Mouth Quotes

Text Quotes
Normally people can’t keep their goddamn mouth closed! (Mouth Quotes)
Ninety percent of what you’re saying isnt coming out of your mouth (Mouth Quotes)
People who eat with their mouth open should be punched in the face (Mouth Quotes)
Every word out of my mouth is a word that I’ve approved (Mouth Quotes)
My favorite pen is my penis. Put my words in your mouth. (Mouth Quotes)
I put my foot in my mouth sometimes. I’ll be the first to admit it. (Mouth Quotes)
I’m exceptional at taking my foot out of my mouth (Mouth Quotes)
Putting your best foot forward at least keeps it out of your mouth (Mouth Quotes)
I know how easy it is to put your foot in your mouth (Mouth Quotes)
Life is more fun when you open your mouth (Mouth Quotes)
So go on, get angry. But keep your mouth shut and go do your work. (Mouth Quotes)
If God gives you chocolate, you open your mouth, no? (Mouth Quotes)
I did not grow up with silver spoon in my mouth (Mouth Quotes)
She so cheerfully resigned to his neglecting her that he could not help opening his mouth to protest (Mouth Quotes)
He shut his mouth again and assumed a supercilious expression; this he wore for the remainder of the night, as if he regularly attended houses where young ladies were raised from the dead and considered this particular example to have been, upon the whole, a rather dull affair (Mouth Quotes)
It was a lie and I detected it at once. As an accomplished fibber myself, I spotted the telltale signs of an untruth before they were halfway out of his mouth: the excessive detail, the offhand delivery, and the wrapping-up of it all in casual chitchat (Mouth Quotes)
He kisses the D. S. 's hand thrusting his fingers into his mouth (the D. S. must feel his toothless gums) complaining he has lost teeth "inna thervith". "Please Boss Man. I'll wipe your ass, I'll wash out your dirty condoms, I'll polish your shoes with the oil on my nose (Mouth Quotes)
There is no doubt that I have lots of words inside me; but at moments, like rush-hour traffic at the mouth of a tunnel, they jam (Mouth Quotes)
Keep the corners of your mouth turned up. Speak in a low, persuasive tone. Listen; be teachable. Laugh at good stories and learn to tell them...For as long as you are green, you can grow (Mouth Quotes)
That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Mouth Quotes)
Straight men need to be emasculated. I'm sorry. They all need to be slapped around. Women have been kept down for too long. Every straight guy should have a man's tongue in his mouth at least once (Mouth Quotes)
It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand (Mouth Quotes)
Throw a lucky man into the sea, and he will come up with a fish in his mouth (Mouth Quotes)
Common experience shows how much rarer is moral courage than physical bravery. A thousand men will march to the mouth of the cannon where one man will dare espouse an unpopular cause (Mouth Quotes)
The first kiss I had was the most disgusting thing in my life. The girl injected about a pound of saliva into my mouth, and when I walked away I had to spit it all out (Mouth Quotes)
Devils can be driven out of the heart by the touch of a hand on a hand, or a mouth on a mouth (Mouth Quotes)
Eve shall kiss night, and the leaves stir like rain as the wind stealeth light o'er the grass of the plain. Unseen are thine eyes mid the dreamy night's sleeping, and on my mouth there lies the dear rain of thy weeping (Mouth Quotes)
New York is the biggest mouth in the world. It appears to be prime example of the herd instinct, leading the universal urban conspiracy to beguile man from his birthright (the good ground), to hang him by his eyebrows from skyhooks above hard pavement, to crucify him, sell him, or be sold by him (Mouth Quotes)
Just because I'm sassy and have a mouth on me doesn't mean I'm coming from a negative place (Mouth Quotes)
I don't really plan what comes out of my mouth, and that's what makes most of my lyrics entertaining (Mouth Quotes)