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Move Quotes

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We move through the day like two hands of a clock: sometimes we overlap for a moment, then come apart again, carrying on alone. Everyday exactly the same: the tea, the burnt toast, the crumbs, the silence  (Move Quotes) We may not realize it, but a crucial step in building a healthy economy is helping people move from welfare to work  (Move Quotes) I start with a beat sheet, which is more of an abbreviated outline. It hits all the major plot points. From there, I move to note cards. But the most important part of my process is my inspiration board  (Move Quotes) When you claim to have the truth, as opposed to the truth as you perceive it, then you move us toward a theocratic view of government  (Move Quotes) My philosophy is to not be scared of anyone. If I play well, great; if I dont, I learn from the match and move on  (Move Quotes) We all find joy and radiance and a reason to move on even in the most dire of circumstances. Even in chaos and madness, theres still a beauty that comes from just the vibrancy of another human spirit  (Move Quotes) Our affluence has allowed us to move to a place where we tend to make things pleasurable, as opposed to efficient  (Move Quotes) Its tempting to work more than 60 hours a week and sacrifice sleep, not move, and eat bad foods as they are convenient. But this comes with a cost  (Move Quotes) I don’t really have an office or anything, and I like to have to move location every two hours. So I just kind of write in a park, on a bench, in the library, in a cafe, back to the library, that kind of thing  (Move Quotes) Working together in concert more smoothly not only helps us move more quickly; it changes the nature of what we can undertake. When we have the confidence that we can orchestrate the group effort required to realize them, we dare bigger dreams  (Move Quotes) Human ingenuity has given centuries to the goal of ensuring that the human body might move around at an even 68 degrees all year  (Move Quotes) The best option for me to do was not to move. I tried, and any little nudge or step, it the cramping would get worse. It was the whole left leg... nearly the whole left side.... I drank a lot of fluids at halftime. I even changed my uniform  (Move Quotes) When we don’t deal honestly with our lives and the losses we face, when we try to anesthetize the pain and move on, then the suppressed anger or fear or guilt will deal with us until we are ready to deal with those issues  (Move Quotes) My father’s body lies in a stone tomb high on a hill. People walk by, pause, think their own thoughts about him and move on, back to their own lives. I can never move on. He is everywhere  (Move Quotes) I have no pride about anything I have done. It’s just not the way I think about things. I do the work, always, as hard as I can, to the point of pain, injury, exhaustion, if that is what it takes. Once I am done, I move on  (Move Quotes) The pencil you leave it there, and it’s dead. It doesn’t do anything and it doesn’t move by itself. It doesn’t offer anything; it’s totally submissive to you  (Move Quotes) It broke my heart when my first band split up. I was 25 and we’d been together since we were 15. But it had to happen. There was a point when I knew I had to move on  (Move Quotes) When you understand the fear then you can begin to move past it. So when I hear the people say it’s innate, you can’t learn it, I just want to hit them in the head  (Move Quotes) I am the kind of a woman that likes to move on mentally from point to point, and I like for my man to be there way ahead of me. Then if he is strong and honest, it goes on from there. Good looks are not essential, just extra added attraction  (Move Quotes) Prophesying catastrophe is incredibly banal. The more original move is to assume that it has already happened  (Move Quotes) Innocent people can get into terrible jams, too. One false move and you’re in over your head  (Move Quotes) It’s time to move on to the next step in the psychedelic revolution. We’ve reached a certain point, but we’re not moving any more  (Move Quotes) People move forward into the future out of the way they comprehend the past. When we don’t understand something in our past, we are therefore crippled  (Move Quotes) I mean, really, whatever you woke up worrying about this morning, get over it. How important in the greater scheme of things can it possibly be? Make your peace and move on  (Move Quotes) Entranced by the flight of a raven, I watch its shadow move effortlessly against golden, shimmering granite. I long to be that free, flying above the cluttered world of normalcy, where so many are half alive  (Move Quotes) What can a man do to move along in some kind of grace through his days and years?  (Move Quotes) People who want to wage cultural wars ought to keep in mind that cultural views often don’t move at all for a very long time, but when they move they can move very fast  (Move Quotes) The one thing I always said to myself was that when baseball started to feel more like a job, it would be time to move forward  (Move Quotes) Everyone starts out with a little self, and it costs everything to move past that little self. It costs the life of the little self to be the life within that’s deeper than that little self  (Move Quotes) Born in 1966, I came of age at the dawn of a revolution. The past was gone; we would move on and get over it!  (Move Quotes)
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