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Mother Quotes

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I was certainly typecast for a while on television because I was always being cast as the compassionate mother or whatever  (Mother Quotes) I have always believed that national character... depends more on the female part of society than is generally imagined. Precepts from the lips of a beloved mother... sink deep in the heart, and make an impression which is seldom entirely effaced  (Mother Quotes) I want to show that the underdog can win. I believe were all the same: you, a slum girl, my mother  (Mother Quotes) My mother was a trained nurse, and she’d tell me that patients would fight as they were administered anaesthetic, grappling to get the gas mask off their face  (Mother Quotes) I woke up one day and thought: I want to write a book about the history of my body. I could justify talking about my mother because it was in her body that my body began  (Mother Quotes) My mother was a teacher, and when she wanted to show me art and literature and science, she’d take me to museums, parks and free exhibitions  (Mother Quotes) There’s nothing that symbolizes loss or grief more than a mother losing a child  (Mother Quotes) Both my mother and I have close groups of friends that include other writers, and these friendships are very important to us  (Mother Quotes) I am not who I sleep with. I am not my weight. I am not my mother. I am myself. And I am all of you, and I thank you  (Mother Quotes) I think of myself as a fairly attractive girl and always have, thanks to my mom. I was brought into this world thinking I was gorgeous because my mother was extremely devoted to this notion  (Mother Quotes) Don’t take a job because your mother wants you to. Don’t be a victim. You own your decision  (Mother Quotes) My mother was pretty strict. I hated it, but maybe it made me a bit more sensible  (Mother Quotes) No matter how successful I got, my mother still thinks I’m a bad person, basically  (Mother Quotes) When I grew up, it was a time when women were just supposed to be cute and not have many opinions. My mother and her friends were quite different. They were all the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen, and they were very strong women  (Mother Quotes) There’s a common saying that everybody deep at heart loves their mother, except sometimes we decide our actual mothers don’t measure up. And so we look for a replacement  (Mother Quotes) My mother was a barmaid and I was raised in a trailer park. I’m used to that language. I put it on the screen so that people could interpret it as they wish  (Mother Quotes) My mother encouraged me and was very great about me being gay, but she always encouraged me to follow my musical dreams, which I’m very grateful for  (Mother Quotes) My mother always taught me to be strong and to never be a victim. Never make excuses. Never expect anyone else to provide for me things I know I can provide for myself  (Mother Quotes) I would, if checking boxes in a questionnaire, say I would oppose abortion except when the life of the mother is in danger  (Mother Quotes) So many times, I have a speech ready but no dice. Always a bridesmaid, never a mother  (Mother Quotes) My mother didn’t want me to be in fashion. She was in the fashion business, so was my brother, and she thought it was too crazy for me. She wanted me to be married with children, to be independent, yes, but not to have a crazy life  (Mother Quotes) I have an older sister who sounds, unfortunately, exactly like me, and we sound like our mother did  (Mother Quotes) If a king tries to start a war, a mother should go to him and forbid it  (Mother Quotes) I thought of the bowl of water my mother taught me to look into. It was true, everything a person ever needed to know was right there in a single bowl small enough to fit in the palm of one hand  (Mother Quotes) I still do have the little lunch bag that my mother made out of a towel and embroidered with my name on it for when I went to kindergarten  (Mother Quotes) I have nine children... and one of them is an invalid. Her mother is obliged to take her away in the winter, and when one bird is off the nest, the other has to go on  (Mother Quotes) My mother taught me what it is to have a sense of humour; my dad, who was a headmaster, everything you need to know about hard work. My dad is the most decent man you could come across  (Mother Quotes) My mother was a single parent, a speech therapist who worked for a company that kept a substantial percentage of the income they billed for her to teach stroke victims in convalescent hospitals to talk again  (Mother Quotes) When a father climbs a dangerous mountain and dies, we mourn. When a mother does, we question her judgment. How could she?  (Mother Quotes) I am an average mother in almost every way, so yes, much to my regret, I do yell at my children  (Mother Quotes)
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