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Moth Quotes

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I detest my past, and anyone else’s. I detest resignation, patience, professional heroism and obligatory beautiful feelings. I also detest the decorative arts, folklore, advertising, voices making announcements, aerodynamism, boy scouts, the smell of moth balls, events of the moment, and drunken people  (Moth Quotes) There was a time when she had indulged in the hypothetical for hours a day, plotting the map that had led her here. But no life is a line, and hers was an uneven orbit around a dark star, a moth circling a dead bulb, searching for the light it once held  (Moth Quotes) Consider the stars. Among them are no passions, no wars. They know neither love nor hatred. Did man but emulate the stars, would not his soul become clear and radiant as they are? But man’s spirit draws him like a moth to the ephemera of this world, and in their heat he is consumed entire  (Moth Quotes) Ambition is a gilded misery, a secret poison, a hidden plague, the engineer of deceit, the mother of hypocrisy, the parent of envy, the original of vices, the moth of holiness, the blinder of hearts, turning medicines into maladies, and remedies into diseases  (Moth Quotes) Bee to the blossom, moth to the flame; Each to his passion; what’s in a name?  (Moth Quotes) Voice, come out of the silence. Say something. Appear in the form of a spider or a moth beating the curtain. Tell me: which is the way I take; out of what door do I go, where and to whom?  (Moth Quotes) The problem with cats is that they get the exact same look on their face whether they see a moth or an axe murderer  (Moth Quotes)
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