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Mother Quotes

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He’s not responsible for what he’s doing, cause his mother made him what he is  (Mother Quotes) The daughter never ever gives up on the mother, just as the mother never gives up on the daughter. There is a tie there so strong that nothing can break it  (Mother Quotes) My daddy served in the army where he lost his right eye, but he flew a flag out in our yard until the day that he died. He wanted my mother, my brother, my sister and me, to grow up and live happy in the land of the free  (Mother Quotes) I am a marathon worker and marathon mother. I’ll spend three or four days completely swallowed up by work. And if I make it home in time to say good night, I may have one good hour with the girls, maybe a brief family dinner or a family walk with the dog, and then it is back on the computer to prepare for tomorrow’s shows  (Mother Quotes) My mother was always working for a job, so I guess I was always trained that I should have multiple jobs, multiple aspirations. And I remember she had multiple aspirations, always hearing about her dreams and things she did in the past and things she wanted to do  (Mother Quotes) Being a single mother was the right thing for me. But I have a tremendous amount of help from my friends. They’re in love with my kids, and my kids are in love with them  (Mother Quotes) I was a product of a divorced family and I used humor as a weapon to combat sadness. I used comedy to make my mother laugh in light of the darkness that she faced, and to me it became a very powerful tool at a very young age, at six. I saw how therapeutic it could be  (Mother Quotes) I remember the day my mother died, and it’s still hard to talk about it. I just blocked it out  (Mother Quotes) I grew up in a family of strong women and I owe any capacity I have to understand women to my mother and big sister. They taught me to respect women in a way where I’ve always felt a strong emotional connection to women, which has also helped me in the way I approach my work as an actor  (Mother Quotes) I had a mother I could only seem to please with verbal accomplishments of some sort or another. She read constantly, so I read constantly. If I used words that might have seemed surprising at a young age, she would recognize that and it would please her  (Mother Quotes) My mother was an economics professor. I’m proficient in math, and statistics, game theory, symbolic logic and all of that  (Mother Quotes) I was very inspired by my mother. She was a vocal teacher and sang in a band, and my first memories of her were going out with her on the local circuit  (Mother Quotes) If I look back, my mother was always out. I can remember the perfume and her scarlet chiffon dress and crystal beads, going to a party. She used to play her violin at restaurants later on in life and at old people’s homes. She loved the races, which she used to take me to as a child: our carpets were bought with her winnings. Loved her chickens  (Mother Quotes) Most people call my style of dress slovenly, I call it extreme casual. If I didn’t have a mother and a sister for the times I do have to get dressed, I would be absolutely lost  (Mother Quotes) My mother and father were perfect role models. They were together for 25 years and very much in love. But I’ve got too much to do now. I’m only 27  (Mother Quotes) Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedposts overnight. If your mother said don’t chew it, do you swallow it in spite?  (Mother Quotes) My mother always told me before shows to stand up and show them whose little boy you are  (Mother Quotes) Across the board, from my mother to my father to my aunts and uncles, everybody has always given me a lot of love  (Mother Quotes) I had a very difficult relationship with my mother. She used to wake me up in the middle of the night if I wasn’t sleeping straight and was messing up the sheets. Now when I stay in hotels I sleep so straight they don’t even think I’ve used the bed  (Mother Quotes) I was a child, and my mother was psychotic. She loved me, but I didn’t really feel I had a mother. And when you live with somebody who is paranoid and thinks you’re trying to kill them all the time, you tend to feel a little betrayed  (Mother Quotes) My mother was an extremely creative woman, despite the fact that she lived the life of a rural housewife  (Mother Quotes) I think that the best way to explain that is that my mother gave me all the color and character and flare and liveliness, and my father gave me all the sanity and nature and all the things that helped me be a more rounded human being  (Mother Quotes) I was a very difficult child, and the time I spent reading was about the only peace I gave my mother  (Mother Quotes) My parents were very supportive of me and my artistic endeavours. My father and mother came to every school play I ever did  (Mother Quotes) I have to be very careful, however, because I have no intention of providing an excuse for this behavior. It’s an attempt to explain how so many women come from backgrounds where the pressure to be a good mother is so severe that if they can’t do it, something really snaps  (Mother Quotes) For me, I was given a great gift by my father and my mother in that I was never told any idea was bad. I was told I could explore any thought as long as I wasn’t hurting someone else  (Mother Quotes) When I was a teenager, my father went bust. He could have declared himself bankrupt, but he was an honourable man and he insisted on paying back all his debts. That almost ruined the family. I was aware that my mother and father couldn’t control things anymore. I guess I was afraid that we would end up on the street  (Mother Quotes) When I was very little my mother said I used to draw in the air with my fingers. I needed a pencil. Once I could hold one, I have drawn every day since  (Mother Quotes) In terms of people that I know, my grandmother and my mother are huge influences on my writing life because they are both massively supportive and always have been of my career  (Mother Quotes) My mother said I was a little odd as a kid. I was alone a lot, but I didn’t feel alone  (Mother Quotes)
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