Mouth Quotes

Text Quotes
Pain could be killed. Sadness could not, but the drugs did shut its mouth for a time (Mouth Quotes)
I don’t really have anything to say. Basketball is not a game that you can play with your mouth. It needs action to prove yourself (Mouth Quotes)
No boyfriend wants to see their girlfriend in a video with a big, handsome black dude feeding his fingers into her mouth, do they? But that concept is my expression, and boyfriends have to deal with that, don’t they? (Mouth Quotes)
... it took me five years of going right into the mouth of the lion to learn to be at ease onstage... if you deal with an audience as a bunch of people having a great time, you’ll have a much bettrer time as a performer (Mouth Quotes)
The study of an idea is, of necessity, the story of many things. Ideas, like large rivers, never have just one source. Just as the water of a river near its mouth, in its final form, is composed largely of many tributaries, so an idea, in its final form, is composed largely of later additions (Mouth Quotes)
I write in praise of the solitary act: of not feeling a trespassing tongue forced into one’s mouth, one’s breath smothered, nipples crushed against the ribcage, and that metallic tingling in the chin set off by a certain odd nerve: unpleasure (Mouth Quotes)
I have a preponderance to look smug in photos; something to do with the way my mouth turns up at the corners (Mouth Quotes)
It’s important to watch what you eat. Otherwise, how are you going to get it into your mouth? (Mouth Quotes)
If my competitor were drowning I’d stick a hose in his mouth and turn on the water (Mouth Quotes)
Grant that I may not pray alone with the mouth; help me that I may pray from the depths of my heart (Mouth Quotes)
A portrait is a picture in which there is just a tiny little something not quite right about the mouth (Mouth Quotes)
Forget about tennis, I was scared to open my mouth. I didn’t even feel worthy of saying something and not sounding stupid (Mouth Quotes)
Spelling is a way to make words safe, at least for now, until another technology appears to soften attacks launched from the mouth (Mouth Quotes)
Poetry’s medium is the individual chest and throat and mouth of whoever undertakes to say the poem (Mouth Quotes)
The medium of poetry is a human body: the column of air inside the chest, shaped into signifying sounds in the larynx and the mouth. In this sense, poetry is just as physical or bodily an art as dancing (Mouth Quotes)
There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control – your mind and your mouth (Mouth Quotes)
Even those with unspendable fortunes only have one mind, one mouth, two ears, two eyes and one pleasure station. There’s only so much fun you can take (Mouth Quotes)
Everything that goes into my mouth seems to make me fat, everything that comes out of my mouth embarrasses me (Mouth Quotes)
I have my mother’s mouth and my father’s eyes; on my face they are still together (Mouth Quotes)
Good medicine is bitter to the mouth, but has an effect on the disease. Faithful words hurt one’s ears, but have value for one’s conduct (Mouth Quotes)
When you think intensely and beautifully, something happens. That something is called poetry. If you think that way and speak at the same time, poetry gets in your mouth. If people hear you, it gets in their ears. If you think that way and write at the same time, then poetry gets written. But poetry exists in any case. The question is only: are you going to take part, and if so, how? (Mouth Quotes)
Just because you can thrill a toddler by chewing with your mouth open doesn’t mean you should (Mouth Quotes)
O felt that her mouth was beautiful, since her lover condescended to thrust himself into it (Mouth Quotes)
Remembering how my mother looked before she gave birth to my sister is frightening. But even more frightening is the feeling that I wanted them to catch me and beat me. Why did I want to be punished? Shadows out of the past clutch at my legs and drag me down. I open my mouth to scream, but I am voiceless. My hands are trembling, I feel cold, and there is a distant humming in my ears (Mouth Quotes)
Age doesn’t arrive slowly, it comes in a rush. One day nothing has changed, a week later, everything has. A week may be too long a time, it can happen overnight. You are the same and still the same and suddenly one morning two distinct lines, ineradicable, have appeared at the corners of your mouth (Mouth Quotes)
Sentimentality and nostalgia are closely related. Kissing cousins. I have no time for nostalgia, though. Nostalgics believe the past is nicer than the present. It isn’t. Or wasn’t. Nostalgics want to cuddle the past like a puppy. But the past has bloody teeth and bad breath. I look into its mouth like a sorrowing dentist (Mouth Quotes)
The artist has to be something like a whale swimming with his mouth wide open, absorbing everything until he has what he really needs (Mouth Quotes)
I can generate suctional forces, which act indirectly and are entirely undetectable. No current of air can be noticed; only an almost imperceptible cooling, as occurs when air is sucked in strongly with the back of the hand held in front of the mouth. It is therefore incorrect to say that I have copied the cyclones and typhoons of the tropics (Mouth Quotes)
I hope that when I commence that oath, my tongue may cleave to the roof of my mouth. If I ever sign one line to show allegiance, I hope my arm falls paralyzed to my side... Get out. I’m so disgusted I can’t endure your presence any longer (Mouth Quotes)
You cannot sell a man who isn’t listening; word of mouth is the best medium of all; and dullness won’t sell your product, but neither will irrelevant brilliance (Mouth Quotes)