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Move Quotes

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Make good thy standing place, and move the world  (Move Quotes) Sometimes you gotta let go in order to move forward  (Move Quotes) If the table moves, move with it  (Move Quotes) Faith can move mountains; true: mountains of stupidity  (Move Quotes) We should move in together according to my accountant  (Move Quotes) Just move on, you’ll be better off in the long run  (Move Quotes) You need to just let it go, otherwise you’ll never move on  (Move Quotes) Answerless questions can destroy you. Move on  (Move Quotes) To move forward you have to give back  (Move Quotes) Learn from your past, move on, and grow stronger  (Move Quotes) Forgive and let go. Forget and move on  (Move Quotes) Best thing to do, is apologize and move on  (Move Quotes) Just move forward. Don’t look back  (Move Quotes) Weigh the situation, then move  (Move Quotes) Ladies, make the first move. He needs to feel wanted too  (Move Quotes) Ideas move fast when their time comes  (Move Quotes) You can’t move mountains by whispering at them  (Move Quotes) I’d love to help you move by staying completely out of your way  (Move Quotes) Don’t make waves, move smoothly without disturbing things  (Move Quotes) Van Der Vaart’s movement is always on the move  (Move Quotes) I usually have sex to my stand-up comedy album. Power move  (Move Quotes) The thing about life is that you must survive. Life is going to be difficult, and dreadful things will happen. What you do is move along, get on with it, and be tough. Not in the sense of being mean to others, but being tough with yourself and making a deadly effort not to be defeated  (Move Quotes) All things as they move toward God are beautiful, and they are ugly as they move away from Him  (Move Quotes) The government was to raise the duty on cheese to 83 percent, an unpopular move that would doubtless have the more militant citizens picketing cheese shops  (Move Quotes) Home is where your ass is and if you want to move you move your ass the first step is learning to change homes with someone else and have someone else's ass  (Move Quotes) America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers  (Move Quotes) The heart prefers to move against the grain of circumstance; perversity is the soul's very life  (Move Quotes) and she speculated that the city would be cold, completely of itself, unconscious, that its every move would be transcendent, and that each of its hundred million flashing scenes would strike a moral lesson. Such a city would extend vision, intensify pity, telescope emotion, and float the heart the way the sea is gently buoyant with great ships. To do this it would have to be a cold instrument. And, despite its beauty, it would have to be cruel  (Move Quotes) Because no windows were open and the air was so still and cold that the trees dared not move for fear of encountering more of it than they had to, Christiana thought that she had entered a city of the dead  (Move Quotes) Teach us, O God, that nothing is necessary to Thee. Were anything necessary to Thee that thing would be the measure of Thine imperfection: and how could we worship one who is imperfect? If nothing is necessary to Thee, then no one is necessary, and if no one, then not we. Thou dost seek us though Thou does not need us. We seek Thee because we need Thee, for in Thee we live and move and have our being. Amen  (Move Quotes)
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