting burned (Most People Quotes)
In going for the last shot of the game most people wait too long to take the shot. Give yourself a chance to get the first shot and tap the ball in. Your players are normally inside the defense (Most People Quotes)
Always count your blessings. Be thankful you are able to be out on a beautiful course. Most people in the world don’t have that opportunity (Most People Quotes)
Most people like to believe something is or is not true. Great scientists tolerate ambiguity very well. They believe the theory enough to go ahead; they doubt it enough to notice the errors and faults so they can step forward and create the new replacement theory. If you believe too much you’ll never notice the flaws; if you doubt too much you won’t get started. It requires a lovely balance (Most People Quotes)
To most people who look at a mobile, it’s no more than a series of flat objects that move. To a few, though, it may be poetry (Most People Quotes)
Nobody is one block of harmony. We are all afraid of something, or feel limited in something. We all need somebody to talk to. It would be good if we talked to each other, not just pitter patter but real talk. We shouldn’t be afraid, because most people really like this contact; that you show you are vulnerable makes them free to be vulnerable too. It’s so much easier to be together when we drop our masks (Most People Quotes)
Most people are much more unusual and complicated and eccentric and playful and creative than they have time to express (Most People Quotes)
... he was one of those men who like to be observers at their own lives... such people observe their destiny much as most people tend to observe a rainy day (Most People Quotes)
The lack of imagination or invention most people display in naming pussies is almost beyond credence (Most People Quotes)
Most people can look back over the years and identify a time and place at which their lives changed significantly. Whether by accident or design, these are the moments when, because of a readiness within us and a collaboration with events occurring around us, we are forced to seriously reappraise ourselves and the conditions under which we live and to make certain choices that will affect the rest of our lives (Most People Quotes)
As far as being a coach, it’s always fascinated me. It’s a greater responsibility than most people give it credit for because you’re dealing with people (Most People Quotes)
Most people are not really conceited, but feel a certain amount of inferiority and tend to get a little discouraged with themselves, therefore encouragement is a very important thing! I do it all the time! I praise everybody for everything they do that I see is good (Most People Quotes)
I probably have a different mental approach to swimming than most people. I actually enjoy training (Most People Quotes)
It is totally unconscionable to subject defenseless animals to mutilation and death, just so a company can be the first to market a new shade of nail polish or a new, improved laundry detergent. It’s cruel, it’s brutal, it’s inhumane, and most people don’t want it (Most People Quotes)
Most people won’t realise that writing is a craft. You have to take your apprenticeship in it like anything else (Most People Quotes)
Though most people love to look at the games of the great attacking masters, some of the most successful players in history have been the quiet positional players. They slowly grind you down by taking away your space, tying up your pieces, and leaving you with virtually nothing to do! (Most People Quotes)
Most people search high and wide for the key to success. If they only knew, the key to their dreams lies within (Most People Quotes)
The drop in living standards most people would have to accept to reduce climate change significantly would still leave us far better off than previous generations, so it’s inexcusable that we find it so hard to renounce material goods (Most People Quotes)