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Mother Quotes

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I love to work, although sometimes I can spend whole days doing nothing more than picking the lint off the carpet and talking to my mother on the phone  (Mother Quotes) I never understood the theory, once popular among doctors, that blamed mental disorders on too little or too much mother love. My own mother was my darling  (Mother Quotes) Not alone is the child born through the mother, but the mother also is born through the child  (Mother Quotes) What do you do with mother love and mother wit when the babies are grown and gone away?  (Mother Quotes) Nobody ever told you that being a mother is all about making what seemed like thousands of tiny decisions  (Mother Quotes) ... my mother and father... raised nine of us and taught each to do our best... We tried  (Mother Quotes) Let’s learn from the wisdom of every mother and father who teaches their daughters there is no limit on how big she can dream and how much she can achieve  (Mother Quotes) Become familiar with your home, but know also about your neighbors. The young man who never went anywhere thinks his mother is the greatest cook  (Mother Quotes) In my private circle I am a mother, grandmother, wife, friend, daughter... the success means nothing to my small tribe  (Mother Quotes) I think age, if you are healthy, I think age is largely a number. My mother lived to be 101. So I’m planning on another quarter century  (Mother Quotes) My mother gave me a ukulele at age eight, and I sang the popular tunes of the day  (Mother Quotes) My mother didn’t raise me to be a critic, but I seem to have become one anyway  (Mother Quotes) I was homeless. I lived in a car for a couple of years. That was the worst. But nothing was worse than when I was 40 and my mom passed away. My mother was the best person I ever knew. Those were the two lowest points  (Mother Quotes) Of all the men I have known, I cannot recall one whose mother did her level best for him when he was little who did not turn out well when he grew up  (Mother Quotes) Truth is love’s mother, and we all know it is not wise to lie to anyone’s mother  (Mother Quotes) My mother is the source of my unease in the world and thus the only person who can make me feel at home in the world  (Mother Quotes) To be in any way a positive contribution, that’s all anybody wants to be. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to be. I wanted to be an artist, be a mother. You want to feel that in your life you’ve been of use, in whatever way that comes out  (Mother Quotes) Not many people know this about me, but I’m a natural blonde. My hair went from light blonde naturally to a darker kind of blonde. My mother dyed my hair dark when I was a child, as I loved the look then. So I’m basically a natural blonde  (Mother Quotes) I lost my mother two years ago to cancer. But the greatest gift she gave to me was showing me how to be a wonderful and loving mom to my two sons, even now that they are grown men  (Mother Quotes) I inherited good skin from my mother, and I stay away from soap, which dries it out  (Mother Quotes) I’ve always been very private, maybe because I discovered my mother, who is a wonderful lady, is very emotional  (Mother Quotes) That is one of the first things my family, my mother and my grandfather, had taught me about acting: Use your eyes! Not being able to do that physical aspect of it, and having to put it all into your voice? That was a little bit of a challenge  (Mother Quotes) A lot of people have no access to beauty. When I was growing up, my mother had only a few pretty things to look at  (Mother Quotes) When I was young, my mother would not let me get my ears pierced because I used to get into too many fights  (Mother Quotes) I still feel as if I weren’t a good enough mother. I didn’t break any rules  (Mother Quotes) The first audition I ever went on, I was accompanied by my mother at the instruction of my father. You have to learn how to take rejection if you really want to be an actor, he said. He had to eat his own words. I got the job  (Mother Quotes) Young people need their own private places which mothers don’t belong to, even if they want mother all around the edge of that  (Mother Quotes) Mother love is invariably held sacred, as it should be, but why has father love never had its due?  (Mother Quotes) My mother insisted that I had to try things on to make sure they were becoming. Becoming what, I always asked  (Mother Quotes) I was raised by a very strict, good mother, so I won’t be getting out of line anytime soon  (Mother Quotes)
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