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Move Quotes

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I didn’t want to become a reserve player, or a bench player, and it was time to move on and take on another challenge  (Move Quotes) Determination and perseverance move the world; thinking that others will do it for you is a sure way to fail  (Move Quotes) We must strive to move forward in life, by acknowledging the forces that are thrusted upon ourselves by means of fear, and relinquish them by our ways of hope  (Move Quotes) Being gentle means forgiving yourself when you mess up. We should learn from our mistakes, but we shouldn’t beat the tar out of ourselves over them. The past is just that, past. Learn what went wrong and why. Make amends if you need to. Then drop it and move on  (Move Quotes) The universe seems to me infinitely strange and foreign. At such a moment I gaze upon it with a mixture of anguish and euphoria; separate from the universe, as though placed at a certain distance outside it; I look and I see pictures, creatures that move in a kind of timeless time and spaceless space, emitting sounds that are a kind of language I no longer understand or ever register  (Move Quotes) The country is now universally recognised as a nation on the move and takes its place amongst the successful economies in the region. The future potential is enormous but the country’s destiny is in our hands. The time has come to move from small increments to bold, large initiatives. The time has come to stretch the envelope and set goals which were earlier not seen to be possible. The time has come for performance to be measured and for allocated funds of the government to reach the people for whom they were intended  (Move Quotes) We’re like so many puppets hung on the wall, waiting for someone to come and move us or make us talk  (Move Quotes) When destiny calls you, you’ve got to be strong. I may not be with you, but you’ve got to move on  (Move Quotes) Pour the bulk of your time into action, not deciding. The state of indecision is a major time waster. Don’t spend more than 60 seconds in that state if you can avoid it. Make a firm, immediate decision, and move from uncertainty to certainty to action. Let the world tell you when you’re wrong, and you’ll soon build enough experience to make accurate, intelligent decisions  (Move Quotes) To most people who look at a mobile, it’s no more than a series of flat objects that move. To a few, though, it may be poetry  (Move Quotes) I was stigmatized by being a bridal designer for a long time. I am amazed I have been able to move beyond it. I had really all but given up trying, but I did it because it was my lifelong dream  (Move Quotes) As we get deeper, we move closer and closer to other people; we feel closer to life as a whole  (Move Quotes) It’s like everybody’s sitting there and they have some kind of veil over their face, and they look at each other through this veil that makes them see each other through some stereotypical kind of viewpoint. If we’re ever gonna collectively begin to grapple with the problems that we have collectively, we’re gonna have to move back the veil and deal with each other on a more human level  (Move Quotes) No, I’m putting it away, trying to buy a house for my family. The goal is to use the money to move into a big house, so my daughter can have a garden  (Move Quotes) Basically there are two types of animals: animals, and animals that have no brains; they are called plants. They don’t need a nervous system because they don’t move actively, they don’t pull up their roots and run in a forest fire! Anything that moves actively requires a nervous system; otherwise it would come to a quick death  (Move Quotes) You own a dog with the knowledge that it will move through the stages of existence in fast forward, providing you with a lesson about your own life passages if you let it  (Move Quotes) The infantryman slithers in the mud, while many teams of horses are needed to drag each gun forward. All wheeled vehicles sink up to their axles in the slime. Even tractors can only move with great difficulty. A large portion of our heavy artillery was soon stuck fast... The strain that all this caused our already exhausted troops can perhaps be imagined  (Move Quotes) I dribbled by the hour with my left hand when I was young. I didn’t have full control, but I got so I could move the ball back and forth from one hand to the other without breaking the cadence of my dribble. I wasn’t dribbling behind my back or setting up any trick stuff, but I was laying the groundwork for it  (Move Quotes) It’s sort of like, our bodies are designed to keep moving, and when we don’t move it, we’re not going to feel great  (Move Quotes) Fast pitch softball is just as dangerous as baseball. The ball is bigger so you can see it better, but the size also makes for a bigger space to move out of its way  (Move Quotes) People have been wonderful to me in the good times and the bad, and I’ve come to believe that you do indeed reap what you sow. For those who constantly gripe about life, I turn and walk away. For those who speak negatively about people behind their backs, I move on  (Move Quotes) There are three basic personality factors in cats: The kind who run up when you say hello and rub against you in cheap romance; the kind who run away certain that you mean to ravish them; and the kind who just look back and don’t move a muscle. I love all three kinds  (Move Quotes) When you start a painting, it is somewhat outside you. At the conclusion, you seem to move inside the painting  (Move Quotes) A rock or stone is not a subject that, of itself, may interest a philosopher to study; but, when he comes to see the necessity of those hard bodies, in the constitution of this earth, or for the permanency of the land on which we dwell, and when he finds that there are means wisely provided for the renovation of this necessary decaying part, as well as that of every other, he then, with pleasure, contemplates this manifestation of design, and thus connects the mineral system of this earth with that by which the heavenly bodies are made to move perpetually in their orbits  (Move Quotes) Players taught to watch the man with the ball leaves them totally unprepared for the next move, which is always dictated by a player without the ball  (Move Quotes) There is nothing absolute and final. If everything were ironclad, all the rules absolute and everything structured so no paradox or irony existed, you couldn’t move. One could say that man sneaks through the crack where paradox exists  (Move Quotes) Water gushing out of thousands of springs at different places cannot move the wheels of a big engine to carry out very heavy tasks. But the channeled flow of the same water in the bed of a stream will, however, be irresistible and can become a source of tremendous energy  (Move Quotes) Sometimes, soulmates may meet, stay together until a task or life lesson is completed, and then move on. This is not a tragedy, only a matter of learning  (Move Quotes) The celebrity thing’s completely crazy. I think I just have to move away or give it up altogether. I couldn’t have kids in the situation I’m in now. But I could just do something else. That’s probably what’s going to happen. I made a decision very recently that I want a life instead  (Move Quotes) I love being in a brothers band. I have no desire to move away from it at all  (Move Quotes)
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