Mother Teresa Quotes

Text Quotes
I’d like to believe there’s a little of Hitler and Napoleon in me. Even if I try, I can’t be as selfless as Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa (Mother Teresa Quotes)
What if the church should be less concerned with creating saints than creating a world where we do not need saints? A world where people like Mother Teresa and MLK would have nothing to do (Mother Teresa Quotes)
If there is a heaven, Jane Austen is sitting in a small room with Mother Teresa and Princess Diana, listening to Duran Duran, forever. If there’s a hell, she’s standing (Mother Teresa Quotes)
By abortion the Mother does not learn to love, but kills her own child to solve her problems. And, by abortion, that father is told that he does not have to take any responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. The father is likely to put other women to the same trouble. So abortion leads to more abortion (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Keep the joy of loving God in your heart and share this joy with all you meet especially your family. Be holy let us pray (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Like Jesus we belong to the world living not for ourselves but for others. The joy of the Lord is our strength (Mother Teresa Quotes)
I choose the poverty of our poor people. But I am grateful to receive it (the Nobel) in the name of the hungry, the naked, the homeless, of the crippled, of the blind, of the lepers, of all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone (Mother Teresa Quotes)
The other day I dreamed that I was at the gates of heaven. And St. Peter said, ‘Go back to Earth, there are no slums up here.’ (Mother Teresa Quotes)
If you are discouraged it is a sign of pride because it shows you trust in your own power. Your self-sufficiency, your selfishness and your intellectual pride will inhibit His coming to live in your heart because God cannot fill what is already full. It is as simple as that (Mother Teresa Quotes)
You who have received so much love, share it with others. Love others the way that God has loved you, with tenderness (Mother Teresa Quotes)
It’s ‘Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, except there’s just one degree, and Kevin Bacon is Hitler. Can I play? Let’s see. Mother Teresa had a mustache. Hitler had a mustache. Mother Teresa is Hitler! (Mother Teresa Quotes)
I always begin my prayer in silence, for it is in the silence of the heart that God speaks. God is the friend of silence-we need to listen to God because it’s not what we say but what He says to us and through us that matters (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Following Jesus is simple, but not easy. Love until it hurts, and then love more (Mother Teresa Quotes)
The future is not in our hands. We have no power over it. We can act only today. We have a sentence in our Constitution that says: ‘We will allow the good God to make plans for the future - for yesterday has gone, tomorrow has not yet come and we have only today to make Him known, loved and served.’ So we do not worry about the future (Mother Teresa Quotes)
All of us must be saints in this world. Holiness is a duty for you and me. So let’s be saints and so give glory to the Father (Mother Teresa Quotes)
To be pure, to remain pure, can only come at a price, the price of knowing God and loving him enough to do his will. He will always give us the strength we need to keep purity as something as beautiful for him (Mother Teresa Quotes)
A clean heart is a free heart. A free heart can love Christ with an undivided love in chastity, convinced that nothing and nobody will separate it from his love. Purity, chastity, and virginity created a special beauty in Mary that attracted God’s attention. He showed his great love for the world by giving Jesus to her (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Listen in silence because if your heart is full of other things you cannot hear the voice of God (Mother Teresa Quotes)
If you ask children in the west where’s God, they’d point to the sky. If you ask children in India, they point at themselves (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Do you want to do something beautiful for God? There is a person who needs you. This is your chance (Mother Teresa Quotes)
If you hold an anti-war rally, I shall not attend. But if you hold a Pro-Peace rally invite me (Mother Teresa Quotes)
How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with LOVE, and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Serve God joyfully. Let there be no sadness in your life: the only true sorrow is sin (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Gandhi felt fascinated at knowing Christ. He met Christians, and felt let down (Mother Teresa Quotes)
Your true character Is most accurately measured by how you treat those who can do ‘Nothing’ for you (Mother Teresa Quotes)
I belong to Jesus. He must have the right to use me without consulting me (Mother Teresa Quotes)
God will never, never, never let us down if we have faith and put our trust in Him. He will always look after us. So we must cleave to Jesus. Our whole life must simply be woven into Jesus (Mother Teresa Quotes)
I have never had clarity; what I have always had is trust. So I will pray that you will trust God (Mother Teresa Quotes)
At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart? Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God’s own love and concern (Mother Teresa Quotes)
You can pray while you work. Work doesn’t stop prayer and prayer doesn’t stop work. It requires only that small raising of the mind to him: I love you God, I trust you, I believe in you, I need you now. Small things like that. They are wonderful prayers (Mother Teresa Quotes)