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I find, by close observation, that the mothers are the levers which move in education. The men talk about it... but the women work most for it  (Move Quotes) That little white ball won’t move until you hit it, and there’s nothing you can do after it has gone  (Move Quotes) The new man is born too old to tolerate the new world. The present conditions of life have not yet erased the traces of the past. We run too fast, but we still do not move enough. He looks but he does not contemplate, he sees but he does not think. He runs away from time, which is made of thought, and yet all he can feel is his own time, the present  (Move Quotes) Love is everything. It is the key to life, and its influences are those that move the world  (Move Quotes) Can I say that I think it should be against the law for one state to use taxpayer money to try to bribe businesses in another state to move? Which then causes the target state to use taxpayer dollars to try to bribe the businesses to stay  (Move Quotes) I married someone whom I was close friends with first. I think that was a really good move  (Move Quotes) If you write a good action sequence well in a novel, you’re already writing it for film, because the only way to do it well is to use some of the same tricks. They’re rhetorical, not visual, but it’s the same move  (Move Quotes) If I couldn’t move, I don’t know what I would do. That would be terrifying for me; I don’t know how I’d cope with that  (Move Quotes) I am a strong believer in the intertwined nature of the personal and the political; I think they move together  (Move Quotes) People have said unkind things and you kind of have to, if you happen to read it, you have to just, you know, move on  (Move Quotes) The whole 1950s notion was find the right girl, get married, move to the suburbs and then hang out with the guys while she stayed home with the babies. I felt that was sort of sad  (Move Quotes) Embrace the faff. Stare out of the window. Bend paperclips. Stand in the middle of the room trying to remember what you came downstairs for. Pace. Drum your fingertips. Move papers around. Hum. Look at the garden  (Move Quotes) Many developing countries are enjoying demographic changes. They have a younger demographic composition so they’re not burdened by legacy policy. Now, if you combine this with a good macro policy and ambitious structural policy, those countries are able to move more flexibly and be more agile  (Move Quotes) There is no training, classroom or otherwise, that can prepare for trading the last third of a move, whether it’s the end of a bull market or the end of a bear market  (Move Quotes) I think there’s just an inherent burden of being alive and being a woman. No man would ever admit that, but I think women know it, which is: You know more than men, you know more than most people you’re dealing with every day, and you know that’s it up to you to make things move forward, and you get paid half as much, but you just do it  (Move Quotes) If you’re going through friendship issues, I would say, first of all take a step back. How important is the friendship to you? Sometimes, if someone’s not being a good friend to you and isn’t treating you the way you should be treated, then you kind of have to move on sometimes  (Move Quotes) So many people counted on me to be the party, I had to move far enough away that they wouldn’t want to drive there  (Move Quotes) I think about all my successes and failures, and sometimes the failures stick in your head as much as the wins. But you do move on  (Move Quotes) As long as I can wear something that’s not too tight, I can move in it, it’s not too thick, and I can breathe, it’s great  (Move Quotes) The most important thing that I learned in growing up is that forgiveness is something that, when you do it, you free yourself to move on  (Move Quotes) I got successful awfully quick, and I wanted it... But I do think there is responsibility to move the musical theater form forward. I think you always have to be aware of the work that came before and build on that  (Move Quotes) Other people can think ahead all they want. I just focus on the task at hand and try to move on  (Move Quotes) The planet’s spinning a thousand miles an hour around this gigantic nuclear explosion while these people roll these machines with rubber tires over this hard surface that we’ve laid down over the planet so that we can easily move ourselves back and forth  (Move Quotes) Life is short. You have to be able to laugh at our pain or we never move on  (Move Quotes) For a long time, I was almost ashamed of being an actress. I felt like it was a shallow occupation. People would be watching my every move  (Move Quotes) Life is a series of punches. It presents a lot of challenges. It presents a lot of hardship, but the people that are able to take those punches and able to move forward are the ones that really do have a lot of success and have a lot of joy in their life and have a lot of stories to tell, too  (Move Quotes) If you can get yourself where you’re not afraid of dying, then you can move forward a lot faster  (Move Quotes) It’s going to cost trillions of dollars to rework the energy sources all over the world. Were going to have to move away from fossil fuels  (Move Quotes) Even if we didn’t have greenhouse gases, were going to have to move away from fossil fuels, as we’re going to run out. They’re finite, whereas solar and wind are infinite  (Move Quotes) When I watch a movie, I don’t make a sound or move. The more I’m into the movie, the more bored I look  (Move Quotes)
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