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A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it  (Move Quotes) Every scientist would like to be able to move through research faster, to spend less time and money acquiring material or disseminating it  (Move Quotes) We live in a culture that paces itself to the speed of machines. We are trying like good little robots to match our speed with theirs. Humans cannot move at the same rate as machines. When we attempt to, we lose contact with our own humanness  (Move Quotes) Spring is a time to find out where you are, who you are, and move toward where you are going  (Move Quotes) I was about to move out of my apartment because I was so broke. I’d sort of made a pact with myself that I wouldn’t take a job unless it was interesting to me, and I became broke very fast  (Move Quotes) True hustlers are prepared to get hustled and know when to change positions and move to something different and aren’t afraid  (Move Quotes) I do think once I get into expectations, I’ve just trained myself. I’ve just trained myself to just move on to the next  (Move Quotes) Whenever you do something that is in a continuous take, and something that we’re not used to doing, because it was all in the details of if you don’t make one move seem natural it can give away all of it  (Move Quotes) I’d been trying to retire to the back of the camera for quite a few years. And then, in 1970, when I first started directing, I if I could pull this off, I can some day just move in back of the camera and stay there  (Move Quotes) I don’t feel super attached to a certain time when I hear the music. Some of the songs I still play live and, through that I feel like I’ve been able to have it move with me through my life as opposed to being just a little piece of time  (Move Quotes) I make spaces that are calm rather than confrontational. I seek a certain kind of logic that allows you to move in space and perceive it as beautiful and rational. Clarity is a worthwhile quality  (Move Quotes) You will never be able to find happiness if you stay attached to the wrong person and don’t move on  (Move Quotes) Male initiation does not move toward machoism; on the contrary, it moves toward achieving a cultivated heart before we die  (Move Quotes) One of the reasons for putting yourself on the line, is that life is not simply treading water... I always felt that once you reach a certain point, you have to try and move ahead  (Move Quotes) When I hear a company is being run by a team, my heart sinks, because you need to have that leader with a vision and heart that can move things forward  (Move Quotes) You wouldn’t take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you’d move in close  (Move Quotes) God didn’t make you a leader to respond to stuff all day. He made you a leader to move things forward  (Move Quotes) Pray, for what do we move ever but to get rid of our furniture, our exuviæ; at last to go from this world to another newly furnished, and leave this to be burned?  (Move Quotes) Humor is a show of both strength and of vulnerability: you are willing to make the first move but you are trusting in the response of your listener  (Move Quotes) I’ve made it a policy to move every five years, either physically or in my research  (Move Quotes) Move only when you have an advantage. It’s very basic. You have to understand the odds and have the discipline to bet only when the odds are in your favor  (Move Quotes) Successful people move on their own initiative but they know where they are going before they start  (Move Quotes) Politics is not a tea party. When it is time to act, you have to move fast and decisively  (Move Quotes) So close is the bond between man and woman that you can not raise one without lifting the other. The world can not move ahead without woman’s sharing in the movement, and to help give a right impetus to that movement is woman’s highest privilege  (Move Quotes) Obviously there’s no way around discomfort, which is tucked into too many places in our lives. But it is possible to move beyond it  (Move Quotes) Apology may start as a feeling, a desire to make matters right, but it requires a commitment to move that desire into practice, to actually take on the great courageous task of showing compassion to others  (Move Quotes) Accepting the apology signals the acknowledgment of a need to move forward, but not necessarily together  (Move Quotes) A mantra is a thought. Use a mantra to help you still your mind initially and then move into silent meditation  (Move Quotes) Meditation is the pathway to enlightenment. Move the ego aside and be still, open, clear, bright and fully conscious  (Move Quotes) I’ve never been afraid to step out and to reach out and to move out in order to make things happen  (Move Quotes)
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