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Move Quotes

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I don’t believe it is more important to move forward than to know the truth  (Move Quotes) He never seemed to get tired. Always first up and ready to move on. Never afraid of what lay ahead  (Move Quotes) Why is it that only in the very beginnings of a relationship are you aware of the heat coming from inside a person, of the number of inches you would have to move for your shoulders to brush as if it were an accident?  (Move Quotes) Things happen in life and you can’t control them. It sucks and you have to move on  (Move Quotes) When you consider it from a human perspective, and clearly it would be difficult for us to do otherwise, life is an odd thing. It couldn’t wait to get going, but then, having gotten going, it seemed in very little hurry to move on  (Move Quotes) ... It’s hard to make changes. Things get so comfortable and you don’t want to move. Maybe it would do you good to be a little uncomfortable for a while, and do something different  (Move Quotes) Nico started to crawl away, groaning. Percy wanted him to move faster and groan less. He considered throwing his wonder bread at him  (Move Quotes) I resolved to move just a little bit more slowly through the world, to look around myself with greater care, and to try to remain conscious of all that was going on around me at all times  (Move Quotes) Once upon a time, the sky knew the weight of angel armies on the move, and the wind blew infernal with the fire of their wings  (Move Quotes) I don’t think there’s such a thing as falling in love too easily or falling too fast. Or loving someone too soon or trusting someone too soon... I’ve never treated two relationships the same. Some people move you and some people don’t  (Move Quotes) We are not perfect. We make mistakes. We screw up but then we forgive and move forward  (Move Quotes) I want to break something, or hit something, but I am afraid to move, so I start crying instead  (Move Quotes) No one but me ever put a hand on me to feel that baby. No one wanted to put his ear against it and listen... You shouldn’t have a baby if there’s no one who wants to feel it kick or listen to it move  (Move Quotes) She was on the far side, leaving two cold feet of mattress between them. He knew that she’d fall asleep like that... and then gradually move over until she was plastered against him. Then he could go to sleep, too  (Move Quotes) As I write, I am struggling with the ghost of someone I loved and lost. I now understand more fully the difficulties you were going through, and I realize how painful it must have been for you to move on  (Move Quotes) I would rather insult you than lose you, he said, and before any of them could make a move to stop him, he cast both items into the fire  (Move Quotes) It’s about getting to a point in your life where you’re ready to let go and move on and become the better version of yourself  (Move Quotes) I don’t move. I wait behind my log, terrified. Over the past ten minutes, it’s become such a dear friend, I consider naming it: Howard, my pet log  (Move Quotes) It was no coincidence, that fear could move a person to extremes, just as seamlessly as love. They were the conjoined twins of emotion: If you didn’t know what was at stake to lose, you had nothing to fight for  (Move Quotes) How am I supposed to move forward in life when everything important to me is motionless?  (Move Quotes) It’s the child who’s supposed to cry, and the mom who makes it all better, not the other way around, which is why mothers will move heaven and earth to hold it together in front of their own kids  (Move Quotes) Feel guilty. Mourn this. But move on. Don’t let it destroy you. Forgive yourself  (Move Quotes) Can you move on from something when you’re not sure what it is you’re moving on from?  (Move Quotes) We can learn to move into the unknown with the confidence that we have a guiding force within us that is showing us the way  (Move Quotes) Love and gratitude can part seas... It can move mountains and it can create miracles. The power of love and gratitude will dissolve all negativity in our lives no matter what the form has taken  (Move Quotes) Each rebuff is an opportunity to move forward; turn away from them, avoid them, and you throw away your future  (Move Quotes) Real leadership comes from the quiet nudging of an inner voice. It comes from realizing that the time has come to move beyond waiting to doing  (Move Quotes) If you want to move people, it has to be toward a vision that’s positive for them, that taps important values, that gets them something they desire and it has to be presented in a compelling way so that they feel inspired to follow  (Move Quotes) I think a relationship is like a shark. It has to constantly move forward or it dies  (Move Quotes) Have no fear of the future. Let us go forward into its mysteries, tear away the veils which hide it from our eyes, and move onwards with confidence and courage  (Move Quotes)
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