Motherhood Quotes

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The way Hollywood portrays mothers - you’re either all good and saint-like, or you’re all bad. And I think the real honesty of motherhood is not given a voice in movies. I miss that as an audience member. (Motherhood Quotes)
The joys of motherhood are not excessively apparent during the first few weeks of a baby’s life. (Motherhood Quotes)
The art of never making a mistake is crucial to motherhood. To be effective and to gain the respect she needs to function, a mother must have her children believe she has never engaged in sex, never made a bad decision, never caused her own mother a moment’s anxiety, and was never a child. (Motherhood Quotes)
Passion has always been important to me. That won’t change. What changes in a woman’s perspective. I mean, I have two kids now. I’m a single parent balancing motherhood and my career. That changes the equation. (Motherhood Quotes)
What kind of choice is it, really, when motherhood forces you into a delicate balancing act -- not just between work and family, as the equation is typically phrased, but between your premotherhood and postmotherhood identities? What kind of choice is it when you have to choose between becoming a mother and remaining yourself? (Motherhood Quotes)
Mother’s Day, like motherhood itself, is fraught with peril. There are so many ways to get it wrong, so many opportunities to disappoint and be disappointed. (Motherhood Quotes)
Motherhood is more than bearing children, though it is certainly that. It is the essence of who we are as women. It defines our very identity, our divine stature and nature, and the unique traits our Father gave us. (Motherhood Quotes)
Motherhood is more than bearing children...It is the essence of who we are as women. (Motherhood Quotes)
I’ve always been the kind of person that if I take on anything professionally it means commitment to me, so you take it on if you can commit to it and if you know you can accommodate and give your best to it and that’s what you do, and I have always done that throughout my life - before marriage, after marriage, before motherhood, after motherhood. (Motherhood Quotes)
Completeness? Happiness? These words don’t come close to describing my emotions. There truly is nothing I can say to capture what motherhood means to me, particularly given my medical history. (Motherhood Quotes)
The joy of motherhood comes in moments. ... Families need unstructured time when relationships can deepen and real parenting can take place. Take time to listen, to laugh, and to play together. (Motherhood Quotes)
Motherhood has completely changed me. It’s just about like the most completely humbling experience that I’ve ever had. I think that it puts you in your place because it really forces you to address the issues that you claim to believe in and if you can’t stand up to those principles when you’re raising a child, forget it. (Motherhood Quotes)
I think men and women are the same. Even as parents, I think we’re the same. We’re just conditioned to think that we’re different. Having said that, it’s true that motherhood is a particularly vulnerable area. It’s an open wound, really. A woman is exposed to being turned into a different kind of person by the experience of motherhood. (Motherhood Quotes)
Motherhood has taught me the meaning of living in the moment and being at peace. Children don’t think about yesterday, and they don’t think about tomorrow. They just exist in the moment. (Motherhood Quotes)
It is vital that there is a narrator figure whom people believe. That’s why I never do commercials. If I started saying that margarine was the same as motherhood, people would think I was a liar. (Motherhood Quotes)
Motherhood is a blissful chain...I have a mother - my precious gift...I am a mother - the best of my kind! (Motherhood Quotes)
There’s no doubt that motherhood is the best thing in my life. It’s all that really matters. (Motherhood Quotes)
People expect you to change when you become a mother, and of course my priorities changed when I had Violet. She’s number one in my life and the best thing that ever happened to me, but I still have fun. I am still myself, but that is made out to seem like I am rebelling against motherhood. (Motherhood Quotes)
The biggest surprise, which is also the best, is that I didn’t know I would love motherhood as much as I do. (Motherhood Quotes)
I’m beginning to perceive motherhood as a long, slow letting go, of which birth is just the first step. (Motherhood Quotes)
A 1990 study by the (liberal) Progressive Policy Institute showed that, after controlling for single motherhood, the difference in black and white crime rates disappeared. (Motherhood Quotes)
Conservatives were sure that if you eliminated welfare for single moms, it would eliminate - or at lease greatly reduce - single motherhood. So in 1996 we had welfare reform. Did not change the trend in the least. Soon half of all babies will be born out of wedlock. (Motherhood Quotes)
The Lord has been there from wanting to be a momma, to having a wonderful childhood life and dreaming of having a good motherhood as a child; always wanting to meet a good old country boy and having someone to love as much as I love my husband Roland and having a little boy that is a mixture of the both of us. (Motherhood Quotes)
My mother didn’t find motherhood easy. I’ve heard her saying that. She didn’t breastfeed me. I woke up when I was breastfeeding my own child thinking, ‘How can a woman feel an attachment to a child without breast-feeding?’ (Motherhood Quotes)
...motherhood should be like driving a car -- you should have to pass a test before you can do it legally. (Motherhood Quotes)
You’re always going to feel like you’re catching up, and part of that is just balancing work and motherhood and the whole feeling of needing to please, which I do think girls and women feel more than men. (Motherhood Quotes)
Motherhood changed me because it is so fundamental what you’re doing for another person. And you are able to do even though it takes a lot. (Motherhood Quotes)
Motherhood changed me because it is so fundamental what you’re doing for another person. And you are able to do it even though it takes a lot. (Motherhood Quotes)
Moms never get out of the kid business. Last time I checked, motherhood had no expiration date. (Motherhood Quotes)
Literature gives us a window into other people’s experiences in other places, in other times, so I thought it would be really interesting to investigate how different people had written about motherhood, and childhood. (Motherhood Quotes)