Motivational Quotes

Text Quotes
You can become strong and powerful and beautiful (Motivational Quotes)
Keep moving forward (Motivational Quotes)
The climb may be tough but the view from the top is always better (Motivational Quotes)
Don't call it a dream - call it a plan (Motivational Quotes)
I think Smithers picked me because of my motivational skills. Everyone says they have to work a lot harder when I'm around (Motivational Quotes)
Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself (Motivational Quotes)
Every step towards your dream today is a step away from your regret tomorrow (Motivational Quotes)
Find your strong (Motivational Quotes)
In 1995 I had $7 bucks in my pocket and knew two things: I'm broke as hell and one day I won't be. You Can Achieve Anything! (Motivational Quotes)
Some people dream of success... others stay awake to achieve it (Motivational Quotes)
Remember that winners do what losers don’t want to do (Motivational Quotes)
You don’t deserve anything. Work for what you want (Motivational Quotes)
Push yourself. Because no on else is going to do it for you (Motivational Quotes)
Who seeks shall find (Motivational Quotes)
Life is what you make it (Motivational Quotes)
I can, therefore I am (Motivational Quotes)
Improvement begins with I (Motivational Quotes)
Failure separates the hard workers from the dreamers (Motivational Quotes)
Courage and perseverance make difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish (Motivational Quotes)
Whatever is not happening, make it happen (Motivational Quotes)
because today is another chance to get it right (Motivational Quotes)
Instead of giving myself reasons why i can't, i give myself reasons why i can (Motivational Quotes)
put in the effort or someone else will (Motivational Quotes)
Why not you? (Motivational Quotes)
People with great passion can make the impossible happen (Motivational Quotes)
I declare I will overcome any obstacle (Motivational Quotes)
People do not lack strength; they lack will (Motivational Quotes)
Today it hurts. Tomorrow it works (Motivational Quotes)
Stop making resolutions and just start something (Motivational Quotes)
If Better is possible, Good is not enough (Motivational Quotes)