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Mother Quotes

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When my mother died, and when my father died, it’s big. Our parents are giants; they’re titans of our lives, so of course it’s going to be a big deal  (Mother Quotes) In marrying, a man does not, to be sure, marry his wife’s mother; and yet a prudent man, when he begins to think of the daughter, would look sharp at the mother; ay, and back to the grandmother too, and along the whole female line of ancestry  (Mother Quotes) The little boy who goes to the store and forgets what his mother sent him for, will probably grow up to be a congressman  (Mother Quotes) It is best to live anyhow, as one may; do not be afraid of marriage with your mother! Many have lain with their mothers in dreams too. It is he to whom such things are nothing who puts up with life best  (Mother Quotes) All of my decisions I made when I was a kid were decisions, would my mother and father be proud of  (Mother Quotes) Call me communist, but I think that’s something that everyone, regardless of their family’s income, has a right to, and I was fortunate enough to have a mother who felt that way as well  (Mother Quotes) I don’t write about the intimate details of my cousins and aunts and uncles, and my mother and my father because it’s not right to, for me  (Mother Quotes) I think that at some point everybody turns into their mother or their father, it’s just not normally from morning to afternoon  (Mother Quotes) In fact if you’re a mother or a father, you’re filled with oxytocin when you have a child. It makes you love the baby, even though they look like a lizard.You’ll think it’s the beautiful thing in the world  (Mother Quotes) So if you don’t like your life, change it. How would you change it? You decide. There’s no action without first decision. Decision is the mother or the father of action, and action is what changes your life  (Mother Quotes) When a mother takes pictures of her children on the beach, she doesn’t take herself for an artist; she does it for love, which is an excellent reason, from my point of view  (Mother Quotes) My mother was a teacher, my father was a community organizer. I come from a working class background  (Mother Quotes) I was speechless. Rare for me, but if anyone was capable of shocking me to silence, it was my mother  (Mother Quotes) I don’t want to overemphasize this, but not a day goes by when I don’t think about my mother and what she would think about what I just did. I often adjust my approach  (Mother Quotes) It was my mother who gave me my voice. She did this, I know now, by clearing a space where my words could fall, grow, then find their way to others  (Mother Quotes) Well, I have to say, most of my clothes are designed and made by my mother  (Mother Quotes) I have to thank my mother for paying for the piano lessons for all those years  (Mother Quotes) My mother says that some books are good no matter when you read them, and some are good at a particular moment; they come into your life at just the right time  (Mother Quotes) We look at the one little woman’s face we love, as we look at the face of our mother earth, and see all sorts of answers to our own yearnings  (Mother Quotes) When I was born, my father wanted to drown me, but my mother persuaded him to let me live in disguise, to see if I could bring any wealth to the household  (Mother Quotes) Necessity may be the mother of lucrative invention, but it is the death of poetical invention  (Mother Quotes) Perhaps there will come a time when... an unmarried mother will not be despised because of her motherhood... and when the right of the unborn to be born will not be denied or interfered with  (Mother Quotes) What happened to me is that as I grew up, I found that I was smart. My mother had insisted on that you see. Oh, but I loved to play ball. I loved the physical aspect. So you have one leg in one field, and one leg in the other and you’re nowhere  (Mother Quotes) My mother made it seem perfectly normal for thousands of people to be cheering me, as if there was nothing special going on. I thought all children must live as I did  (Mother Quotes) You, mother, are not responsible to set the whole world right; you are responsible only to make one pure, sacred, and divine household  (Mother Quotes) It’s a myth that if you’re liked by only four people it must be good. It might also be very bad: they might be your mother, your brother, your uncle and your aunt  (Mother Quotes) Male mastery in marriage is a social illusion, nurtured by women exhorting their creations to play and walk. At the emotional heart of every marriage is a pietà of mother and son  (Mother Quotes) As my mother said, I never sprang out of bed with a glad shout! My voice needed oiling and then it took off  (Mother Quotes) In brief, when a man fails as a wallet, we put him in prison; when a woman fails as a mother, we offer her social services. We’re taking a criminal approach to men, a social services approach to women  (Mother Quotes) A mother who is not everything for her children: a friend, a teacher, a confidant, a source of joy and founded pride, inducement and soothing, reconciliator, judge and forgiver, that mother obviously chose the wrong job  (Mother Quotes)
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