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Being veterinarians, we’re not supposed to be afraid of any animals. And I’m afraid of spiders. They creep me out the way they move. They got hair and saliva. That’s wrong. A bug shouldn’t have hair on it  (Move Quotes) The better your base is, and the more you know from experience, the better off you’ll be when you try and make the big move  (Move Quotes) A leader can`t move a country that`s not ready. You can`t make the waves, but when you see them coming, you can help direct them  (Move Quotes) As a performer, I don’t like to play the same thing over and over. I like to play it and let it go and move on. That’s also why television hasn’t really been something that I’ve done  (Move Quotes) I think people direct good films when they feel personal to them, not because it’s a famous book or something. It has to something move over that and somehow become personal to the director  (Move Quotes) There is a case, and a strong case, for that particular form of indolence that allows us to move through life knowing only what immediately concerns us  (Move Quotes) Used to move so much, every time the chickens saw the team put in the wagon, they’d lie down on their backs and hold their legs up to be tied!  (Move Quotes) Believe me, nothing is so calculated to lose you audience sympathy as too many tears. Move your listeners all you can but let them do the crying  (Move Quotes) And we are a people without tears. The things that moved our parents do not move us at all  (Move Quotes) Religion is a temper, not a pursuit. It is the moral atmosphere in which human beings are to live and move. Men do not live to breathe: they breathe to live  (Move Quotes) Writing is how I understand everything that happens. Writing is the only way I know to move on  (Move Quotes) It is a truth of human nature that we can ponder life’s mysteries for only so long before we lose interest and move on to something else  (Move Quotes) I became an animal painter because I loved to move among animals. I would study an animal and draw it in the position it took, and when it changed to another position I would draw that  (Move Quotes) There are some beings who reach a point where they no longer want to move through the ten thousand states of mind. There is something else. It is beyond subject and object. That is nirvana  (Move Quotes) Isn’t it funny how the people least impacted by tragedy are the most eager to move on?  (Move Quotes) It is just as important to move on in the wake of stunning success as in the wake of disaster  (Move Quotes) If we can move together as a species, I think that there is a possibility that we can make the world a better place  (Move Quotes) To move forward, what’s required is a unified space agenda based on exploration, science, development, commerce, and security  (Move Quotes) Most writers I know move back and forth between the rational and the intuitive, though there are some who approach writing very rationally, and others who claim not to think their work through  (Move Quotes) Instead of giving in to cynicism and division, let’s move forward with the confidence and optimism and unity that define us as a people  (Move Quotes) I have the right to express myself. Once we get through expressing, do we really move forward in society  (Move Quotes) Sometimes I feel frustration at the bureaucracy for not moving fast enough to deliver in the way that I would prefer. But that is probably because I have worked for many years in the civil society, which tends to move much faster than government  (Move Quotes) If you want to get the body you’ve always dreamed of, you have to earn it. You can’t buy it, you can’t rent it. You have to earn it. My formula has always been love yourself, move your body, watch your portions. And it sounds so easy, but it is not  (Move Quotes) When you travel so much, the best and most relaxing thing is to just sit on the couch and not move  (Move Quotes) Waiting makes wine better; but waiting makes man decay! Don’t wait because you have no time! Move fast!  (Move Quotes) As we move closer and closer to a nonsexist world, women will have an equal opportunity as men to be rejected, embarrassed, and humiliated beyond all consolation  (Move Quotes) Become placeless, for to change this place of water and clay is but to move from one prison to another  (Move Quotes) By merely increasing or decreasing the amount of contrast in any area we can move the observer through the painting  (Move Quotes) How close the sexes sometimes come to one another. It is as much a matter of behaviour and the spere in which they move that separates the masculine part of humanity from the feminine  (Move Quotes) I like jewellery because it’s forever. Flowers die, chocolates get eaten and lingerie wears out in the wash. Plus, the girl is reminded of you every time she wears it. It’s a wise move  (Move Quotes)
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