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I lived on couches for something like six months. I had no home. I was totally broke. I would stay at a friend’s house for two weeks, then move because I didn’t want to become this permanent mooch  (Move Quotes) Immigrants are people who leave one country, one society, and move to another society. But there has to be a recipient society to which the immigrants move  (Move Quotes) In opposition, you move to the centre. In government, you move the centre  (Move Quotes) We do recognise the need to move towards the publication of information showing the progress made by pupils from one stage of their education to another  (Move Quotes) When life takes me on a new journey, I simply remember the smile my first ballet recital put on my face and I move forward  (Move Quotes) When the soul looks out of its body, it should see only beauty in its path. These are the sights we must hold in mind, in order to move to a higher place  (Move Quotes) With two people and luggage on board she draws four inches of water. Two canoe paddles will move her along at a speed reasonable enough in moderate currents  (Move Quotes) Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction  (Move Quotes) Everything has combined to make my life in New York an amazing experience. I told my manager a few years ago that I wanted to move here and try acting in the theater  (Move Quotes) General Howard informed me, in a haughty spirit, that he would give my people 30 days to go back home, collect all their stock, and move onto the reservation  (Move Quotes) I can’t move back to England. My home is in France now. I’d love to but I can’t. My family’s all there now  (Move Quotes) I grew up being into sports and I wasn’t trained to move my body in the right way for dancing. I’m the last one to get any moves correct. In rehearsals it’s always, ‘OK, one more take for Zac.’  (Move Quotes) I keep my weight low, although you need to be able to move your weight around the race car to change the balance. I’m 6ft and I’m 70kg so I haven’t much fat on me  (Move Quotes) I shall begin my march for Camp tomorrow morning. It was not in my power to move until I could procure shoes for the troops almost barefoot  (Move Quotes) I think happiness comes from self-acceptance. We all try different things, and we find some comfortable sense of who we are. We look at our parents and learn and grow and move on. We change  (Move Quotes) I thought it might be a good move to get into a beauty contest so I tried for Miss Pennsylvania and won. I think that helped me get noticed, at least by the people of Pennsylvania  (Move Quotes) I was actually the one who decided to move to LA. Mom and I were driving on Sunset Boulevard during one of our trips back to see her family, and I said, ‘Can we just stay?’ So we did  (Move Quotes) If you join government, calmly make your contribution and move on. Don’t go along to get along; do your best and when you have to - and you will - leave, and be something else  (Move Quotes) If you want to move people, you look for a point of sensitivity, and in Egypt nothing moves people as much as religion  (Move Quotes) In sports, people reach their peak very early. You have to move on. I don’t know if I will ever surpass what I did at the Olympics, but I’m still doing the work I always wanted to do  (Move Quotes) In the best of all possible worlds, February 14 is a pleasant and sentimental opportunity to lavish your partner with attention or move your relationship to the next level  (Move Quotes) Is Israel going to continue to be ‘Fortress Israel’? Or, as we all hope, become accepted into the neighborhood, which I believe is the only way we can move forward in harmony  (Move Quotes) It was helpful to have the American troops there in great strength. They knew there’d be consequences if they didn’t move back. Now, there has been some removal of the foreign forces  (Move Quotes) My daughter is in love with Adele. She listens to her every day. To see someone with that much passion and soul move a 9-year-old is amazing and it’s magical  (Move Quotes) My mom loved to sing - and I’ll go on record and say she was the worst singer ever. I’d get up and move away from her!  (Move Quotes) Notwithstanding these setbacks, the dream of a beautiful American orchestra goes on, and I share Dr. King’s faith that each year we move inexorably closer to a magnificent opening night  (Move Quotes) Please be assured that as we move along through the implementation of health insurance reform, making sure that we find efficiencies within the existing system, is foremost on the President’s mind  (Move Quotes) Rock and roll music, if you like it, if you feel it, you can’t help but move to it. That’s what happens to me. I can’t help it.’  (Move Quotes) So I decided to move that scene in the doctor’s office to two - thirds into the movie, after the viewers had come to know Ryan and Ali and share in their happiness  (Move Quotes) The point in history at which we stand is full of promise and danger. The world will either move forward toward unity and widely shared prosperity - or it will move apart  (Move Quotes)
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