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Move Quotes

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I can think. I can sleep. I can move. I can ride my bike. I can dream  (Move Quotes) Every tree, every plant, has a spirit. People may say that the plant has no mind. I tell them that the plant is alive and conscious. A plant may not talk, but there is a spirit in it that is conscious, that sees everything, which is the soul of the plant, its essence, what makes it alive. The channels through which the water and sap move are the veins of the spirit  (Move Quotes) When the right one comes along, you figure it out. You move mountains, you change your life and you do whatever it takes to keep them with you  (Move Quotes) Growing up, I went to many schools, and I had to fit in to many different types of environments with totally different social groups. It helps me out as I move from job to job  (Move Quotes) Productivity is the deliberate, strategic investment of your time, talent, intelligence, energy, resources, and opportunities in a manner calculated to move you measurably closer to meaningful goals  (Move Quotes) It is indeed a wondrous universal alchemy, is it not? When one’s heartfelt intentions cause mountains to move  (Move Quotes) Above all, I will keep an open heart. As I move on the right path I will recieve great happiness as a reward without asking for anything in return  (Move Quotes) I like to be lean. If I get too bulky I can’t move well and I like to move. When I’m not training, I get really round and soft  (Move Quotes) An inherent kindness exists in the process of aging... we are allowed to move along gradually  (Move Quotes) In my opinion it is a grave error for women to feel that they must move only in women’s interests... What, after all, would we think if men all got together and kept doing things that were supposed to be in the interest of men?  (Move Quotes) The culture used to move relatively slowly, so you could take aim. Now it moves so fast, and is so fluffy and meaningless, you feel like an idiot even complaining about it  (Move Quotes) People never move towards revolution; they are pushed towards it by intolerable injustices in the economic and social order under which they live  (Move Quotes) To do justice to a lifelong dream of being a writer, I must give it the intense concentration and focus I gave to track. To do both with excellence is not possible. It is with a sense of sadness and joyous anticipation that I leave track and move on  (Move Quotes) We are all capable of living lives characterized by great joy. Within each of us is an amazing human spirit that is strong enough to overcome pain and disappointment. And no matter what our current situation happens to be, or what beliefs we may currently harbor about ourselves, we can tap into that inner strength and wisdom and move forward to create more joy  (Move Quotes) Forgiveness releases you from a past that no longer defines you. Allow yourself to move on  (Move Quotes) I still will sit down at the piano and play when I am wrestling with something emotionally or just want to move into the musical world  (Move Quotes) I learned that when something just has to be said to move the discussion along, or broaden it or deepen it, if I can just keep my mouth shut for five minutes a student will say it. So for me a lot of teaching is about keeping my mouth shut  (Move Quotes) When you’re away for a long time, tastes change, fans move on. You hate to think about it, but it’s an ugly fact of life  (Move Quotes) You’re always going to sound like yourself, but you can make really strong attempts to keep some similarities, but move away from what you did before for popularity’s sake  (Move Quotes) Your emotions are meant to fluctuate, just like your blood pressure is meant to fluctuate. It’s a system that’s supposed to move back and forth, between happy and unhappy. That’s how the system guides you through the world  (Move Quotes) If you do something and it goes wrong, you learn from it and you move on  (Move Quotes) There are some actors that are so gifted, that move you in such a way that every time you see their names again, you go and pay another ticket because you want to have that experience again  (Move Quotes) I do a lot of media work, I’ve been investing and I’m involved with real estate. It’s totally different from what I had been doing but I find it challenging and fun. To be honest, I really don’t miss the track. I pretty well accomplished what I set out to do and it was time to move on  (Move Quotes) The body is sort of a pain. It has to go to the bathroom. It has to be comfortable. But the spirit is indestructible. It can move at the speed of light  (Move Quotes) I would feel ill without theater. It’s kind of a cliche, but every time you make a mistake, you really do have to learn from it to move on. When you’re doing something live, there’s no time to dwell. Hopefully you’ll laugh it off, but if not, you can always take a day to hate yourself  (Move Quotes) Oftentimes, heavy weights can tear the muscle fiber causing it to bulk, but using a lighter weight for a longer duration and allowing your body to move in many different ways to target all of the muscles will lengthen them without tearing  (Move Quotes) When’s the last time you really thought about what you eat, how much you move throughout the day, whether or not you feel fantastic when you get up in the morning, and which shoes keep your feet comfortable?  (Move Quotes) Scouts have always been surprised by the way I’m able to move at my size. How fast and agile I am  (Move Quotes) Theft annoys me more than anything else. The purloining of effects from another magician. Some people think it’s massive to steal the secrets of nuclear reactors, but to steal a card move is trivial. They’re wrong  (Move Quotes) Usually, sprinting is my main source of energy and recovery time because that’s how I move  (Move Quotes)
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