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With this look, who’s going to think I’m gay? I don’t lend myself to that type of confusion. Do I look like a homosexual? Do I talk like them? Do I move like them?  (Move Quotes) I believe in a set of values I cannot live by. I set high goals for myself, I seek perfection, dream of exotic faraway places. But ultimately, what I long for isn’t far away at all. It’s in my own backyard. Imperfection charms me, familiar things move me... a celebration of what we have, instead of what we long for. That for me, is glamor  (Move Quotes) I’d take telekinesis. I could move things with my mind, and with telepathy I could control other people’s minds and make them do whatever I wanted  (Move Quotes) My biggest regret is rolling in regret. It is best to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on  (Move Quotes) Sometimes I feel people can move past what they’ve grown up around and their surroundings while in a place and some people need closure after they’ve left and then coming back. I’ve seen it happen with people I knew growing up that hated each other, and then years later you go home and you see them walking down the street and they have babies  (Move Quotes) I don’t mind wearing a corset; it informs your posture, changes the way you move, you can’t slouch  (Move Quotes) I didn’t want to move or act like a rich man. I wanted to dance in a pair of jeans. I wanted to dance like the man in the streets  (Move Quotes) When you stop being nervous is when you should retire. I’m always a little nervous for anything I do because when complacency sets in, that’s when I feel it’s time to move on to something else  (Move Quotes) You should get the feeling you should move. That’s what is meant when people say the music moves me  (Move Quotes) We may have doubts, but we control the present. We always have the choice to move forward with hope and confidence  (Move Quotes) I was thinking about time, how on a movie set the shot is maintained in the same time no matter how many takes and hours pass. Reflectors and lights are added, footprints are smoothed away, so that there are no telltale clues as the day wears on. When the shot is finished and the plugs are pulled, time seems to leap forward in a matter of seconds. Perhaps making movies is a step toward being able to move backward and forward and in and out of linear time  (Move Quotes) Perhaps making movies is a step toward being able to move backward and forward and in and out of linear time  (Move Quotes) There’s a real sense of freedom now. It’s a good time to finish, I think. As much as I’m going to miss it I’m ready to move on and do different things  (Move Quotes) And trust. It takes a long time to trust someone. You work with people, anybody you don’t know, it takes about a films length to get to know each other. Then if you move on, you have to start right back at the beginning. But if you carry on together and try doing different things, you can all grow together  (Move Quotes) I would like to look back on my body of work and be proud of each record in its own right, but as a whole, I want to continue to grow and move forward  (Move Quotes) Cable had a latitude to move which created less censorship and bestowed upon the artists, the writers and the creators, more liberty to create their shows  (Move Quotes) One man who saw through his own eyes and thought with his own brain. Such men may be rare, they may be unknown, but they move the world  (Move Quotes) I love my shoulders; they’re strong. I like the way they move, and I like the way they look in clothes  (Move Quotes) Eva is a story of repetition. It is a story where our protagonist faces the same situation many times over and determinedly picks himself back up again. It is a story of the will to move forward, even if only a little. It is a story of the resolve to want to be together, even though it is frightening to have contact with others and endure ambiguous loneliness. I would be most gratified if you found enjoyment in these four parts as it takes the same story and metamorphoses it into something different  (Move Quotes) I’ve always had the utmost respect and awe of what the lens can do and what a director can do with just a camera move  (Move Quotes) Living a life with meaning means spreading the word. Even if you can’t move, you can have a powerful effect with what you say  (Move Quotes) I’ve never known a writer who didn’t feel ill at ease in the world. We all feel unhoused in some sense. That’s part of why we write. We feel we don’t fit in, that this world is not our world, that though we may move in it, we’re not of it. You don’t need to write a novel if you feel at home in the world  (Move Quotes) You’ve got to have some adversity and learn from it. I’m working hard, but I didn’t expect a cure in one day. You learn. You move on. You hold your head up. You go on to the next day  (Move Quotes) Starting in high school and continuing through our higher education system, we must ensure our students are on the right path to acquiring marketable skills that will lead to a productive and satisfying career. My goal is for every student to get a job after they graduate – not move back in with his or her parents. To do that, we must emphasize skill attainment in our community colleges and universities, use our resources more efficiently and measure success in a comprehensive way  (Move Quotes) The fastball is the best pitch in baseball. It’s like having five pitches, if you move it around  (Move Quotes) Walk through this with me. Through this church birthed of blood and muscle where every move our arms take, every breath we swallow is worship. Bend with me. There are bones in our throats. If we choke it is only on songs  (Move Quotes) The process of design starts with exploration, but ends with refinement. The best designers carefully move from one to the other, making sure they spend enough time exploring before locking themselves into a design approach  (Move Quotes) What’s your cause? Does it move you to tears? What is it that moves you passionately?  (Move Quotes) I feel like creating things without getting too hung up on little details, and paying more attention to the importance to the concept itself, is the way to move forward  (Move Quotes) I happen to believe the world will change only when we change ourselves. And that starts with finding ourselves: learning to quiet the clamor in our minds and the voices of everyone around us and move toward what feels right – toward the things we know, for reasons we can’t explain, that we’re mean to do, the things that makes us feel alive  (Move Quotes)
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