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Mother Quotes

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If you believe in the maternal instinct and fail at mother love, you fail as a woman. It is a controlling idea that holds us in an iron grip  (Mother Quotes) A great need a mother has to know that her daughters will find somebody or will be okay in life. That’s very primal as they get older. You know, you should get married, you should have children  (Mother Quotes) What we teach our children is that earth is your mother that provides; she’s a giver. So, please first ask forgiveness from the mother earth before you step on to it and cause it pain  (Mother Quotes) There is, I suppose, no occupation in the world which has an influence on the efficiency and happiness of the members of nearly all other occupations so continuous and so permeating as that of the working housewife and mother  (Mother Quotes) My art career actually began under the kitchen table. My mother wanted to get me out of her hair while she cooked, so she laid out some paper and pencils on the floor under the kitchen table  (Mother Quotes) I always sent my mother all these huge books I made. When my mother died, I was cleaning her cupboard, and these big books were only 20 pages long. She edited out, maybe burned, every single photograph where I’m naked  (Mother Quotes) I’ve always loved books. My mother told me that before I could talk, I’d babble in my crib as I turned the pages of my little cloth books, apparently telling stories to go along with the pictures  (Mother Quotes) My happiest childhood memories are of times in our backyard. My mother had an old clothesline that hung out in front. It seemed like it stretched a mile long, and I loved sitting in the sun while she hung clothes  (Mother Quotes) I would want to be a very present mother. You know, something that I never had  (Mother Quotes) I was always an observer, even as a child. I could be satisfied to sit in a car for 3 hours and just look at the street go by while my mother went shopping  (Mother Quotes) I didn’t grow up with a mother telling me what was under my clothes was bad or evil  (Mother Quotes) The only place you’re sure to find love is at the end of a letter from your mother  (Mother Quotes) When I was young, I learned very early on that I could make my mother laugh. And that was one of the greatest sounds I ever heard  (Mother Quotes) Several hours later, I heard my mother calling me to come into the house, and it never occurred to me that this was an experience that other children didn’t have on a regular basis  (Mother Quotes) I had a mother who was very developed psychically and spiritually. She was, in a way, an opposite of my father, a complete liberal, interested in woman’s liberation before it was the fashion  (Mother Quotes) One religion after another has accepted and perpetuated man’s original mistake in making a private servant of the mother of the race  (Mother Quotes) There’s nothing more noble than a father and mother making an opportunity for their child, knowing that their life is gonna be hard. There’s something incredibly heroic about that  (Mother Quotes) One thing I have is that I have never been afraid to expose myself in a way, and I really think I got that from my mother. That’s a great gift you can give to a child, that they have confidence in their abilities  (Mother Quotes) My mother is more of an adviser. I followed everything she did when I was younger, because I looked up to her so much  (Mother Quotes) Family was real important in putting me on my path. I’m so blessed to come from a home with a mother and a father  (Mother Quotes) The mother is really a more immediate parent than the father because one is born from the mother, and the first experience of any infant is the mother  (Mother Quotes) I was born on the kitchen table. We were so poor my mother couldn’t afford to have me; the lady next door gave birth to me  (Mother Quotes) When a woman gives birth, two are born: a baby from the womb of its mother and a woman from the womb of her former existence  (Mother Quotes) So not even death can stop my mother from seeking the annihilation of her own flesh and blood  (Mother Quotes) My father has been the real anchor of the family. Hes the one who has always encouraged my mother, my brother and me  (Mother Quotes) My father... very generous, very philanthropic, very charitable man. My siblings and I and my mother continue with always appreciating and always giving back. It’s something I hope that I’ve become a role model for my children  (Mother Quotes) My mother always said you could eat off her floor; you could eat of my floor too, there’s so much food down there  (Mother Quotes) I just wish, when neither of us has written to my husband’s mother, I didn’t feel so much worse about it than he does  (Mother Quotes) My mother was the worst cook ever. In school, when we traded lunches, I had to throw in an article of clothing  (Mother Quotes) Mothers and daughters are part of each other’s consciousness, in different degrees and in a different way, but still with the mutual sense of something which has always been there. A real mother is just a habit of thought to her children  (Mother Quotes)
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