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To decide to reach for this blue and not that one, to switch styles or subject matter, to move, in the middle of a sentence, in one direction or another, to commit to this book when that one is also calling, are the sorts of choices that artists must make if they are to function  (Move Quotes) The artist... may suppose that ideas are his chief currency; but unless he is also attuned to feelings, in life and in art, he will not move his fellow human beings  (Move Quotes) The centipede has rhythm and flow in its hundred legs precisely because it does not have to think about it. Consider this the next time you move the instruments of your art  (Move Quotes) Yesterday ended last night. Every day is a new beginning. Learn the skill of forgetting. And move on  (Move Quotes) Trouble is bad to get into but fun to get out of. If you’re in trouble, eighty percent of the time there’s a way out. If you can see the ball, you can probably hit it; and if you can hit it, you can move it; and if you can move it, you might be able to knock it in the hole. At least it’s fun to try  (Move Quotes) There are two primary forces in this world, fear and faith. Fear can move you to destructiveness or sickness or failure. Only in rare instances will it motivate you to accomplishment. But faith is a greater force. Faith can drive itself into your consciousness and set you free from fear forever  (Move Quotes) Fashion has become a joke. The designers have forgotten that there are women inside the dresses. Most women dress for men and want to be admired. But they must also be able to move, to get into a car without bursting their seams! Clothes must have a natural shape  (Move Quotes) So when a good idea comes, you know, part of my job is to move it around, just see what different people think, get people talking about it, argue with people about it, get ideas moving among that group of 100 people, get different people together to explore different aspects of it quietly, and, you know – just explore things  (Move Quotes) Our philosophy is about reaching back to move forward. We have something different to say with a sensibility that is both old and new  (Move Quotes) Nothing can be more certain than this: that we are just beginning to learn something of the wonders of the world on which we live and move and have our being  (Move Quotes) When an opponent comes forward, move in and greet him; if he wants to pull back, send him on his way  (Move Quotes) The day you were born, it was already written down the day you’re gonna check out. Now, I’m not gonna throw myself under a truck, but I’m not gonna worry about when I die. I’m ready to move on when that day comes  (Move Quotes) Your customers dream of a happier and better life. Don’t move products. Instead, enrich lives  (Move Quotes) Dressing is a way of life. It brings you joy. It can give you freedom and liberation, help you to find yourself and to move without restraint. Isn’t elegance forgetting what one is wearing?  (Move Quotes) It is possible to move to an enlightened state of mind from a lower bardo or level of awareness. It can happen, but it is extremely unlikely  (Move Quotes) Enlightenment means that you’re never the same. You move and shift as the quiescent state, in a body or out of it. And since the quiescent state is perpetual and endless ecstasy, therefore you are endless  (Move Quotes) An enlightened teacher has so much power that when they meditate, a tremendous aura builds up around them. The aura will open up your aura and increase it. You will move into a higher plane of knowledge. You will gain a new view of the world  (Move Quotes) Women have very powerful second chakras, and the goal is to move that energy up and use it  (Move Quotes) They say that faith can move mountains, so can bulldozers, so can nuclear weapons. I’m not really sure if that’s what faith is intended for. I guess if there is a mountain that has to be moved, and you’ve got nothing else to do it with, you could probably do it with faith  (Move Quotes) Bullies never want to acknowledge their own actions. They want to move through life without reflection or apology  (Move Quotes) From the highest state of mind you have a window whereby you could perhaps move beyond all states of mind, to enlightenment  (Move Quotes) The quicker we all realize that we’ve been taught how to live life by people that were operating on the momentum of an ignorant past the quicker we can move to a global ethic of community that doesn’t value invented borders or the monopolization of natural resources, but rather the goal of a happier more loving humanity  (Move Quotes) Paintings exist in the present tense, yet somehow, because of how it’s structured, it can move backwards through time as well  (Move Quotes) You’re supposed to take a second if life is going well, to enjoy it and not just move on with the rest of your day worrying about the next thing. And it’s a really trite point in some ways. But it’s bizarre how little I had done it at various points in my life  (Move Quotes) You don’t have a lot of time to massage a scene into oblivion. It’s like you do it, you get a couple of good takes, and then you move on, so you have to be very spontaneous as an actor and have done your homework, and I like that  (Move Quotes) It’s never too late to move to a good place to try to improve your child’s outcomes in adulthood  (Move Quotes) I needed to get to know myself and really, really explore music without any pressure to sell it. I wanted to try and not restrain myself at all, so I’ve been trying to move quite freely between different sounds and genres  (Move Quotes) I’m living in the moment. I just try to move each of the stories, scripts and projects that I work on forward. And when they’re ready and the people are ready to make them, we’ll do that  (Move Quotes) I think the more depth you build into the characters, and the more you see where they came from, the more fun you can have. Setting up different characters in different relationships is always helpful as you move forward  (Move Quotes) I’ve been filming time lapse flowers continuously, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 35 years. To watch them move is a dance I will never get tired of. Their sensual beauty immerses us with color, smell, taste and touch  (Move Quotes)
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