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It’s hard to see a river all at once, especially in the mountains. Down on the plains, rivers run in their course as straightforward as time, channeled toward the sea. But up in the headwaters, a river isn’t a point where you stand. In the beginnings of the river, you teeter on the edge of a hundred tiny watersheds where one drop of water is always tipping the balance from one stream to another. History changes with each tiny event, shaping an outcome that we can only fully grasp in hindsight. And that view changes as we move farther downstream  (Move Quotes) God’s love is just like the sun, constant and shining for us all. And just as the earth rotates around the sun, it is the natural order for us to move away for a season, and then to return closer, but always within the appropriate time  (Move Quotes) When you get pushed down, you pick yourself up and move on. I’ve never been a victim  (Move Quotes) One of the greatest handicaps is to fear a mistake. You have stopped yourself. You have to move freely into the arena, not just to wait for the perfect situation, the perfect moment... If you have to make a mistake, it’s better to make a mistake of action than one of inaction. If I had the opportunity again, I would take chances  (Move Quotes) Be passionate and move forward with gusto every single hour of every single day until you reach your goal  (Move Quotes) To fulfill you potential, you need to move out of your comfort zone and into the legacy zone  (Move Quotes) Remember, success is not measured by heights attained but by obstacles overcome. We’re going to pass through many obstacles in our lives: good days, bad days. But the successful person will overcome those obstacles and constantly move forward  (Move Quotes) Intimacy is not trapped within words. It passes through words. It passes. The truth is that intimates leave the room. Doors close. Faces move away from the window. Time passes. Voices recede into the dark. Death finally quiets the voice. And there is no way to deny it. No way to stand in the crowd, uttering one’s family language  (Move Quotes) Before you can move in new directions, you must first let go of what’s not working for you  (Move Quotes) You have to choose the move that feels right sometimes; that’s what intuition is  (Move Quotes) Jesus will always move away from religious drama and toward the needs of people who are hurting. Jesus will always go out of his way to find and minister to people who others will go out of their way to avoid. I love him for that  (Move Quotes) You have to believe that things can be bigger than what you see in front of you in order to move forward  (Move Quotes) We learn to love our sweat, we discover our passion to move and connect it to effort, we discover both the animal in us and the power of our imagination  (Move Quotes) If you’re changing the status quo, whatever move you make is disrupting something else  (Move Quotes) She would not exchange her solitude for anything. Never again to be forced to move to the rhythms of others  (Move Quotes) As long as my opponent has not yet castled, on each move I seek a pretext for an offensive. Even when I realize that the king is not in danger  (Move Quotes) Discipline is a necessary tool to help you get what you want in life. It forces you to stay on center and to move away from the things that are not necessary  (Move Quotes) I learned... every part of the body; I would move each part as I memorized it. As a child, I would lie in the woods for hours, hiding and watching the animals move, how the mother taught the young  (Move Quotes) We need to realize that our path to transformation is through our mistakes. We’re meant to make mistakes, recognize them, and move on to become unlimited  (Move Quotes) Oppressed people, whatever their level of formal education, have the ability to understand and interpret the world around them, to see the world for what it is, and move to transform it  (Move Quotes) The seed must move to the soil; the tree must turn to the sun. The river must leave its source to reach the sea. And man must forget man, the maker, in order to make the world  (Move Quotes) Exuberance is a gift of grace that allows us to move on, to seek, to love again  (Move Quotes) I’m not the type of person who likes to look backwards. I’ve always felt compelled to move forward and I’ve never been one to dwell in the past. All the people I’ve met, all the places I’ve been, and all the things that I’ve done have simply been part of who I am  (Move Quotes) Reality is a staircase going neither up nor down, we don’t move; today is today, always is today  (Move Quotes) Where I come from, you had to be original. You had to come up with your own little moves. It doesn’t matter if it’s a big move. It had to be a dope original concept  (Move Quotes) Real people move, they bear with them the element of time. It is this fourth dimension of people that I try to capture in a photograph  (Move Quotes) I don’t believe in charmed lives. I think that tragedy is part of the lesson you learn to lift yourself up, to pick yourself up and to move on  (Move Quotes) When you look to the past, don’t sit and dwell on your regrets. Instead, focus on the things you learned from each experience and how they may enrich your future. Use the past not as something to hold you back, but as a method for reaffirming the drive to move forward on your chosen path  (Move Quotes) No man can really succeed if he doesn’t move away from where he was born. I believe it is particularly true for the writer  (Move Quotes) You have to move beyond that vision of the way your life has always looked and begin to picture your life as you want it to look  (Move Quotes)
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