Mother Teresa Quotes

Text Quotes
Failure is merely feedback that there is something blocking the path of the emergence and expansion of the greatest version of yourself (Mother Teresa Quotes)
My mother was kind and forgiving and would take in all the waifs and strays in our neighbourhood; we always compared her to Mother Teresa. She taught me a lot (Mother Teresa Quotes)
They talked about me as if I were Mother Teresa, and that every time I get a paycheck I go and send it to poor people and that we spend every free moment helping out people less fortunate. That was an enormous exaggeration (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Bananas are great, as I believe them to be the only known cure for existential dread. Also, Mother Teresa said that in India, a woman dying in the street will share her banana with anyone who needs it, whereas in America, people amass and hoard as many bananas as they can to sell for an exorbitant profit. So half of them go bad, anyway (Mother Teresa Quotes)
There’s something about compassion that causes society to say, ‘We’re going to take this person seriously.’ Take Mother Teresa. She was confrontational on abortion, but she wasn’t rejected by society (Mother Teresa Quotes)
People are unrealistic, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway (Mother Teresa Quotes)
I think it is very good when people suffer. To me that is like the kiss of Jesus (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Henri Nouwen once asked Mother Teresa for spiritual direction. Spend one hour each day in adoration of your Lord, she said, and never do anything you know is wrong. Follow this and you’ll be fine (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Everything everyone thinks they know about [Mother Teresa] is false. It must be the single most successful emotional con job of the twentieth century (Mother Teresa Quotes)
If you are joyful, do not worry about lukewarmness. Joy will shine in your eyes and in your look, in your conversation and in your countenance. You will not be able to hide it because joy overflows (Mother Teresa Quotes)
I love Nudge, Nudge is a great kid, but that motormouth of hers could have turned Mother Teresa into an ax murderer (Mother Teresa Quotes)
I see Jesus in every human being. I say to myself, this is hungry Jesus, I must feed him. This is sick Jesus. This one has leprosy or gangrene; I must wash him and tend to him. I serve becuase I love Jesus (Mother Teresa Quotes)
In response to the question, ‘How can we help to promote world peace?’ Mother Theresa replied, ‘Go home and love your children (Mother Teresa Quotes)
We don’t need bombs and guns to destroy, to bring peace - just get together, love one another, bring that peace, that joy, that strength of presence of each other in the home. And we will be able to overcome all the evil that is in the world (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Be faithful in the little things, for in them our strength lies. To the good God nothing is little, because He is so great and we are so small (Mother Teresa Quotes)
I trust that God wouldn’t give me more than I can handle. I just wish he didn’t have such faith in me (Mother Teresa Quotes)
The world today is hungry Not only for bread But hungry for love; Hungry to be wanted, Hungry to be loved (Mother Teresa Quotes)
People are hungry for God. Do you see that? Quite often we look but do not see. We are all passing through this world. We need to open our eyes and see (Mother Teresa Quotes)
I repeat that the poor, the sufferers from leprosy, the rejected, the alcoholics, whom we serve, are beautiful people. Many of them have wonderful personalities. The experience which we have by serving them, we must pass on to people who have not had that wonderful experience (Mother Teresa Quotes)
My mother and sister must be very happy to be home with God, and I am sure their love and prayers are always with me. When I go home to God, for death is nothing else but going home to God, the bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Hungry not only for bread - but hungry for love. Naked not only for clothing - but naked of human dignity and respect. Homeless not only for want of a home of bricks - but homeless because of rejection (Mother Teresa Quotes)
If you are discouraged it is a sign of pride, because it shows you trust in your own powers. Never bother about other people’s opinions. Be humble and you will never be disturbed. Remember St. Aloysius, who said he would continue to play billiards even if he knew he was going to die. Do you play well? Sleep well? Eat well? These are duties. Nothing is small for God (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Jesus has made Himself the Bread of Life to give us life. Night and day, He is there. If you really want to grow in love, come back to the Eucharist, come back to that Adoration (Mother Teresa Quotes)
I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot, to share it with the passion of Christ. I think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people (Mother Teresa Quotes)
America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Know the difference between success and fame. Success is Mother Teresa. Fame is Madonna (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration with exposition needs a great push. People ask me: ‘What will convert America and save the world?’ My answer is prayer. What we need is for every parish to come before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in holy hours of prayer (Mother Teresa Quotes)
For me, writing something in the spirit of Halloween is like Mother Teresa writing on charity and sacrifice. It’s just second nature to me (Mother Teresa Quotes)
I begin each day with holy Mass, receiving Jesus hidden under the appearance of a simple piece of bread. Then I go out into the streets and I find the same Jesus hidden in the dying destitute, the AIDS patients, the lepers, the abandoned children, the hungry, and the homeless. It’s the same Jesus (Mother Teresa Quotes)
MT [Mother Teresa] was not a friend of the poor. She was a friend of poverty. She said that suffering was a gift from God. She spent her life opposing the only known cure for poverty, which is the empowerment of women and the emancipation of them from a livestock version of compulsory reproduction (Mother Teresa Quotes)